View Full Version : scumrock rovers

Enda M
30/05/2004, 5:13 PM
how about gettin a petition together about getting that scum element of rovers kicked out of the league.their behaviour not for the first time at flancare park last night was a disgrace...................... :mad:

31/05/2004, 9:15 AM
I'd prefer a petition for proper policing and stewarding tbh...

31/05/2004, 10:24 AM
how about gettin a petition together about getting that scum element of rovers kicked out of the league.their behaviour not for the first time at flancare park last night was a disgrace...................... :mad:

what happened? similar to Turners X last week?

31/05/2004, 10:32 AM
what happened? similar to Turners X last week?
I doubt it. Can't see too many Corkies heading down to Longford just to give abuse to Rovers fans...

31/05/2004, 11:11 AM
how about gettin a petition together about getting that scum element of rovers kicked out of the league.their behaviour not for the first time at flancare park last night was a disgrace...................... :mad:

That would be really helpfull and constructive, wouldn't it? :rolleyes:

Enda M
31/05/2004, 11:20 AM
what happened was the rovers fans insisted on going down behind the goals in the second half despite being told they were not allowed.the scuffle tturned into a riot between a few longford strewards and about 20 or soovers fans.the funny thing was at the end of all that they were let down dere anyway.behind me there was a young boy who asked his dad why those men were fighting and a that the father left the grnd.its sad how these yobs are consistantly getting away with type of animal behaviour

31/05/2004, 11:48 AM
what happened was the rovers fans insisted on going down behind the goals in the second half despite being told they were not allowed.the scuffle tturned into a riot between a few longford strewards and about 20 or soovers fans.the funny thing was at the end of all that they were let down dere anyway.

The question has to be asked why didn't the stewards just leave them go behind the goal in the first place?
We had the same problem with the stewards in Longford a few months ago. We wanted to go behind the far goal and they stopped us. Then when we went behind the other goal they tried to stop us standing down by the wall. They also refused to leave us use our Tifo flags. They're a disgrace to be honest.
I was one of the first to critisise Rovers over their behaviour in the Cross but this time it seems all they did was stand where they wanted despite the protests of the stewards (like what we did in Waterford the other night).

31/05/2004, 11:57 AM
Right so Colm, in Turners Cross it was all the Rovers fans, in Flancare it was the stewards fault :rolleyes:

Apart from Rovers being in the ground, what's the common theme of any trouble this year? Poor stewarding and Policing. From Doyle's Corner to Flancare on Saturday, and everything in between, proper policing would've prevented the trouble. The Guards and Stewards haven't a clue, and everyone jumping to blame Rovers lets them off the hook.

31/05/2004, 12:10 PM
Right so Colm, in Turners Cross it was all the Rovers fans, in Flancare it was the stewards fault :rolleyes:

What's p!ssing me off here Macy is the fact that a few weeks ago everyone was very quick to blame the City fans.... we were scum, hooligans etc.
However, now everyone (apart from yourself) is very quick to blame the Rovers fans? People seem to think that Longford fans/stewards would never cause but City fans would.
It seems to me that it could all have been averted if the Rovers fans were simply allowed to move ends at half-time, considering the other end was empty anyway I don't see what the problem was?

Still though we've got to remember that the common theme in all trouble at el games this season has been Rovers. Even the Munster derby on friday passed off without incident (although the stewards nearly caused one by not letting City fans stand on the steps in the stand!). I don't think banning Rovers fans from all away games is fair though.

31/05/2004, 12:18 PM
No arguments from me about stewards behaviour. It's a joke. But that shouldn't mean that we ignore the problem caused by selected Rovers fans. I'd hate to see all Rovers fans barred, as the games agaist Rovers tend to be among the best at the X, but something has to change.

Following the trouble at the recent Cork City v Rovers game, 2 City fans were banned from the X. Rovers have been involved in multiple incidents this year and how many of them have been banned by the club? It's time the baord at Rovers took care fo the scum element within the club.

