View Full Version : NEC home game on sunday?

28/06/2004, 2:21 PM
Just heard Cork v Tipp in hurling qualifier will be on in Killarney(!) on Saturday week at 4.15PM

If thats right it would make sense for the club to fix the NEC game for Sunday afternoon now.

28/06/2004, 3:20 PM
Hopefully the games won't clash as it would have a big effect on the crowd at the Cross. I'd say City will try for the Friday night 9th but afaik Inter Toto games must be played on the Saturday/Sunday so it looks like Sunday afternoon would be the best bet !

28/06/2004, 3:44 PM
X Rebel
Have to disagree with ya there. The guys who go to Killarney wont be back in time for the game at the Cross and they'll be a lot of guys watch the hurling game on tv who'll stay in the pub to watch the Galway/Kilkenny hurling game.
Anyway I'm sure sense will prevail and the Inter Toto game will be on Sunday. I'm assuming that a Friday night game is a non-starter?

28/06/2004, 3:44 PM
Yes the games clash....I don't know what the club will do. Hate having to change games for other codes but I think we would get a big crowd on a Sunday evening at around 7pm....

Hurling game on Saturday 10th June at 4.15 in Killarney. :mad:

Sunday would suit me to be honest, :o the Saturday line-up in Oxegen is class, only interested in Bowie on the Sunday and he's been cancelling dates left right and centre seeing as he's in hospital now.

Fitting Saturday at Oxegen and Sunday in Cork is just about ideal

28/06/2004, 3:47 PM
X Rebel,

Apologies. I misread your post. Brain not fully engaged and read your Sunday at 7pm as Saturday at 7pm.
Sorry :o

28/06/2004, 5:27 PM
Maybe City should really push for the game to be on the Friday, as IMO, Sunday would kill any crowd.

Either that, or just go ahead with 7pm on Saturday. Id imagine there would still be 6000+ regardless of the Hurling.

28/06/2004, 5:52 PM
I hope they can decide quickly so that I might get off work!
With Oxegen on, it ain't a good weekend to be asking.

28/06/2004, 6:00 PM
To be fair Xtreme, I dont think anyone really expected a great crowd for the Malmo home tie.

If this game wasnt clashing with anything (Oxegen/hurling) it would be a dead cert for 7000+.

Anyway, we all know how alot of GAA fans are very bandwagon. The more I think of it, the more I reckon the clash wont affect the attendance that much. Had it clashed with the Munster final or a All Ireland semi, then the crowd would have dwindled.

28/06/2004, 6:09 PM
Hopefully the two wins will get some of the barstoolers off their arse and into the Cross.
I'd be disappointed if there wasn't at least a bigger crowd at the home game.

28/06/2004, 7:30 PM
Anyway, we all know how alot of GAA fans are very bandwagon. The more I think of it, the more I reckon the clash wont affect the attendance that much. Had it clashed with the Munster final or a All Ireland semi, then the crowd would have dwindled.

Bandwagon supporters or not I think a Cork v Tipp hurling match in the championship is definately gonna draw a big crowd, even if it is only the back door, but inevitably it'll effect the crowd at the X

Counting Crow
28/06/2004, 7:56 PM
THe one good thing from a soccer perspective ( and the Cork soccer public in general ) is that there will be absolutely no other soccer to distract people form our game - i.e. Euro 2004 will be over and Sky will be showing nothing but golf and cricket.......... :rolleyes:

Surely all the barstoolers will get off their arses and come out for this one.

28/06/2004, 8:27 PM
Surely all the barstoolers will get off their arses and come out for this one.
Unfortuneately the 20 and 10 euro tickets will ensure that won't happen. I really think the club are wrong in doubling the prices for Euro games. 15 and 5 maybe...

28/06/2004, 8:32 PM
....Not to mention the fact that barstoolers is a psuedonym for a bandwagon jumper as well.

Re Pricing: IMO, have it €16 and €8

29/06/2004, 12:49 PM
It would be great PR to reduce the prices for the NEC game. Say €15.

If the prices for the Malmo game were up because of the work done to the ground, hopefully thats all paid for now so they should be able to charge more reasonable prices.

I think the club should try to avoid clashing with the hurling. A lot of people(like me) are interested in both matches.

Shame the game can't be on Friday.

29/06/2004, 3:08 PM
I was just nto the club there and they said that the home leg is fixed for Sunday the 11th July at 3.30pm!!!

29/06/2004, 3:10 PM
I was just nto the club there and they said that the home leg is fixed for Sunday the 11th July at 3.30pm!!!

**** it
you having a Marie or are you serious.. feckity feic
was banking on a saturday game

29/06/2004, 3:13 PM
just like the good old days.....................better than saturday IMO

29/06/2004, 3:18 PM
Happy enough with that,
Day trip down to Cork after saturday nigth at oxegen :eek:

29/06/2004, 3:21 PM
Happy enough with that,
Day trip down to Cork after saturday nigth at oxegen :eek:

bah.. me left with no way down to cork now after day at witnnesssss

any chance of buming a lift mr tittok :)

29/06/2004, 3:24 PM
any chance of buming a lift mr tittok :)

there might well be Mr.James, we'll discuss it in Nijmegen :D

29/06/2004, 4:43 PM
tickets are €20 on the day for adults and €10 for under18s. If bought in advance, ie before matchday, then they're €16 and €8, respectively.

29/06/2004, 7:09 PM
tickets are €20 on the day for adults and €10 for under18s. If bought in advance, ie before matchday, then they're €16 and €8, respectively.

jesus christ, lesson obviously not learned from the Malmo game :mad: :rolleyes:

A face
29/06/2004, 7:29 PM
lesson obviously not learned

How much are European Rugger games does anyone know ??

29/06/2004, 7:32 PM
jesus christ, lesson obviously not learned from the Malmo game :mad: :rolleyes:

I have to disagree. People would have probably been apathetic towards the Malmo 1st leg tie anyway.

However, now with the famous 4-1 two legged win, and the hype around the City, combined with a good result against NEC in the 1st leg, will probably guarantee a good crowd. Just a feckin pity it has to be a Sunday. Must book that monday off work. Could be a looong day!

30/06/2004, 9:36 AM
How much are European Rugger games does anyone know ??

Last I heard was €15 for terrace in Musgrace Park for Celtic League game! Probably more for ERc stuff.

Club shoulkd be advertising the tickets at €16 & stop mentioning the €20 on the day stuff cos thas all people remember. A second leg likely to get bigger crowd cos its the end of the cup tie as such?

30/06/2004, 11:48 AM
Great to see game on the Sunday ... like a few others I'll be making trip down on the Sunday after Oxegen on the Sat. On the ticket prices I think the club are right to keep ticket prices at €16 - it's a European game afterall and the cost of competing ie 2 away trips must be fairly substantial and I think they are entitled to look to make some serious cash on the gate - I only hope people will come out in greater numbers this time and be part of what is fast becoming something very special.

30/06/2004, 12:00 PM
NEC website says game is on Sunday 11th, 3.30pm local (Cork) time.

30/06/2004, 12:34 PM
Are tickets for sale anywhere else besides the club?

30/06/2004, 12:41 PM
Are tickets for sale anywhere else besides the club?

usual outlets around the city i'd say, lennox's launderette etc etc

30/06/2004, 12:52 PM
tickets are €20 on the day for adults and €10 for under18s. If bought in advance, ie before matchday, then they're €16 and €8, respectively.

looks like and empty st.annes end again for this game