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19/05/2004, 12:43 PM
lads few of us booking dublin-coppenhagen for 7.30 flight on the friday morning. we need names asap for this as we are trying to organise a bus to dublin at 2am on the friday morning. was just on the phone to ian and he is trying to get this organised

so ASAP if anyones interested

could we get a sticky on this

19/05/2004, 2:07 PM
..if you are organising a bus then I'd recommend to leave at 1pm latest..it could take around 41/2 - 5 hrs to get up there with no problems...you'd want to leave a bit of time for any problems (flat tyres etc) ...with the flight being at 7.30 then you'd want to be at the airport around 6ish....well thats my opinion anyway

19/05/2004, 2:11 PM
well thats my opinion anyway

I was going to say the same thing.
Dublin airport is crazy these days so you'd want to give yourself as much time as possible. If I was planning it I'd leave at 00:00
You know someone is always going to delay you.

19/05/2004, 2:13 PM
..if you are organising a bus then I'd recommend to leave at 1pm latest..it could take around 41/2 - 5 hrs to get up there with no problems...you'd want to leave a bit of time for any problems (flat tyres etc) ...with the flight being at 7.30 then you'd want to be at the airport around 6ish....well thats my opinion anyway

Yeah I'd say the bus would need to leave at 1am alright, just to allow for any unforeseen delays. We won't run into traffic in the middle of the night obviously but you'd never know what might happen and we have to make sure we'd be there by 5.30/6am to allow enough time to check in and get breakfast!

19/05/2004, 2:34 PM
Yeah I'd say the bus would need to leave at 1am alright, just to allow for any unforeseen delays. We won't run into traffic in the middle of the night obviously but you'd never know what might happen and we have to make sure we'd be there by 5.30/6am to allow enough time to check in and get breakfast!

good point about brekkie.....it'll have to leave at midnight so. ;)

19/05/2004, 2:49 PM
Lads you put your names down then we might be do it for 00.00 or 01.00. It is up to us to get this right and dublin has a nice breakfast. so lads get your names down.

ccfc till i die
19/05/2004, 4:01 PM
Quite possible that myself and vito golightly will take that bus. I'll get back to ya soon enough Ian. Good idea

19/05/2004, 4:02 PM
as mentioned on eirways, me and two other lads wiould be on it too.

19/05/2004, 6:46 PM
point taken lads

this bus will now be leaving at 12.30 so leave names below as we need to know demand

names will also be taken friday night against longford

A face
20/05/2004, 12:35 AM

Just to let you know, I have a friend with a PSV licence. (He can drive a minibus) so i might be an idea to hire a bus ... he'll drive us up, and he can stay with family over the weekend and drive us back down when we come back.

Only suggesting this as it would be easy this way, if there are delays on the way back etc. ... just give him a ring kinda thing.

20/05/2004, 8:44 AM
thanx for the suggestion a face but at the moment we dont know waht demand will be like so best to stick with the coach.

we ned to get this done and dusted quickly as summer tours will be starting fairly soon with bus companies

20/05/2004, 1:10 PM
corner - meself n nic will probably go from dublin now rather than london. we cancelling london flights i will know tonight and i give you a buzz.

20/05/2004, 1:26 PM
Slightly off topic but anyone able to speculate on total numbers travelling?

20/05/2004, 8:50 PM
so have we so far

2. ian +2
3. flynninio +1
4. Gav Golden
5. Dave Crowley
6. Alan Corbett


ccfc till i die
20/05/2004, 9:15 PM
An extended list

1 The corner
2 Ian
3 Ian
4 Ian
5 Flynninio
6 Flynninio
7 Gav Golden
8 Dave Crowley
9 Alan Corbett
10 Alan Corbett
11 CCFC tid
12 Vito Golightly

That's if I've got the +1's and +2's right. Hope we can get a proper posse together.

20/05/2004, 11:21 PM
couple of more names tomorrow nite and hopefully we should have an enough to get the vengabus on the road

21/05/2004, 7:23 AM
1 The corner
2 Ian
3 Ian
4 Ian
5 Flynninio
6 Flynninio
7 Gav Golden
8 Dave Crowley
9 Ray Dorney
10 CCFC tid
11 Vito Golightly

21/05/2004, 8:57 AM
sorry corner me n nic going go thru london - ryanair did deal fees were halved for changing dates so wasnt as bad as first imagined.this going be expensive boy need 4 currencies- euro sterling crown n coronas i think.me credit cards are nearly maxed out as it is. fcuk it how bad first city trip abroad......... :cool: :cool: :D

21/05/2004, 8:59 AM
corner il be meeting timmy D today and few of the others and tell them bout bus.as they they dont look up foot.ie.they be leaving everything to last minute.

21/05/2004, 9:50 AM
corner il be meeting timmy D today and few of the others and tell them bout bus.as they they dont look up foot.ie.they be leaving everything to last minute.

lot will be sorted tonite anyway at game
1 The corner
2 Ian
3 Ian
4 Ian
5 Gav Golden
6 Dave Crowley
7 Ray Dorney
8 CCFC tid
9 Vito Golightly


21/05/2004, 9:53 AM
I needed to drive to dublin a fortnight ago for a 7:30 flight. 3 hrs from carrigaline to the long term car park. another 25 mins and i was at the gate. no thing around that time of night. fair enough a bus will be a bit slower, but leaving at 1am is a bit cautious.

Just dont be a ****** and leave the lights on. arrived back to the car to a flat battery. all i needed facing the drive home.

21/05/2004, 9:56 AM
I needed to drive to dublin a fortnight ago for a 7:30 flight. 3 hrs from carrigaline to the long term car park. another 25 mins and i was at the gate. no thing around that time of night. fair enough a bus will be a bit slower, but leaving at 1am is a bit cautious.

