View Full Version : City Win MS Cup

30/05/2004, 4:40 PM
2-0. Kearney and Dan Murray.

Hopefully we can add to it this season.

30/05/2004, 4:51 PM
I was waiting for someone to post the result. Good to see that Dan and Liam got a run out after being out of the RSC game. :)

A face
30/05/2004, 5:01 PM
In all fairness ... it is our cup, it wouldn't be right for any other team to have it !! :D

30/05/2004, 5:26 PM
2-0. Kearney and Dan Murray.

Hopefully we can add to it this season.
What was the attendance like?

30/05/2004, 5:28 PM
nice one,

i was keeping an eye on aertel, it was 0-0 for ages, and then Wales scored a goal in their friendly, and suddenly the game disappeared from the screen :rolleyes: and never returned so I was wondering a little.

30/05/2004, 5:39 PM
What was the Line up???

30/05/2004, 7:18 PM
Muck Dan Gutts Lally
Nolan Sween Kev M Kearney
Behan Frahr

Good win, sounded like they were lucky enough not to concede a few though.
Where are the likes of Roddis, Buckley, Softic and Mccarthy - on the bench?

30/05/2004, 7:27 PM
Muck Dan Gutts Lally

Souns like the name of a bad Irish Country 'n' Western singer!

30/05/2004, 7:35 PM
Muck Dan Gutts Lally
Nolan Sween Kev M Kearney
Behan Frahr

Good win, sounded like they were lucky enough not to concede a few though.
Where are the likes of Roddis, Buckley, Softic and Mccarthy - on the bench?
McCarthy came on for Fraher. Didn't see Roddis or Buckley, Softic was on the bench.
I'm not sure what game Spillage was at.
Carrick had a free kick in the first half which came off the post, and had one shot about 10 yards wide.
In the second half, one of their players have a speculative shot which hit the angle of the crossbar and post. That was it.
Their keeper made maybe 5 or 6 fantastic saves.
Spillage also said that City did not put out a weakened team.
When has anybody EVER seen that team be picked for a eL game?
Carrick weren't a bad side, and our team didn't play that well, but we were never under any real pressure or looked remotely like losing.

30/05/2004, 7:50 PM
There was an attendance of about 300 I'd say with only 50 City fans max.
I thought Kearney (scored a brilliant free kick) and Behan did well, Dan Murray scored a nice header, McNulty did well in goal and Sweeney was good.
Overall it wasn't a fantastic performance but we never looked like losing and we got the job done.
What was the MFA guy who presented the trophys problem? He praised the Carrick team and fans but said nothing about the City fans and said that City were a bit lucky. He also seemed very reluctant to hand over the trophy to Dan. Surely guys like this are supposed to be impartial? Anyway, he's probably just another MFA clown who's not worth thinking about!

30/05/2004, 8:12 PM
what was his buzz with not reluctantly handing over the trophy? What a tool!

It was quite funny really.
He finished handing out the medals, he was about to go away and Dan had to ask him "are ya going to give my team the trophy?". Your man then responded "oh yeah I'll have to present this so I suppose"!

30/05/2004, 8:19 PM
Whats Ozier Park like ? Who owns it?

30/05/2004, 9:51 PM
Whats Ozier Park like ? Who owns it?

I think it's owned by the Waterford district league.
It reminded me very much of St Colmans park, almost identical except for the seats they have behind the goal in St. Colmans.

A face
30/05/2004, 10:26 PM
What was the MFA guy who presented the trophys problem?

Thats our trophy ... now give it here ya Lánger !! :D

30/05/2004, 10:32 PM
Lads ye beat a junior league side hit with injuries playing their 43rd game of the season. Yes ye were well on top deserved yer win.

The Carrick support had been excellent all season huge numbers going to all their Munster Junior and Senior Cup games putting plenty of €'s into The Munster FA Account. Why no mention of The Cork City support !!, simple only a hand full there.

A junior team should get no place near this cup final just goes to show what the rest think of this competation.

But fair play to Carrick lost with diginity. We could have done without a smart comment from a city supporter at the medal presentation to the Carrick team and not going to lower the tone by scripting it here

A face
31/05/2004, 12:02 AM
We could have done without a smart comment from a city supporter at the medal presentation to the Carrick team and not going to lower the tone by scripting it here

Well ... that out of order, in fairness !!

but it's our cup !! (http://www.liaclaymore.com/images/Braveheart/stephen_5.jpg) :D

31/05/2004, 7:19 AM
Didn't quite relish going to Waterford twice in the one weekend but as we were going to see our country cousins I said i'd tag along.

