View Full Version : Charleroi to Nijmegen by car

29/06/2004, 4:07 PM
AA Route Finder (http://www.aaireland.ie/routes/)

Total Distance: 151.4 miles
Total Time: 2 hr 19 min

30/06/2004, 9:07 AM
i heard tiktok taught schumacher everything he knows, ill say 38 mins :D

30/06/2004, 10:14 AM
I think it's only a Ford Focus. Probably have to settle for around the hour mark. What's the speed limit in Holland?

30/06/2004, 10:32 AM
Total Distance: 151.4 miles
Total Time: 2 hr 19 min

Average speed 65mph.

30/06/2004, 10:33 AM
wont the highways be 90 mph anyway?

30/06/2004, 10:36 AM
wont the highways be 90 mph anyway?

It's all Kmph over there ;)

30/06/2004, 10:39 AM
ah, so when they catch us doing 140miles per hour we can say we didnt know it was km

that'll be some ford focus biy. might bring over coloured strip lights daaaaaaaaycent! :cool: :D

30/06/2004, 10:56 AM
Ok, lets get this on an open forum.
There's been a lot of PM's going back and forth between people about cars to Nijmegen.
Basically Pete has booked a car.
I'm confirmed as a passenger because he booked it on the pretense that I'd share the cost. We have room for 3 but have had interest from more than 3.

So how many people are on the flight to Brussels on Saturday morning from Dublin at 06:30 and in need of a lift.
Tiktok had 3 for a car so if we had two cars we could add 5 more to the passenger list.
If not then Tiktok and co. will travel with Pete and I.

30/06/2004, 12:06 PM
Ok, lets get this on an open forum.
There's been a lot of PM's going back and forth between people about cars to Nijmegen.
Basically Pete has booked a car.
I'm confirmed as a passenger because he booked it on the pretense that I'd share the cost. We have room for 3 but have had interest from more than 3.

So how many people are on the flight to Brussels on Saturday morning from Dublin at 06:30 and in need of a lift.
Tiktok had 3 for a car so if we had two cars we could add 5 more to the passenger list.
If not then Tiktok and co. will travel with Pete and I.

Just saw this after, one pulled out, the other didn't get back to me, so if it's ok the five to the car


GavinZac is still hunting accomodation but the rest of us are booked into the bastion so it'll probably work out well.

Myself and Liam are on the 9.30 flight from Brussels on the Monday, any chance we can arrange to be at the airport at 8.15, I know it's early for the rest of you :o

30/06/2004, 1:12 PM
any chance we can arrange to be at the airport at 8.15, I know it's early for the rest of you :o

Don't suppose that's a problem.
We can work something out on Sunday.

30/06/2004, 1:53 PM
peadar is putting me up i think! :)

30/06/2004, 2:18 PM
peadar is putting me up i think! :)

Waiting on a response from the hotel about swapping my double bed for 2 single beds. If they don't get back to me you'll be sleeping in the bath :D

30/06/2004, 2:20 PM
Waiting on a response from the hotel about swapping my double bed for 2 single beds. If they don't get back to me you'll be sleeping in the bath :D

better than the car i suppose, no problem :D

30/06/2004, 9:13 PM
A mate of mine went to that Nijegennnnnn??? whatever kip a few years ago to see a mate in Uni there he did it on da cheap he flew to chaerloi with ryanair for 90 euro then got a train to a place called Roosendaal over the dutch border for 30 return then he got another train to Nijegennnnnn??? for anothe 30 return all for the low low price of 150 plus a B+B would only be around 30 a night, could turn out to be a cheap trip *******s :cool: