View Full Version : Is there absolutely no Keane could play the lone striker role?

29/06/2004, 4:59 PM
The best partner for Keane up front is Morrison and he really isn't international standard. At the same time, we're spoilt for choice in midfield. I know Keane isn't suited to playing the lone striker because he drifts out wide but surely he could change his style of play to suit the team. Larsson is the type of player that never sticks around the box but he has played up front on his own plenty of times. Larsson would probably be more suited the the role because he's a good header of the ball but what about Henry? He's certainly no better than Robbie at heading a ball and has also played the lone striker role regularly.



From watching Reid playing for Forest and Ireland I think his best position is behind the striker(s). Miller's best performances in the CL have actually come from the right of midfield. Keane and Holland/Kilbane/other in the middle should keep it solid.

OK, now comes the question, what would Robbie do without the supply of Morrison? Since Kerr took over Morrison has played 12, scored 2 (against Scotland and Australia) and 1 assist (to Holland against Romania). 5 of Keane's 6 goals under Kerr have been (really) close range (the other was against Holland). His assists have come from Carr, Carsley, Reid and Lee (only one of his goals have been assisted by his partner).

Therefore Keane's goal rate shouldn't be affected by changing his style to playing up front on his own as they have nearly all come from passes inside the box. Reid, Miller and Duff would all be supplying him with the balls. Having a player like Reid behind Keane would only raise his shots to goal ratio. If Keane ever decided to go wandering (which I doubt he would), surely one of the other 5 midfielders would be up in the box in case of a break.

Surely a bit of experimentation against Bulgaria won't do any harm.


29/06/2004, 5:37 PM
I actually defended Morrison against HOlland as i thought he put in a good honest effort and held the ball up and challend their defenders and gave them something to think about. However I think you idea has its merits. In fact from looking at Euro 2004 I have found that teams that are adaptable can do well and you must be tactically aware. To be fair to Kerr i think he is the type that will play Morrison in Keane in one game and would not be afraid to use your idea in another. However I do think he should try it against Bulgaria and see how it works out. The only thing is the press would have a field day and say Morrison is dropped etc.

29/06/2004, 5:56 PM
I think its better for the team if Morrison plays. He could to an extent do for us what Koller does for the Czechs. Neither of them are world beaters (particularly Morrison), but players like that give a different option that most teams need.

Another way to look at is that Keane is definately not cut out for the lone striker role. He likes to drift around the pitch and half the time we would be left with no one in the box.

29/06/2004, 7:25 PM
I think its better for the team if Morrison plays. He could to an extent do for us what Koller does for the Czechs. Neither of them are world beaters (particularly Morrison), but players like that give a different option that most teams need.

Another way to look at is that Keane is definately not cut out for the lone striker role. He likes to drift around the pitch and half the time we would be left with no one in the box.
Morrison is no Koeller. Koeller is in the Czech team because he scored a load of headers, I can't remember Morrison ever getting a decent header on target for Ireland (I could be wrong though). Alan Lee would be a better comparison to Koeller.

As I said in my post, Larsson and Henry (or even others like Ronaldo, Nuno Gomez, Pauleta) drift around the pitch just as much Keane but when they're asked to play the lone stiker they change their game (think of it as a new position which, essentially, it is). Roy played as a centre half when asked, Duff played as right winger when asked (and succesfully at Chelsea I might add), Robbie even played as a midfielder in numerous occasions for Leeds. A player will play in any position if they are asked, it can't do any harm to try it out in a friendly.

29/06/2004, 11:42 PM
Well Keane likes to drop deep and as he is not the most disciplined of players we would end up with nobody up front quite often. I don't think people should worry about Morrison's lack of goals recently, since when did ROI have a strike force who both scored? As long as Robbie keeps scoring we will be alright.

30/06/2004, 9:55 AM
Clinton couldn't hit a barn door at the moment but I still think he doesn't get the credit he deserves for developing his all round game. He works very hard now and has played well IMO in every recent game I've seen him play for Brum and Ireland. Also Robbie has struggled when paired with a small man for Ireland (it doesn't help that, that small man is Connolly). That said mixing it up could have it's benefits and Andy Reid does have goals in him if he was to play in a more advanced role. I don't believe Kerr will stick with just the one formation for qualifiers as different games require different tactics.

25/07/2004, 2:41 PM
Keane is playing up front on his own for Spurs ATM. Mark Yeates is playing just behind him and Stephen Kelly at RB.

Currently, 1-1, Keane with the goal. Hopefully Kerr's keeping an eye out and gives this a try against Bulgaria. Reid's best position is behind the striker(s) and he certainly has more of an impact than Clinton.

Closed Account 2
26/07/2004, 12:58 AM
I dunno to be honest, I think it could be a bit too unattacking... i'd go Alan Lee or Clinton

26/07/2004, 2:54 AM
Reid behind Keane is worth a try.

I saw Reid supply a great assist with his head (Quinn style),
probably better than anything Morrison could manage.
He also could hold the ball up I think.

He is also more than capable of scoring himself, with either foot.

If I was a defender (I was once, (not in the Premiership though :p )),
I would fear Reid more than Morrison I think.