View Full Version : Display Of Colour

10/06/2004, 11:02 AM

Cork City v Malmo
Turners Cross
Saturday 19th June 2004
Kick Off: 7pm

On Saturday the 19th June Cork City will host Swedish side Malmo in the first leg of the Intertoto Cup 1st round match. To mark the occasion we are planning on putting on a continental style Display of Colour in The Shed to welcome the teams onto the pitch.

A ****** Load of FLAGS
We have ordered 1000 small flags in the club colours of green, white and red. These flags will be handed out, free of charge, to fans entering The Shed before the match. Those nearest the Derrynane stand will be given green flags, people in the middle of the Shed will be given white flags and red flags will be given to those standing nearest the entrance stiles side of the Shed.

It is hoped to have some sort of tape running from the rear of the Shed to the front of the Shed, which will indicate each section. When the teams enter the pitch everyone will wave their flags to create the display. This will have a great visual effect and along with the big flags, drums and singing will really encourage the team to perform to the levels that we all know they are capable off.

To make this work:

* We ask that you get into the ground in plenty of time so as we can give you your flag and you have time to take up position.

* We want to have it clearly green, white and red so are asking that for the display that you stick to the area of the colour flag you are given.

* When the teams enter the pitch - wave your flag!

Nice one,

Anyone interested in helping out (WE REALLY NEED AS MANY AS POSSIBLE INVOLVED TO MAKE IT WORK) please give one of the lads a shout, see ye at the game tomorrow night, or send us an email.

10/06/2004, 12:40 PM
fair play lads, thats a great idea
if ye need a hand giving out flags then i dont mind helping out

thats gona look great on tv :)

10/06/2004, 12:47 PM
Great idea lads, fair play to ye.

10/06/2004, 1:41 PM
We have ordered 1000 small flags in the club colours of green, white and red.

Excellent idea. Will also be great for the kids during the match & for future matches.

10/06/2004, 4:56 PM
Will also be great for the kids during the match & for future matches.

Yeah, obviously kids and so on will want to hold on to them and that's fair enough. However, a lot of people will probably throw them away when they get home so it might be an idea for people to hand them back afterwards if they don't want them.... even if we got a few hundered back they could be used for a future display.

Lads, we've got to make this work. Everyone needs to help out. It will look fantastic if done properly.

10/06/2004, 5:27 PM
However, a lot of people will probably throw them away when they get home so it might be an idea for people to hand them back afterwards if they don't want them.... even if we got a few hundered back they could be used for a future display.

Maybe get one of those industrial drums (usually blue) or a rubbish bin that people could drop them into on way out. Maybe the "matchday mag" would put a few lines in...

11/06/2004, 8:07 AM
Just a question but did ye think about giving everyone in the Shed a green/red/white A4 type page to hold up? Like they do at foreign games? Ye deserve alot of credit lads for what ye do and the atmosphere ye create at home and away games.

People tend to rip it up and throw it in the air!

We'll try it again some time alright.

11/06/2004, 9:35 AM
Fair play to all involved. Top class.

Just a question but did ye think about giving everyone in the Shed a green/red/white A4 type page to hold up? Like they do at foreign games?.

IMO they only work for seated sections & usually need bigger sheet than A4. I also think they starting to look lame for the internationals.

11/06/2004, 10:36 AM
maybe people should come colour coded (shirts i mean here) to make it satand out even more. the last thing you want is all theese dull greys and black taking away from the colours of the flags! :)

11/06/2004, 11:06 AM
Wat about giving a few flags to the Derrynane Rd stand dwellers?

C/O D.Rd Stand

11/06/2004, 11:22 AM
the display is for the shed end..I'd say spreading out the flags will only take away from the wanted effect...to do it for the rest of the ground a few hefty contributions to 451 would be needed I'd say... :)

everyone should come with colours that day....flags, scarves, jerseys, hats whatever people can get their hands on...real make the ground a sea of green white and red......

11/06/2004, 11:43 AM
fantastic idea,for the last few matches myself and my mate have tried to introduce our own little bit of flair with inflatable :ball: and bananas!i was in pound city today and the have hammers and hands etc. well get some as they are only €2 a pop it'd great for others to get in on the act.id like to say right also that richie's italy flag is fúckin class!! :D

11/06/2004, 2:13 PM
lads am goin up to the malmo game supportin fellow munster team city . have a 40/20 feet tri colour . should i bring it to the game . its huge. where in the ground could i put it.

11/06/2004, 2:38 PM
Cheers for your support.

