View Full Version : Idea for the programme

02/06/2004, 11:55 AM
Could be a good idea for our programme.
An in depth interview with Jari Kinnunen, our video analyst.

Did u know that as well as working in the chipper and painting the barriers in the Shed and being our video analyst.
Jari also plays and coaches for the Cork Admirals American Football Team.

A man of many talents.

A face
02/06/2004, 11:59 AM
A man of many talents.

Sounds like you're having a cut off him .... did he do something to upset ya ?? :D

02/06/2004, 12:07 PM
Sounds like you're having a cut off him .... did he do something to upset ya ?? :D

No, not at all, there was no sarcasm meant in the first post.
Just think an interview with him would be an interesting read.

A face
02/06/2004, 12:11 PM
No, not at all, there was no sarcasm meant in the first post.
Just think an interview with him would be an interesting read.

Tongue .... cheek .... :)

02/06/2004, 1:44 PM
He was in the US marines too for a few years before coming to Ireland

02/06/2004, 1:54 PM
He was in the US marines too for a few years before coming to Ireland

maybe that's where he developed a love of video

( :eek: smacks own hand in punishment)

02/06/2004, 4:10 PM
Jari also plays and coaches for the Cork Admirals American Football Team.

he was playing american football for ireland at the weekend!

04/06/2004, 10:05 AM
"Shaving Private Ryan" :D

I think that was "Shaving Ryan's privates" ;) :D

04/06/2004, 12:40 PM
I think that was "Shaving Ryan's privates" ;) :D

not forgetting 'Lord of the ring'

20/06/2004, 4:34 PM
just read the programme

great interview

is there anything that the man cant do

starring alongside leo in titanic :eek:

21/06/2004, 10:47 AM
Brilliant Jari Interview - sounds like a real character. Interview deserves wider audience & worthy of reproduction in National media. If the eL PR ws any good would be arranging something like that for the publicity.

21/06/2004, 10:58 AM
thought it was a great article as well.......interesting old life he's lead so far...

21/06/2004, 11:53 AM
We hope to have more interviews as the season progresses.
Alan Bennett is next up with a Big Interview in the Bohemians programme tomorrow night. Also, Niamh O'Mahoney caught up with Noel Mooney after the recent Bohs V Rovers match.

Fair play tothe Examiner too, for featuring Saturdays cover in their match report today.

21/06/2004, 12:01 PM
Great read, What cant that guy do.....? :confused:

21/06/2004, 5:30 PM
Lads, which scene exactly is Jari in, and how far into the film is that?(I haven't read the programme) I ask, cos i'll watch it and find him after my exams finish-all the time in the world! :)

21/06/2004, 6:01 PM
Lads, which scene exactly is Jari in, and how far into the film is that?(I haven't read the programme) I ask, cos i'll watch it and find him after my exams finish-all the time in the world! :)

you know the way leo di caprio wins his tickets??well when he goes into the bedroom and theres a fella in there and ure man asks (in what im now presumin is finnish) "where's sven?" well thats jari