View Full Version : Post of the Year

17/01/2011, 10:15 AM
The eleven winners of the nine monthly competitions step forward into the PotY competition, where we ask the important questions:
Who will join the ranks of The Stars, SuperGretna, Bluebeard, gilberto eire and whoever would have won the 2009 competition if we'd been arsed running it?
Who will run Fianna Fail next week?
And is there a less useful smilie than :watermelon:?

17/01/2011, 11:01 AM
Just to confirm; the winner of this becomes FF leader?

Oh I'm nervous now....

Mr A
17/01/2011, 11:26 AM
Who will join the ranks of The Stars, SuperGretna, Bluebeard, gilberto eire and whoever would have won the 2009 competition if we'd been arsed running it?

You could always just run the poll?

Some brilliant posts in there. To the extent that I feel guilty about some of the ones I didn't vote for, especially Dodge's first one and the one from Billsthoughts. But Sligo23's one liner was just perfect and got my vote.

17/01/2011, 11:34 AM
I've only just got as far as Dodge's first but I think one of the others will have to be a blinder to beat it for me.

EDIT: Sligo23's comes close (and HB's acerbic effort) but I'm giving Dodge my vote.

17/01/2011, 11:52 AM
You could always just run the poll?
I only realised it wasn't run as I was writing that post, so yeah, it's something I'll probably get around to after this poll finishes.

18/01/2011, 12:08 PM
I do happen to think that Sullvinho's post from December was worthy of a place. But then, I also think I should have at least five nominations so I'm not sure how much of an endorsement that is.

26/01/2011, 9:17 AM
With five days left in the poll, the tension racks up. Can anyone overcome Dodge's lead, a mere 60% of the vote?

Lim till i die
26/01/2011, 4:06 PM
We just need Dodge to appear on Vincent Browne.

People of foot, vote for me and I WILL SCRAP THE BANK GUARANTEE.

Votail Lim Till I Die

27/01/2011, 5:57 AM
The Bank Guarantee you are making is all well and good, but do you know that there has been a pothole outside my Mam's house this past two months? What kind of government would allow potholes to go unheeded?

Lim till i die
27/01/2011, 4:06 PM
Free Bag Of Gravel And Shovel FOR ALL!!

27/01/2011, 4:17 PM
Who will run Fianna Fail next week?
And is there a less useful smilie than :watermelon:?
Two questions answered at once.

27/01/2011, 9:59 PM
I would like to issue a vote of no confidence in Dodge's post.

07/02/2011, 1:07 PM
Congrats Dodge, well deserved.