View Full Version : No One can insult our flag

18/05/2004, 11:48 AM
Amazing piece of history here. Early twenties. Armistace Day. Across the bay from the castle in Dungarvan some IRA members raised the Irish Tricolour. Being armistace day the British were offended (as were a lot of Irish people). They caught the guys who did it (old IRA memebers) and paraded the through Dungarvan. You can see they arent frightened as they smile a small bit.

Notice too as they march down the lane the fellow following them and the British soldiers - the guy with the cape and hat. Hes a black and tan.
Not as much anger in the town as you might think as ten times more irish people served in WW1 for the Allies as took part in the war of independence so there was probably some anger at the men.

The file is 6mb but for some reason it loads in a flash. the fastest thing ive seen. Worth a look. No one knew about it until recently. It was stored by British pathe in London and the town was mispelled as Dungarvin ( Not Dungarvan) .

ITs under No One can insult our flag. The Page can be viewed here (http://www.dungarvanmuseum.org/exhibit/web/Display/article/118/)

max power
18/05/2004, 11:52 AM
people insult our flag every weekend by writing stuff on it, its not on and guinness got in trouble for it during the 2002 world cup.....

so maybe we should look closer to home

18/05/2004, 11:59 AM
I only called it that title Max, as thats what they called it on the original Pathe Newsreel. I wasnt making any judgements.

max power
18/05/2004, 12:04 PM
that little thing has annoyed me for a while, its the same with people wearing the flag around their necks....i was always led to believe that the green and orange should never touch so tieing them together is wrong then....

its our national flag and a lot of people just don't respect it, same with the anthem.....

18/05/2004, 12:41 PM
that little thing has annoyed me for a while, its the same with people wearing the flag around their necks....i was always led to believe that the green and orange should never touch so tieing them together is wrong then....
Surely you'd tie it around your neck at one of the short sides i.e. the green end tied around your neck?

max power
18/05/2004, 12:44 PM
na i've seen it both ways, but i take your point.....

18/05/2004, 12:56 PM
Surely you'd tie it around your neck at one of the short sides i.e. the green end tied around your neck?

I've seen that with kids which ends up with the flag beiong dragged along the ground.
Don't start me on people not knowing the words to the national anthem though, christ, sing it in English if your Irish isn't good.

max power
18/05/2004, 12:58 PM
its not just the words, its people who don't stand up or mess or talk during it, it's a minute long.....to be its the same as messing during a minutes silence...

i wish we could do like italy and have a minutes noise, no one would the notice the fool saying nothin then

18/05/2004, 12:59 PM
....i was always led to believe that the green and orange should never touch so tieing them together is wrong then...Why's that?

18/05/2004, 1:17 PM
Why's that?
Yeah surely it'd be the opposit what with White symbolising peace and all that?!?

Anyway Guinness didn't get in trouble at the last world cup, that was just tabloid paper talk...

18/05/2004, 1:21 PM
err lads - anybody look at the film. interesting?

It deals with the British flag not the Irish.

18/05/2004, 1:33 PM
Dungarvan hasn't changed much either! :p

18/05/2004, 1:57 PM
err lads - anybody look at the film. interesting?

It deals with the British flag not the Irish.I'd have been tempted to get my lad out and p*ss all over it.

18/05/2004, 2:01 PM
i was always led to believe that the green and orange should never touch so tieing them together is wrong then...

That's correct. There's a special way to fold it so that the green and the orange never touch. I was also thought that if the flag ever touched the ground it should be burned. Never understood that one.
What annoys me is when people say "our flag is green, white and gold."
Learn your history!
I remember when I was in Portugal they were all shocked at the disrespect for the flag. They never have anything written on their flags. The same goes for the Spanish and many other countries I'm sure.
Does anyone need a tri-colour light switch? (http://www.unionjackwear.co.uk/images/Irishswitch.jpg)

18/05/2004, 2:07 PM
people insult our flag every weekend by writing stuff on it, its not on and guinness got in trouble for it during the 2002 world cup.....

so maybe we should look closer to home

Totally agree with you Max, I likewise think it is a shame that we degrade our flag. It's our national flag and I feel it should be respected.

As for the green and white I orange not touching I believe that is when folding it, also it cannot touch the ground.

18/05/2004, 2:09 PM
That's correct. There's a special way to fold it so that the green and the orange never touch. I was also thought that if the flag ever touched the ground it should be burned. Never understood that one.

THe flag has been blessed that is why it should be burned, I think thats why but I am open to correction.

max power
18/05/2004, 2:17 PM
its a simple case of defacing our national flag, with pub names etc, guinness got in trouble because it was simply disrespectful, i am a proud Irish citizen, not republican or nationalist, just an Irish man, who is proud to be just that and any person who is proud of where they are from should be commented, english, american who ever......

