View Full Version : Windows Phone 7

04/01/2011, 2:52 PM
Having had the same phone for 3 and a half years I eventually decided to upgrade and took a bit of a leap of faith and got a HTC HD7 running windows phone 7. I have to say it's very impressive so far, with an update due shortly that should introduce improvements. The phone is closely tied in with Facebook, Windows Live and Xbox Live and it has an excellent look and feel, a lot of iphone using friends have been very sceptical when I tell them how good it is but are very impressed once they play around with it. The touch screen is excellent and the os is generally very intuitive, it would be nice if there was an option to create folders like the iphone but that may come in the update, I'd also prefer the homepage to be a little more customisable but it does look and function very well as is.

Has anyone else jumped on the Windows Phone bandwagon?

Any apps you can recommend? There's a fairly limited amount at the moment, I think they've just cracked the 5,000 mark in the last few days compared to 200,000 on Android. Pumps.ie is there for the cheapest petrol around and the games seem to be good, although I haven't paid for a full xbox live game yet, they seem to average about €4 to €6 and the demos are impressive, I might invest in The Sims to occupy me on the bus.

One issue that might put some people off is the Zune player thing, it's the Windows phone version of iTunes but unless it's just me it doesn't seem to allow music or video downloads from Ireland yet.

04/01/2011, 4:43 PM
I use Windows on my desktop for convenience, but I'd put as much trust in Windows on mobile as I would running it on my servers; which is "not at all". Microsoft just isn't good at security; never has been, never will be.

Android and IOS are already pretty crap at security, with much more important data than you generally get on a desktop, can you imagine how bad Microsoft will get it?

I'll stick with Android thanks, no offense to your purchase.

05/01/2011, 7:24 AM
I've been trialling one in work, to see if it would be suitable for us to distribute to staff.

I'm impressed so far - Windows Phone 7 is actually really nice to use. I'm looking at it as a business phone so the lack of apps doesn't really bother me.

What has bothered me though is the lack of encryption on the handset. Hopefully that will be addressed in the next update, but I'm not holding my breath.

For me, MS have missed a trick here. They should have gone up against Blackberry and launched this as a business phone rather than a consumer phone.

So many businesses have already invested in Microsoft technologies at the heart of their infrastructure and the phone does integrate nicely with SharePoint, Exchange etc. But, it doesn't support on-device encryption and only supports a subset of Microsoft's own Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) policies.

It's a case of wait and see for me, and hopefully the next update will add new features.

05/01/2011, 8:58 AM
my own phone (Nokia N95) has started to have problems charging, so I'm looking at buying a new one

Right now the frontrunners are the HTC Desire HD, or the Nexus S (if it gets released here)

I don't have an XBox, or use my phone for email, so the chances me getting a Windows Phone are slim at best