View Full Version : Malmo Kick Off Confirmed

29/05/2004, 12:40 PM
Cork City FC have officially confirmed that the Intertoto Cup game against Malmo FF is set for Saturday, 19th June at 7 pm at Turners Cross. The return leg in Malmo will be played on Sunday, 27th June, kick-off 6pm.

Counting Crow
29/05/2004, 1:22 PM
Why 7pm?

Very early - no lights etc. Pity.

29/05/2004, 2:14 PM
will the shed be open for it?? when are tickets on sale>?

29/05/2004, 2:27 PM
The shed is allowed open until the 3rd rnd!

29/05/2004, 2:50 PM
So what's the story with tickets for the away leg?
I'm off to adopt a country in portugal, so I'm going to miss the home leg, but I'll be keeping track of progress on the web.
Looking forward to a good **** up in Malmo.

29/05/2004, 3:50 PM
Should be a fairly packed house i'd say. 7, maybe 8000?
Not if the rumours I heard are true... of charging 16 euro...

12-14 fair enough, but it would be a big mistake to charge 16.

29/05/2004, 4:00 PM
Not if the rumours I heard are true... of charging 16 euro...

12-14 fair enough, but it would be a big mistake to charge 16.
E-mail the club to find out!

29/05/2004, 5:10 PM
Remember Bayern Munich at home something like 20.00 pounds at the time and only 4000 showed up. (mind you it was worth the money)

29/05/2004, 7:15 PM
16 Euro will be a disgrace...after all the support we have given the club, What extra expenses are there goin to be?? :mad:

flying to malmo

30/05/2004, 1:03 PM
all the league games in dublin are 15 euros, reckon its only a matter of time before city increase their prices in line with that.

30/05/2004, 2:13 PM
all the league games in dublin are 15 euros, reckon its only a matter of time before city increase their prices in line with that.
It is increased to E13 next season!

30/05/2004, 2:20 PM
Lads that is one thing about the cork supporters we are always giving out about the price of a ticket of a match but at the end of the day you and I will still go to the match no matter what the cost of it is. So just go and by the ticket.

30/05/2004, 3:00 PM
It is increased to E13 next season!

just get a season ticket

A face
30/05/2004, 3:05 PM
Actually lads .... €16 is not that bad .... there aren't many other events that you would get for the same price. Name something else ... concerts, gigs, other sporting events, the fun fair, the circus ........ actually ... ithink you'll all be hard pressed to find another event for the same value not to mind better.

We have had it too easy up to now !!

30/05/2004, 4:44 PM
€16, if thats the charge will stop alot of casual fans from going, ie Dads with their kids on 7pm Saturday evening - Family Time.

Its not the fact is €16, its the jump from €10, its almost twice the price of an average game. They will lose alot of support because of it i reckon.

A face
30/05/2004, 4:57 PM
The costs for this game will increase .... It is a European game .... where will the money come from if the price is not increased .... Cant see the FAI helping out a Cork club. It wont come from anywhere else .... You have to be realistic aswell.

Again .... can anyone think of another event on this scale that is cheaper/same price ...... Anyone here with kids ? What do you think ??

30/05/2004, 5:00 PM
can anyone think of another event on this scale that is cheaper/same price

I hardly call the Inter Toto first round first leg a large scale event now A Face. Lets be honest like, a big prcie increase will scare ppl off. Maybe not you or me or other using thjis forum, but the casual fan will baulk at it.

30/05/2004, 6:37 PM
Out of interest Xtreme, how good were those tickets. They were presumably terrace, yes???

€13 is very good, when u consider TTFKAHF are charging €15 to see them 'play'.

A face
30/05/2004, 6:39 PM
Well Drogs reckoned that they needed to charge €20 a game to cover costs .... so it would make you wonder what the costs are ..... all i am saying .... the casual fan .... the father and son ...... they pay high costs for every other event they go to so why should they not expect to pay the same at the cross. Costs go up and normally reflect the financial constraints that the clubs are under.

30/05/2004, 6:44 PM
Big difference between Drogs income and Citys income though. We average about 4000 people per game, paying on average €8, while they average about 1300 (at the very best) at €15ish.

Yes the overheads will be high, but is it really necessary to almost double the price? By all means go for €13-€14. I know its only a €2 differece, but at that price its alot.

31/05/2004, 9:44 AM
The club need to make money. Lennox isn't Bill gates. There should be a full house with a lot of casual support, so yeah, let the club make some extra cash.
KO at 7 probably for Swedish tv??

31/05/2004, 9:56 AM
the match wont be on swedish tv.

as for the return leg there wont be much swedish interest no matter what the result is in cork. the day before the return leg is mid-summer - a celebration which the swedes take seriously. It basically means that everyone leaves the city and heads out to the country for the weekend.

31/05/2004, 1:05 PM
16 Euro will be a disgrace...after all the support we have given the club, What extra expenses are there goin to be?? :mad:

I don't think €16 for a seat is at a European game is outrageous. Its €10 for league games which is by far the lowest in the league. Waterford is €12.

From what I heard on Friday about the wages the club is paying they need all the bobs they can get.

31/05/2004, 1:07 PM

From what I heard on Friday about the wages the club is paying they need all the bobs they can get.

easy answer..cut out the wages for the lazy b@stards i.e. fenn

31/05/2004, 1:10 PM
easy answer..cut out the wages for the lazy b@stards i.e. fenn

No arguments from me on that one.