18/05/2004, 2:49 PM
I remember when I was in Portugal they were all shocked at the disrespect for the flag. They never have anything written on their flags. The same goes for the Spanish and many other countries I'm sure.Don't know about Portugal but there is plenty 'defacing' of the Spanish flag in Spain, and depending on the message, you get away with it. Most famous was Raul, Figo and Salgado posing with a Spanish flag with an axe on it belonging to the ultras sur. Not neo-nazi of course, despite a journalist going under cover and exposing the Ultras Sur as just that in the book 'Diario de un Skin.' Even worse are fans from certain clubs carrying around the national flag of Spain from 1939 to 1978. Printing San Miguel on it doesn't sound that bad.

As for the green and orange of the tricolour not touching each other, I too have only heard this about folding the flag by the military. However you're right about the colours. It does my head when I hear the word gold in conjunction with the flag and sh*t about it being the colour of the papacy. :rolleyes:

i am a proud Irish citizen, not republican or nationalist, just an Irish man, who is proud to be just that and any person who is proud of where they are from should be commented, english, american who ever......You can count me out of you're group of fine patriots to be commended then.

18/05/2004, 2:57 PM
You can count me out of you're group of fine patriots to be commended then.

Jezz I tought I was one of very few who thought this. seeing as every Irish match you see thousands off them plastered with paint etc. good to see there are more of us.

I would go as far as to say what really makes me laugh is people who use the design on their underwear, the union jack being case and point, how can wearing underware with your flag on it make you be more nationalistic???

max power
18/05/2004, 3:11 PM
lopez i guessed you'd say that, a person from a country has a right ( a basic human right ) to be proud of where they are from and show that....

there is a lot wrong with this little island ( or part of it ) of ours, but thats what it is, ours and i'm damn proud of it...

and standing in landsdown road and croke aprk supporting to longford teams and singing the national anthem were two of the proudest days of my life...

i will remember the anthem at the cup final for the rest of my life.....

and if in another country it is only right to respect theirs, even if you do not respect their history or leader,its the peoples anthem after all, that goes for the flag too....

18/05/2004, 3:21 PM
Careful now max, you're in danger of saying something worthwhile...

18/05/2004, 4:12 PM
lopez i guessed you'd say that, a person from a country has a right ( a basic human right ) to be proud of where they are from and show that....My point was that nationalism is not restricted to one's place of birth. But point taken about respecting other people's countries where you find yourself resident in. I do this already by 1. Paying my taxes. and 2. Not breaking any laws. Shame a few more of the native patriots who hang out the butchers' apron or the Libyan's cross or whatever it is this year, come June, don't follow these simple rules.

Getting back to flags, where you run into trouble is in the commercialism side. A lot of people were p*ssed off a few years back when a certain Irish fan with a well known greeting by his good self on his flag was desecrated by the addition after his name of '...and 747 travel.' That to me is out of order.

18/05/2004, 4:16 PM
That's correct. There's a special way to fold it so that the green and the orange never touch. I was also thought that if the flag ever touched the ground it should be burned.
all of the above true...
then again I suppose that's why you told us...

18/05/2004, 8:43 PM
In America they have special factories to send your flag off to if it touched the ground-burning it yourself is illegal.
To be honest if I looked out my window and saw the lad next door burning the tri my immediate reaction would be "hang on a minute-why the hecks he burning our flag" not "oops, must have dropped it on the gorund again".
Anyone know why the rule about the Green and Orange touching is? Someone raised a good point because it represents unity.
In England you see loads of SJC's with the team name on at all the matches-and union flags (it's only a 'jack' whens it's on a boat) but not as many.
I have a combined tricolour/starry plough flag-what do you think of this?
I certainly wouldn't deface another flag.
In talk of national anthems some people suggested turning our backs during the Isralei national anthem at Landsdowne-isn't this disrespect? What if people did during ours throughout the troubles?
Not making and statements-just asking.

19/05/2004, 2:41 AM
Is it me or are the two "Sinn Feiners" holding the Union Jack upside down?

Plastic Paddy
19/05/2004, 7:31 AM
Is it me or are the two "Sinn Feiners" holding the Union Jack upside down?

Well spotted. They most certainly are. It's only flown that way officially when the monarch carks it. What's the betting the lads knew what they were doing? ;)


Jim Smith
19/05/2004, 8:31 AM
Well spotted. They most certainly are. It's only flown that way officially when the monarch carks it. What's the betting the lads knew what they were doing? ;)

Its also flown upside down on a ship as a sign of distress so I'd say they knew exactly what they were doing :D

max power
19/05/2004, 9:49 AM
davros calm down, its simple discussion and my orignal point boils down to time, no matter where your from, national pride is normal and no onw should be put down for it, no matter where they are from.....

i've just had a meeting with someone from isreal, not i don't agree with their political policies etc but i respect their pride in the nation they are from, if we all did that the world would be a nicer place all round....

19/05/2004, 9:31 PM
Its also flown upside down on a ship as a sign of distress so I'd say they knew exactly what they were doing :D

Funny how their escorts or the camaraman never noticed either.