View Full Version : Online data storage - any suggestions?

Eminence Grise
04/05/2011, 12:46 PM
Does anybody know any good, reliable online data storage sites, either free or for a modest charge?

I’m finishing off a PhD, and have about 1.5gb in 2000 files that I want to back up somewhere very, very safe. I have the usual external hard drive and memory sticks but I’d really rather have all the data somewhere away from home as well. The college network isn’t really suitable as I very rarely go into college – all my work is in archives or from home.

Google throws up a hell of a lot of sites, but reliability and security are important. Any suggestions or recommendations?

04/05/2011, 1:22 PM
I use Dropbox (https://www.dropbox.com/). It was recommended by a couple of my college lecturers but I don't use it much and haven't used any others for a comparison. It does seem secure and reliable from my experience.
You might want to get a more informed opinon tho

04/05/2011, 1:23 PM
I highly recommend dropbox

Think you get about 2gb free. Can work on stuff in several different PCs (etc) and will sync with latest edit. Can work as a downloaded programme for quickly adding files (etc) or via browser

Can also view files on apps on most smartphones (I assume, they defintiely have an iphone app)

04/05/2011, 2:39 PM
Depends on your definition of "safe". If you mean "safe from loss", then Dropbox is probably fine; if you mean "safe from intrusion", then Dropbox is not good.

I use Dropbox myself at the moment, but I'm likely to move away soon as their security philosophy is rank. Sugarsync is the other main player in the field.

Eminence Grise
04/05/2011, 10:28 PM
Many thanks for the advice. I'll check out both of those sites.