City 2nd string out who coped quite well with Carrick overall, there was a period at the end of the 1st half when Carrick hit the but of the post with a free and had one or two other chances when things were a bit nervy. Dan was well solid, Guthrie makes me nervous though.
Was speaking to a chap the other night before the Waterford game who was on about a few City youngsters that he felt will make the grade quite soon and the name Ray Lally was mentioned, he looked class yesterday and is definitely one for the future.
In the 2nd half Kevin Murray and Brendan Sweeney really bossed the midfield and it was only a matter of time really, the goal when it came was a peach, a free kick on the right of the box smashed in by Kearney off the underside of the cross bar. Kearney should have doubled the lead soon after that when he was through one on one with the Carrick keeper but his 1st touch let him down and allowed the keeper make the save.
The cousins from Carrick kept mentioning what a big side we had, I found this a bit funny as our 1st team is full of midgets but with the 2 Murrays, Behan and Guthrie I suppose we had a big enough side. Dan buried the 2nd from a Kearney corner and straight after that Behan had another header cleared off the line from another inch perfect corner by the little man.
Have seen Carrick a few times this season and they are only a junior team because there are no senior teams in Waterford. If they played in Cork they'd be up around the top of the MSL Premier no doubt.
Have to mention that the ref was also from Carraig on Suir and gave them quite a lot but the Carrick crowd were giving out about him just as much as I was by the end and our old pal Jim O'Neill was 4th official.
Didn't wait for the presentations, home and all for 6.30.

31/05/2004, 8:36 AM
i was there for the handing out of medals and i did not hear any smart comment by any city fan. Whoever said there was only about 300 at the game was wrong. I'd say there was around 600-800 at it. It was good to see a few of the fringe players. It was my first time seeing them. Mucks and Lally were excellent at the back. Guthrie is a big man but anytime the ball went towards him, he did not inspire confidence if you know what i mean. Nolan was very good in first half but was poor in second. Two boys in the middle (sweeney and Murray) were solid throughout. Kearney was our best player imo. His free kick was class and almost had a second only for a poor first touch. His crosses were excellent throughout. Up front, Behan was strong and his fancy flicks almost came off in the first half. Fraher was good in patches.

The Carrick keeper made a few savage saves during the game and one in particular from dan murrays header was unreal. My father told him afterwards that Cork City could do with him! Carrick were a good side but apart from the free kick where they hit the post, they never really looked like scoring. I was standing beside a few of their fans and they were very good and very respectful. They were even joking with the city players during it. So all in all, it was a great day out!

31/05/2004, 11:26 AM
I think it's owned by the Waterford district league.
It reminded me very much of St Colmans park, almost identical except for the seats they have behind the goal in St. Colmans.
its a dump then?

31/05/2004, 1:39 PM
Havent Carrick qualified for the second round of the FAI cup?

If so, they are in with the LOI boys. Good draw would be away to Carrick. Ony about half an hour from my house.

Good to see Tullamore qualify too - nice to see a good geographical spread of teams in the competition.

31/05/2004, 4:22 PM
I have to say that I think Ozier Park is better than the sh*thole RSC. Bit ofa hill from side to side though...(or was that the few pints in me? :D )

31/05/2004, 5:14 PM
Roddis doesn't play for the club anymore. Good 2 c lally getting a game but i'd prefer 2 c him played in midfield where he's more comfortable and good goin forward

31/05/2004, 7:20 PM
Roddis doesn't play for the club anymore. Good 2 c lally getting a game but i'd prefer 2 c him played in midfield where he's more comfortable and good goin forward

T'would be a good time to take his pic off the programme so :confused:

Lally, the famous mascot who entered "hit the bar"...

31/05/2004, 8:35 PM
I have to say that I think Ozier Park is better than the sh*thole RSC. Bit ofa hill from side to side though...(or was that the few pints in me? :D )

No patsh, From the penalty spot to the goal line in the goal nearest the clubhouse the pitch rises about 4/5 inches, so the keeper is in fact higher up than the rest of the players, its very weird.
Its a tidier ground more compact the the RSC and with all its problems the pitch is better as well, the RSC pitch is a disgrace

Question : Who was the lad with the Larsson like dredlocks who was warming up with Softic in the first half ?

01/06/2004, 4:17 PM
Question : Who was the lad with the Larsson like dredlocks who was warming up with Softic in the first half ?
Philip Neiland I think.