View Full Version : Mexico City

18/01/2011, 9:44 PM
A friend is getting married out there, a guy from roscommon beleive it or not!! :D

Anyway ive booked into polanco area, nikko hotel, quite expensive really but from my last time there ive found mexico to be a rip off, with poor service, reminds me of some former commie countries. Anyway im hoping this time will be better...:D

Has anyone got any tips for mexico city itself? We will have some local knowledge but not all the time, so going to nightclubs/bars wheres good and where should we avoid? What touristy things are there to do? Anything anybody can recommoned basically to see/do!

19/01/2011, 10:49 AM
I didn't spend too long in the city during my spell in Mexico, but you're near enough the Zona Rosa there, which is a good area to go out providing you're not bothered by being hassled by people touting for strip clubs (at the tamer end - prostitution is legal in Mexico City) every twenty feet or so. The Centro Historico is worth exploring, particularly the Zocalo - the huge main square - which is flanked by the biggest cathedral in Latin America (maybe even the biggest in the Americas, I forget), and a couple of minor pyramids behind it. There's usually something going on in the square itself too.

20/01/2011, 7:36 PM
cheers john, by the sounds of what others have told me as well not much point in staying too long, but Ive already booked for 5 nights 6 days. The hotel is awful expensive for a relatively poor enough country, but at least it should be relaxing if i have nothing else to do :)