31/05/2004, 12:25 PM
However, now everyone (apart from yourself) is very quick to blame the Rovers fans?
That's because most of the people weren't in a position to see what actually happened. Much in the same way you didn't see what started the trouble in Turners Cross - I mean you must accept now that it was started by people hitting the lad that was being taken out, rather than Rovers fans attacking Cork fans. Most of the Longford fans were in the stand nearly as far away from seeing it start as you could be. I was going for píss and was right at the corner when it went off.

Still though we've got to remember that the common theme in all trouble at el games this season has been Rovers.
How much of that is home fans just waiting for any excuse to have a go. IMO Rovers reputation proceeds them (rightly or wrongly) and any incident quickly escalates out of all proportion. The attitude prevails that it must be the Rovers fans fault - to a certain extent it is, however, they shouldn't be pre-judged at every ground in the country.

31/05/2004, 12:39 PM
The simple fact is that you can't tar all the Rovers fans with the one brush but there is an element of about 50 who are intent on causing trouble no matter what.What went on Saturday night was disgraceful and unacceptable under any circumstances.No matter what anyone says there was some of the Rovers fans hell bent on trouble and jumped at the opportunity as soon as it arose.The key elements were that the Stewards were out numbered.The cops are complete ****s and anyone who goes around saying the the stewards or cops started this are complete *******s.If your told by stewards to sit down or remain where you are or whatever then so be it.Shut your mouth and do as your told and like it or not don't make a big deal out of it.It occurs in every ground around the world.Let's see some fans misbehave abroad and see what happens.The cops and stewards will hammer the sh1t out of them and they then will be locked up for the night with a court apperance to look forward to the following morning.You should do what you are asked and avoid confrontation if at all possible after all you should be only there to support your Team and to enjoy the experience not to bring disgrace upon your club.Now when people think of Shamrock Rovers people will think Scum instead of a club with such great tradition and achivement and all because of these 50 or so idiots.No matter what there is no excuse in the world for beating up a 55 year old man with flags ect.His son stood in to help him and he got beat aswell.These people responceable are no better than the hooligans that broke up Lansdowne a few years back.I don't give a fcuk what anyone says or writes.The people behind this were scum bag idiots.Anyone who tries to make excuses for these people are no better and anyone who stands by and lets this happen without reporting these people to the club and the people associated with organising trips to the away matches are idiots and have no respect for their club or fellow fans.I recall an incident which occured in Bray a few years ago where a Town fan caused a small bit of sh1t.This person was banned of all buses to away matches aswell as being banned from Flancare.That's the only way to deal with these people.

31/05/2004, 12:54 PM
If your told by stewards to sit down or remain where you are or whatever then so be it.Shut your mouth and do as your told and like it or not don't make a big deal out of it.

That's boll0cks. It's widely acknowledged that Longford stewards are cnuts and no matter what you say they don't have the right to make unreasonable requests or demands.

In Waterford the other night, they sold too many stand tickets and when there was not enough seats for City fans they tried to push us around and get us out of the stand. However we stood our ground (no violence) and eventually they left us where we were. In some cases unreasonable stewards are best ignored imo.

31/05/2004, 1:05 PM
Point is the demands were not unreasonable. They were asked to stay in the section allocated to them. I wouldnt call that unreasonable. Just basic security.

31/05/2004, 1:43 PM
I agree with the comments about Rovers fans.Theres an element of them which seems to just go the games to cause trouble especially away games.You can't have fans going where they want and moving around the ground and then attacking stewards and gardai when they don't get their way.No excuses for this.I'd like to know 1. have Rovers banned any of their fans from going to games 2 Do the FAI have names and pics of troublemakers that they can pass to clubs to ban from grounds. If this is not sorted out someone will be badly hurt or worse.This carry on will also affect attendances and parents with kids won't go the games when Rovers are playing.