Just dont be a ****** and leave the lights on. arrived back to the car to a flat battery. all i needed facing the drive home.

i dont mean to be smart here sham but id rather be very very very early for this flight rather than 1 minute late

21/05/2004, 10:29 AM
i dont mean to be smart here sham but id rather be very very very early for this flight rather than 1 minute late

i'd be with corner here...better to chill at the airport than be all red headed sweating like a bastárd running into the terminal 5 mins before take off due to a crash or somthing like that on the way up.....

23/05/2004, 7:50 AM
Lads I will let you know tomorrow what is going on with the bus.

A face
23/05/2004, 2:36 PM
i'd be with corner here...better to chill at the airport than be all red headed sweating like a bastárd running into the terminal 5 mins before take off due to a crash or somthing like that on the way up.....

Likewise !! :)

24/05/2004, 11:01 AM
was just onto the bus company and this trip will be 25yoyos ONE WAY

we can get this bus as a return trip picking us up from dublin airport on the monday for 30 yoyos but we need a GAURANTEE that we can fill the bus

so lads get names down quickly as we dont want to miss out on this bus

24/05/2004, 11:19 AM
lads the bus will cost 25 one way but if we were to get it back down it will cost 30 yoyos each not 50 yoyos as the corner has it down. So lads if you would like to go on this just let me no as soon as you can.

The bus will go at 12.30 sharp on the night so that we will get there in time to book in. So lads lets get this on the road for our away days. :) :) :)

24/05/2004, 11:57 AM
sorry ian

lads its 30 yoyos RETURN trip so lads lets get this european trip started at st patricks church

24/05/2004, 12:27 PM
Is this the Hooligan bus!

could somebody please delete this post and ban this *******

this kind of SH!T we dont need on the board

24/05/2004, 1:19 PM
My question was reasonable considering The Corner and his crew are going on this bus

a lot you know :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

24/05/2004, 2:11 PM
Is this the Hooligan bus!

No it's the Rebel Army bus filled with City fans who are taking time out and spending a lot of money to travel accross Europe to support CCFC.

Are you even going to malmo "Half Time Drink" or are you just posting on this thread to try and annoy people?

24/05/2004, 2:37 PM
we have about 20 names for this bus so far so keep 'em coming lads

A face
24/05/2004, 3:19 PM
Is this the Hooligan bus!

I have tried and i cant .... there is no way around it ..... there is no other explanation .... i have to admit that a comment of this calibre could be say by none other than a 1st class muppet, to say anything would just simply be telling a lie.

Half Time Drink, come on down ..... you truely are todays muppet !!

*que the screaming crowds*

Hip hip ..... hip hip ...... hip hip !!

24/05/2004, 3:28 PM
Is this the Hooligan bus!
If only you knew poor chap.

It's more in danager of being a Eurovision bus when some people get going...

24/05/2004, 3:45 PM
Put my name down.....

24/05/2004, 3:45 PM
It's more in danager of being a Eurovision bus when some people get going...

:D :D :D :D ;)

Ian, put my name down for the bus.

24/05/2004, 5:29 PM
if the bus stopped turning in the morning :)

24/05/2004, 6:15 PM
1 The corner
2 Ian
3 Ian
4 Ian
5 Gav Golden
6 Dave Crowley
7 Ray Dorney
8 CCFC tid
9 Vito Golightly
10. colm
11. northofthelee

A face
24/05/2004, 8:01 PM
if the bus stopped turning in the morning :)

And the plane didn't take off into the sky !!

24/05/2004, 10:20 PM
Can you put my name down too please.

1 The corner
2 Ian
3 Ian
4 Ian
5 Gav Golden
6 Dave Crowley
7 Ray Dorney
8 CCFC tid
9 Vito Golightly
10. colm
11. northofthelee
12. Seán

25/05/2004, 8:56 AM
in fact your a right L@nger and so are the rest of BUS. F*CKIN MUPPETS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

we will send u a postcard from the malmo bus :p :p

25/05/2004, 9:28 AM
It also looks like "The Corner" is on the Dole

thats why im going to copenhagen and you're not :) :) :)

p.s can we get this @sshole banned because a very serious thread being spoiled here

25/05/2004, 11:55 AM
Its you and the cornerboys who should be banned ....N@ckers

i suggest u should check your own spelling before correcting others

knacker :rolleyes:

25/05/2004, 12:07 PM
It spelt N@cker in the Southside!

No, it not :rolleyes: It spelt knacker. :D

25/05/2004, 11:26 PM
Half Time Drink, trolls truly bore me. This is your one and only warning.


25/05/2004, 11:28 PM
that might shut the pr!ck up for a while

26/05/2004, 7:47 AM
thecorner, I didn't ask for your input. Mind your business.

26/05/2004, 2:24 PM
thought that it was my business seeing that we are organising our bus here :confused:

30/05/2004, 6:17 PM
Lads I need a few More names for this bus I have about 30 names so far and there all up for this so lads lets get this booked up and sorted. It will be good crack on the bus as is the norm.

ccfc till i die
30/05/2004, 9:31 PM
Everything, My taxes are paying for your education!!!!! It also looks like "The Corner" is on the Dole as he seems to be on this site every minute to the day.............GET F*CKIN JOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't that why people go to college???? So they can get jobs. i.e. a better job than you have you jealous reject.

Everyone who starts that whole "students are sponges on society" crap are just pathetic *******s who are stuck doing jobs they hate because they couldn't make anything better of themselves. So take your bitterness at not getting into college elsewhere you sad clown.