View Full Version : Coming from Canada to watch football in London

Colbert Report
13/07/2011, 12:34 AM
A friend of mine sent me this email, he's flying to London from Edmonton, Canada for a few matches. Any help or advice about where to get tickets would be much appreciated.

hey man, so im thinking of going to london between aug 14-30. i looked up all the games with in that date for the london clubs.
wens aug 17-millwall
sat aug 20- chelsea
sun- westham leeds
sat aug 27-chelsea
sun aug 28- tott vrs city
thers also arsneal home game for the playoff cl in there somehwere.
the question i got is what tickets should i get in advance and which ones shouldnt be hard to pick up at(around) the stadium.
im thinking of getting the 2 chels games and tott ones in advance to garentee spots.
know anyone with good info on getting tickets ?

13/07/2011, 1:18 AM
Pfft. Barstooler.

13/07/2011, 6:26 AM
Anyway on a more serious note. There's a wealth of teams in London so he wouldn't have much problem getting to something or does he only want to see premier league teams.

A Wimbledon game as they embark on their first season of League football not to mention West Ham being relegated to the Championship would be other good options.

And then there's Leyton, Palace and not to mention Millwall.

Edit: Just re read the post... sorry. All of the Championship teams would be okay for a walk up. Never had a problem with getting tickets for West Ham in the day. Premier League jockeys would most likely need to be bought before hand.