View Full Version : bohs rescheduled league cup match

11/06/2004, 10:13 AM
whilst checking teletext for soccer news last night i noticed bohs league cup match was reschedueled from the 15th jun to the 28th jun , seemed a bit strange to me and it gave no reason why. i then wondered why city's leage cup match wasn't changed since they had an inter-toto match coming up , and yet city will have to play bohs three days after a european match having probably arrived home on sunday or monday. is there a usual bias towards dublin clubs or is the city management (chairman , secretary) a bit naive in all this and didn't try to postpone it??? , what do ye think??????

11/06/2004, 10:19 AM
is there a usual bias towards dublin clubs

dont think so :eek:

11/06/2004, 10:30 AM
dont think so :eek:

meant to say "is that the usual bias , seemed very strange and underhanded for the match to be rescehudeled"

11/06/2004, 10:47 AM
Thought boh v ucd league cup re-arrnagement was strange too considering it caused a UCD leaguer match to be postponed which in turn was given 2 possible re-arranged dates. Seems like a good way of keeping attendances down.


I was also surprised City arranged a big league game at home to Bohs 2 days after playing in Sweden. Maybe City are keen not to have backlog of games like clubs have had in previous seasons?

11/06/2004, 1:25 PM
It's because Bohs are awkward ba$tards. They wanted to re-arrange it for the Tuesday but we had a fund-raising event on, which is why we agreed the Monday as the date in the first place but Bohs decided they wanted it moved afterwards for some reason.

11/06/2004, 1:53 PM
AFAIK, Drogs 18th June and Bohs 25th June have both been rescheduled.
So if we are playing Bohs mid week then that is the rescheduled league game that the club agreed to.
The league cup game against Limerick is due to be played mid week next week. I would imagine the club would have looked for a postponement if they wanted one.
Hold back on the Dub bias talk until you know the City's request for a postponement was refused/discussed!