View Full Version : What a disappointing crowd

20/06/2004, 12:48 AM
I was very disappointed with the size of the crowd tonight. 4000 no more. Absolutely no coverage up to the match was a huge factor in my opinion. This morning "The Irish Times" had no preview of the match. The examiner had a small piece. The Echo had practically nothing. Was the €20 a ticket a factor? It shouldn't have been.

It just goes to prove my theory that the general public are ******s!

I really hate the general public.

20/06/2004, 12:53 AM

what the club have to do

20/06/2004, 12:57 AM
We have had a bigger crowd for league games this season, but i saw no posters advertising the match, no dolan ads on the radio, pretty much **** all in the echo, or on 96fm and red fm. A bit of promotion would have brought a lot more people to the game.

20/06/2004, 1:15 AM
I was very dissappointed by the crowd tonight. I brought a friend along without a ticket and we were worried before the game that he wouldn't get a ticket, but there was no bother. Another friend of mine said afterwards that he didn't go cos he thought there would be no tickets. Are we guilty of hyping the game too much and frightening off the punter who would normaly buy a ticket on the night??

20/06/2004, 1:19 AM
if they had charged the normal price,they could have had a full house

20/06/2004, 1:41 AM
if they had charged the normal price,they could have had a full house

I don't think the price came into it. From my friends that didn't go anyways, they were more concerned about going there and being turned away, I don't think thats ever going to be a problem at the Cross. SOOOOOO dissappointing.

BTW how quiet were the Malmo fans??? Shall we sing a song for you? Shall we sing a song for you?

20/06/2004, 1:56 AM
I thought that i wouldn't be able to go yesterday. I sent my brother all over town to the designated outlets..who all said they were sold out.
He presumed the club shop would be the same. Luckily i persisted. :D
I met a few people at the match who had gone up last minute, expecting to be turned away.
Very strange. :confused:
Better promotion needed IMO.
The local stations can surely be roped into giving ticket status in sports bulletins.
And the different outlets round town should be able to give an alternative if they are sold out.
Also going home Today FM said shag all about our monumental triumph. ******s. :mad:

20/06/2004, 9:36 AM
We can get over 6,000 for f*cking $h£l$.... :rolleyes:
Poor turnout last night, but what a game.
I reckon there will be a bigger crowd for Tuesday night.

20/06/2004, 11:34 AM
if they had charged the normal price,they could have had a full house

I think so too. I think 16 was fair enough but 20 on the gate was just a bit too much. I know a handful of people who were gonna go until they heard the price.

you're not going to attract the casual fan with those prices.

20/06/2004, 11:51 AM
I take great offence to that while we may not have run ads, we gave it comprehensive coverage on saturdays bulletins and ran stories on it all week.

Also we provided ticket information.

also we had a 20 minute preview on the bench.

I do agree though that the national media was poor in it's coverage,(although to be fair the Echo and corkcityfootie.com we're good, the latter being excellent) if it was Bohs or Shels we would have had wall to wall from every side.

20/06/2004, 1:08 PM
Lads I dont think the ticket prices made a lot of difference. If it was cheaper it would have added 200/300 more at most. Lots of guys just look for an excuse not to go ticket prices, euro2004 game, big brother anything !
But it was their loss last night. They won't have felt the buzz or the pride we felt in the team and in the club. Money can't buy that feeling ! And you can't get it sitting on your h*le in the pub !
Full credit to the lads at 451 for distributing the flags. It really added to the atmosphere. The shed was magic all night. Was "yere even worse than Ramblers" ever sung with such vigour ?
As for the team its hard to pick out a man of the match. We had heroes all over the field. We really showed last night that when we get the ball down and play through the midfield that we can compete with anyone. Twas a pity about the late goal but I feel we can still get a result out there. Roll on the Dutch !

20/06/2004, 2:37 PM
Lots of guys just look for an excuse not to go ticket prices, euro2004 game, big brother anything !

Exactly Yiddo. Some people are just so begruding to City, it defies belief. What annoys me even more is that while i'm stuck listening to the game via a p1ss-poor radio connection on the internet, they're nextdoor to the X, but watching Euro 2004. I'd have happily paid €100 to be there last night.
The anger is immense! :o

We don't want people like that anyway, but their money would be handy.

20/06/2004, 2:54 PM
But it was their loss last night. They won't have felt the buzz or the pride we felt in the team and in the club. Money can't buy that feeling ! And you can't get it sitting on your h*le in the pub !

I feel sorry for the people that didn't go. And I feel sorry for Bar Stoolers. Where else would you get that feeling of pride for your team, the passion and the glory of beating a big team like Malmo. Did Manyoo fans get that feeling when they beat Millwall in the cup?? Did Arse fans get that when they won the premiership?? I don't think so.

I just feel sorry for them. You don't know what you're missing.

20/06/2004, 9:17 PM
as we are on about crowds, disgusted to see some people leave early.

one of the greatest nights in our history and people are rushing out the gates 5 mins earlier

would it have taken much out of them to stay an extra few minutes and give our heroes a standing ovation for their display

20/06/2004, 9:22 PM
as we are on about crowds, disgusted to see some people leave early.

one of the greatest nights in our history and people are rushing out the gates 5 mins earlier

Hhhmmmm, I actually pointed out to someone yesterday evening that I was surprised to see no one leaving with 3-4-5 mins left. I reckon very very few left early.

Anyway, if they did, their loss eh!?

21/06/2004, 12:28 AM
I take the point from Oisin about the coverage on Red FM, but, the national coverage of an irish team competing in Europe against a big team like MAlmo was almost non existent. The match never caught the public imagination. Thats what has to be the aim!

21/06/2004, 12:30 AM
Tomorrow on Des Cahill's programme "Sportscall", hopefully, somebody will ring up to bring it to the attention of the national airwaves.

21/06/2004, 12:59 AM
as we are on about crowds, disgusted to see some people leave early.

one of the greatest nights in our history and people are rushing out the gates 5 mins earlier

would it have taken much out of them to stay an extra few minutes and give our heroes a standing ovation for their display

I noticed that aswell, there were a lot of people leaving at the St. Annes end with about 5/10 mins left. However by that stage I was so happy I couldnt care what the idiots were doing.

As for the overall crowd, it wasn't too bad. There was at least 4500 I'd say and the atmosphere was fantastic. Also, the club makes a lot more money from 4500 people paying 20 quid than 7000 people paying 10 quid.

A face
21/06/2004, 1:25 AM
Lads, there were alot more people there towards the end of the game (as opposed to the first half) then could have been to do with prepaying for tickets. But to be honest it should be a lesson learnt to any one that didn't go.

21/06/2004, 8:19 AM
Tomorrow on Des Cahill's programme "Sportscall", hopefully, somebody will ring up to bring it to the attention of the national airwaves.

Suprisingly enough Big Fat Des didn't bother mentioning the result during his round up of the weekend's sport at 8.30 on Morning Ireland. :mad:

parnell ranger
21/06/2004, 8:37 AM
great result-right up there with the best