View Full Version : Dongle to ps3?

Lev Yashin
13/01/2011, 10:47 AM
Ok so I'm moving and I'm leaving a wifi connection so I have an O2 dongle(my sister has been using) so the question I have is, can I just plug it into my ps3 like I would my laptop, to game online? Or do I need one of the newer ones that broadcasts wifi too??

13/01/2011, 11:03 AM
phew, for a minute I thought this was going to be a thread about fail0verflow, and their recent releases

anyway, yes you can connect to the internet using a dongle, but you'll need to use a laptop, or PC, to do it.
It was discussed recently on boards.ie here: http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=69751333
The thread includes a link to instructions and an instructional video on youtube