31/05/2004, 1:43 PM
Cork City FC have spent tens of thousands of Euro in upgrading the stadium to gain Class A license

There hasnt been that much spent on the ground since the beginning of the season.....a lick of paint to parts of the ground, that is all ive noticed....

I dont mind paying the extra bit for the euro game....they should have increased it to 15 a be done with that...i dont liek the 20 euro on the day thing...its not going to encourage anyone...

31/05/2004, 1:54 PM
the day before the return leg is mid-summer - a celebration which the swedes take seriously. It basically means that everyone leaves the city and heads out to the country for the weekend.

Looks like we'll be spending that day in Copenhagen then!!! :D

I initially thought that the home game was being fixed for the Friday night, why move it to Saturday night?

31/05/2004, 2:06 PM
I initially thought that the home game was being fixed for the Friday night, why move it to Saturday night?

UEFA's Inter-toto rules, the games have to be played on either a Saturday or Sunday. Those are it's appointed days.

31/05/2004, 2:12 PM
...increasing to €20 on matchday is wrong, it's sort of punishing people....

i guess it's so that as many people as possible will have tickets on arrival and go straight into the ground, thereby cutting down on congestion outside.

it is unfair though to those of us who will travel down on the day from Dublin and elsewhere and especially to the Malmo fans who'll have paid through the nose for the trip over as it is, and won't have mates that can be sent to Lennox's ahead of time.

31/05/2004, 2:25 PM
surely the malmo fans can get their tickets thru the club of the €16

yeah I'd hope that'd be the case alright, but I've heard nothing about ticket arrangements for Malmo, so I'm assuming at the moment that it'll be buy at the turnstiles.

I guess at least if it's a crowd congestion consideration that it means the Club are expecting a full house.

31/05/2004, 2:30 PM
no point in talking about the matchday increase here

difference of 4 yoyos is a disgrace

let ur opinion be known


31/05/2004, 3:07 PM
I guess at least if it's a crowd congestion consideration that it means the Club are expecting a full house.

I'd say crowd congestion is the least of their worries. Brian just wants the cash in his paw ASAP.

The travel agents for the trip to Malmo must be looking for cash up front. ;)

Whatever about the €16 price, increasing it to €20 on the day is unfair.

People coming from out of town for the game should contact the club and book/them have them posted at the lower price.

Hopefully Malmo fans (especially the tall, blonde female ones) will get them through Malmo at the lower price.

31/05/2004, 4:10 PM
Inreasing the cost by €4 is an unfair way of cutting down congestion at the ground...thats not how you solve the problem of crowd congestion.

mind if i ask how you do solve the problem of crowd congestion?

01/06/2004, 8:13 PM
Whatever about the €16 price, increasing it to €20 on the day is unfair.

People coming from out of town for the game should contact the club and book/them have them posted at the lower price.

tickets for the malmo match will be available at City's next two home league games.

besides the congestion issue, selling tickets in advance will also mean some of the people who sell tickets on match day are freed up to do other jobs.

01/06/2004, 8:51 PM
Just wondering have the club taken into consideration that the Holland Vs Czech Rep game will be on the telly at the time of the game?

The fact that a good game like that is on the TV, added to the fact that they are charging a very high price, does not bode well for the attendance at the game.

As Ive said beofre, a price of €16 to the casual fan is alot, and the attraction of Euro 2004 football will make their mind up for them, rightly or wrongly.

A face
01/06/2004, 8:59 PM
It's still unfair fans to pay €4 to ease congestion and free up other people who sell tickets....should be €16 and kept at €16.

Its one game ... City fans will all buy their tickets early ... it is sunshiners and barstoolers that will be hit with the extra cost. This may sound harsh .... but i wont lose any sleep because they get hit with the extra price.

01/06/2004, 9:49 PM
No doubt you will be looking for a student price X???


01/06/2004, 11:31 PM
Just wondering have the club taken into consideration that the Holland Vs Czech Rep game will be on the telly at the time of the game?

I'd be very very shocked and surprised if that would keep people away from the game. City fans will go to the game anyway and barstoolers won't have any interest in either Holland or Czech Rep so it won't stop them going to the game. If we were playing at the same time as England v France I'd be worried but Holland v Czech won't have any effect on us. Anyway, there will be Euro 2004 games on TV non-stop and people will be sick of it and will be delighted with the oppurtunity to get out and watch some real life football. If anything the heightened interest in football which Euros/World Cups bring about will work to our advantage.

Its one game ... City fans will all buy their tickets early ... it is sunshiners and barstoolers that will be hit with the extra cost. This may sound harsh .... but i wont lose any sleep because they get hit with the extra price.

Spot on.
City fans will buy their tickets in advance, if the barstoolers wait until the day of the game then that's their problem. I'll be delighted if the club manages to fleece a few barstoolers out of an extra 4 quid. Despite the price, I'd expect us to get at least 6000 (probably more) at the game.

02/06/2004, 5:12 PM
I love the way people are saying that its only barstoolers who will wait til the day of the game to get a ticket.

There is many a City fan, who may or may not sit on barstools, who for whatever reason will not be able to buy a ticket in advance. They may be working elsewhere and not get an oppurtunity to get to the Cross in advance, perhaps they may be broke as pay day may only come mid month etc etc etc.

Anyway, thats the way it is, so no point in arguing.

02/06/2004, 5:31 PM
Or indeed we may be living elsewhere!