View Full Version : $h£l$: Could last night be the turning point?

09/06/2004, 6:21 PM
Lads, I have said on many threads that the sh*tty, rotten club have a team that actually isn't very good. They play thug football, intimidate the refs, and the fulltime fitness of the squad counts for a lot. They do have a lot of mental strength though, and I think that that is where they have beaten us for the last few years.
Last night, I reckon Dan Murray especially and a few other players would have gone into that game with a mental hangup from the last few games against them. Those players would have been nervous, and a bit intimidated by the fact that it was $h£l$.
It is interesting to see that Danny Murphy was the man of the match.
He would have no mental hangups about them, just a desire to pay them back for the last game.
I believe the main lesson from last nights game is that we are better than $h£l$, that when we play passing football that we are better, and can beat, anybody, and that the next step up for our players is a psychological one.
Can Dolan get that lesson instilled into our squad?
At times, we saw how well we can play last Friday and again last night.
We have the talent, the players and the ability, we just need the belief.
For me the big question for City now is
Will our squad see, and believe, that in actual fact, City are a far superior team to $h£l$ and could dominate this league if we have the mental strength and will power to do so?

Have we beaten the mental hangup?

09/06/2004, 6:30 PM
Can't disagree with any of that Patsh.

I think Dolan has to let go of his hang-ups about Shels before he can inspire the players, if you instill the belief that you're always the underdog it can work against you in the long run.

He needs to concentrate on letting the players know How we can beat Shels rather than Why we should beat them.

09/06/2004, 7:20 PM
He needs to concentrate on letting the players know How we can beat Shels rather than Why we should beat them.

Because we're a bigger club and a better team. Simple as that.

Great post Patsh, I agree with everything you said there.

I'm going to make a very bold statement now and it may seem outrageous but think carefully before you dismiss it. Shels are an average team and if oursleves and Bohs play to our full potential we are far better than them. If ourselves and Bohs continue our good form and Shels make a few slip ups (which I think they will) I think it's possible that Shels will finish 3rd. I'm not saying we'll win the league just that it could yet be ourselves and Bohs for the top 2 places.

The Sheliban
09/06/2004, 8:45 PM
Lads, before you get carried away with yourselves, you're not really judging like with like. You are saying that Cork are capable of playing a great passing game, whilst Shels game is based on thuggery. Even allowing the latter point to pass, Cork are quite capable of playing total crap too. Just as Shels are. Shels, however, are quite capable of playing a great passing game too, when it suits us. Some of our football this season has been breathtaking. Some of it has been poor.
Cork was always a hard game for us, and the pretty football often went out of the window. You haven't beaten us in the last 7 games at least, but I don't think you ever lied down and died.
However, I agree, we can easily be caught, and the evidence suggests that the title will be between Shels, Cork and Bohs, I wouldn't like to predict the order.

09/06/2004, 9:38 PM
in a normal country the game between city and shels would have been on tv live last night.

A face
09/06/2004, 10:49 PM
While i'd agree with patsh and Colm, i'd keep my powder dry and not say anything for a good couple of games. Quitely confident .... i didn't see the game V Shels but i think we all know the City haven't hit top gear (or even the one below that some would say) yet this season and our performance can only get better. But lads ..... i still wouldn't be saying.

10/06/2004, 5:49 AM
Lads, before you get carried away with yourselves, you're not really judging like with like. You are saying that Cork are capable of playing a great passing game, whilst Shels game is based on thuggery. Even allowing the latter point to pass, Cork are quite capable of playing total crap too.
Thats not really my point. I believe whats holding City back now is the mental strength that $h£l$ seem to have plenty of.

10/06/2004, 9:35 AM
in a normal country the game between city and shels would have been on tv live last night.

Would have been embarishing to see 1000 on live tv at top of table clash though.

10/06/2004, 9:44 AM
Would have been embarishing to see 1000 on live tv at top of table clash though.
If games like that were regularly broadcast there would be more at it.... Don't think we need this chicken or egg debate again though, do we?

10/06/2004, 12:17 PM
I definitely think that the league is there to be won this season.

Shels are ordinary but well organised and Bohs are inconsistent.

If City can put a run of WINS together and put pressure on the other sides you never know. We have weaknesses but so do all the other teams.

FFS 11 years is far too long!

10/06/2004, 12:24 PM
FFS 11 years is far too long!

Here here. I know managers have to play down there chances to cover their own @ss and not to get the fans over optimistic. But for FFS, we might not have a better chance. Lets just go and do it, and get over this 'mental block'. We can win!! Remember Houllier had a 3 year plan. :rolleyes:
I don't want to put pressure on Dolan but maybe he should come out and say that we want to win the League. It might inspire the players

10/06/2004, 12:51 PM
didnt houllier have a 5 year plan and was there 6 years :confused:

He probably changed it to a 5 year plan when the 3 year plan expired :rolleyes:

Anyways, my point is that we should be going for it this season. We have a fantastic team that can challenge.

10/06/2004, 1:44 PM
I wouldn't start get excited about a league title yet but we definitely playing much more consistently as a team.

We have proven now with O'Flynn, Doyler, Fenn & George had we will score goals, we just need to be a bit tighter at the back at crucial times. With new players on the way & other retunring from injury we may have as strong a squad as there is. IMO Shel$ & Bohs have quality squads but one or two key injuries would affect them a lot more than us.