I'd say there'll be nowhere to put your flag on display as I reckon there won't be too many free seats that night and with the Big Flags etc it'll hardly get space.

What you could do if you and any of your mates come up is try wear something green, white, or red, ie. Ireland jersey or something to add to the display of colour

11/06/2004, 2:46 PM
u could put the flag at the far end next to the seats on the ground

11/06/2004, 3:09 PM
lads am goin up to the malmo game supportin fellow munster team city . have a 40/20 feet tri colour . should i bring it to the game . its huge. where in the ground could i put it.

I'd say you'll always find a wall to hang it off either side of the Derrynane side although may not be in clearest view.

11/06/2004, 3:11 PM
chaps will the "beautiful" be closed ya?us chanters revert to the st.annes?

11/06/2004, 3:25 PM
chaps will the "beautiful" be closed ya?us chanters revert to the st.annes?

NO ...shed will be open...........

11/06/2004, 6:16 PM
fantastic idea,for the last few matches myself and my mate have tried to introduce our own little bit of flair with inflatable :ball: and bananas!

Some lánger on Citynet thought ye were doing it cos yer were racists! :rolleyes:

He got shouted down and abused heavily, so sense prevailed. Some people are no fun at all. Fair play to all the lads involved-it's gonna be special...

A face
12/06/2004, 1:36 AM
it's gonna be special...

If people are prepared to get involved for one game :)

13/06/2004, 6:05 PM
Some lánger on Citynet thought ye were doing it cos yer were racists! :rolleyes:
what else do u expect on citynet! well it only costs a couple of euro and we all have a good laugh before the match or at half time etc. all of course until sum díck of a knacker waaah puts a hole in our *ahem*... balls!

come on lads if u dont have a jersey(shame on u) get some green tees on!!

:ball: :ball: :ball:

13/06/2004, 6:16 PM
i just read that stuff on city net with yer man callin me and alan a racist!anyone who wants a proper spillanio styled augh off a true plonker and a half..... here (http://www.eirways.com/citynet/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2924) :D :ball:

14/06/2004, 11:33 AM
thats gona look great on tv :)

Wondering who'll have highlights and all that?
Great idea btw. Gutted I have to work.

14/06/2004, 4:35 PM
Meeting in the Cross about 6 on Saturday... please make an effort to get there anyone who can. It's going to take a lot of people to make this work.

14/06/2004, 4:54 PM
Wondering who'll have highlights and all that?

Hmmm.... i'd be surprised if any tv highlights at all. Admittadly its only the toto cup but should still be a good sight with capacity or close to capapcity crowd...

14/06/2004, 5:28 PM
The more of these (http://fourfiveone.net/malmodisplay.doc) we get circulating on Saturday the better. If anyone can print them off and hand around the pubs/wherever before the game it would be appreciated.

It's only going to work if the Shed is full at 6.40/6.45.

19/06/2004, 10:32 PM
Picture of it Here (http://www.eirways.com/citynet/gallery/20040619_malmo/12_G)

19/06/2004, 11:01 PM
Well done to all concerned. Really added to the occasion. :cool:

20/06/2004, 1:04 AM
i was in the shed with my flag but wish i could have seen the display from elsewhere. must admit i left it on the ground for the second half so i could clap and sing, hope ye got most of them back. the pics look realy good.

20/06/2004, 1:24 AM
had a great effect...................well done to all involved

20/06/2004, 2:22 PM
Few people I spoke to who were in other parts of the ground said it looked well. Thankfully it worked!!!!

Great atmosphere in total last night

21/06/2004, 12:18 AM
I thought it went very well. People were up 4 it unlike at the ireland matches. It was a bit hairy coming up to kick off when the shed was looking empty but it filled up quick enough to make sure the display was a success. Hopefully the same flage can be used 4 the next European match.(hopefully vs that dutch side)

21/06/2004, 11:27 AM
Well good for all the effort arranging & putting the flags together. Hopefully enough of them survived to last another day.

21/06/2004, 10:00 PM
Thanks to all who helped hand out the flags before the game. Appreciate the effort.


22/06/2004, 7:36 AM
I was in the stand and yer display was excellent. Well done to one and all! Ye added to a wonderful night!

22/06/2004, 10:33 AM
There was a nice picture of the display on the front page of yesterdays Echo sports supplement....

22/06/2004, 10:54 AM
Wasn't there but heard from ppl at the game that it looked great.

22/06/2004, 2:09 PM
looks great (http://corkcityfootie.com/images/451display.jpg) doesn't it.............