View Full Version : Half-time Scores on PA

29/10/2010, 2:08 PM
It seems strange to me that scores from other games aren’t announced over the PA during half time at LOI matches - a common practice in the UK. Are there any LOI clubs who do this regularly? Particularly odd at the Rovers v Drogs game last Friday, with Bohs involved in such a crucial match in Galway, that there was absolutely no mention of the match in Terryland (or of any other matches on that night). I know most people were checking via phones etc. but even so. It’s just another illustration, I wearily note, of the amateurishness and lack of professionalism of the LOI scene. (Great example of this recently - in the Bray Programme v Drogs, the League Table had the heading ‘The Eirtricity League’! When a programme editor can’t even get the spelling of the name of the competition which his club plays in every week - and it’s sponsors - then, well...).

29/10/2010, 2:10 PM
They are given out in Oriel Park alright.

pineapple stu
29/10/2010, 2:11 PM
We try to do it, but it often doesn't happen. It's a bug-bear of mine alright when the scores aren't called out.

29/10/2010, 2:27 PM
Both divisions announced at every Limerick game I think. World cup scores as well during the summer.

29/10/2010, 4:01 PM
We always have half time and full time scores called out from both divisions.

29/10/2010, 4:09 PM
Hardly ever hear them in the Showgrounds. Was at the Belfield Bowl last week and it was the first time I ever heard the FD scores read out too.

Excellent half time entertainment too.

29/10/2010, 4:17 PM
What ye to do is to put them on your big screen.....:)

29/10/2010, 4:17 PM
Latest scores from both leagues are put across the giant screen Sky Sports style at all games in the Brandywell.With goal updates from D1 more frequent.

Kenny went mental during the WC when they showed one of the Spanish goals on the big screen.Sometimes even the away teams goal be's put on the screen.

The Lep
29/10/2010, 4:19 PM
They get mentioned at Morton with a happy birthday thrown in during the match :)

29/10/2010, 4:54 PM
Always read out at our place too.
Certainly the D1 half-times, as well as occasional score updates in the key games.
IIRC not for all matches in the Prem though, just those of interest. :tongue:

29/10/2010, 6:27 PM
Not read out at Finn Park, a constant complaint amoungst most fans.
It's not a big task to be fair.

29/10/2010, 6:48 PM
Both divisions announced at every Limerick game I think. World cup scores as well during the summer.

Ya but its usually the wrong score called out or our announcer calls teams by the wrong name ha, i remember the season before last he called us "Limerick 39" instead of limerick 37
ha but seriously he makes mistakes on a nightly basis doing his annoucements

29/10/2010, 7:00 PM
GalwayRed beat me to it but every game is called out at ht and ft at Tolka.
Usually the loudest cheers of the evening are heard for Bohs/Shams/Fungus defeats.

30/10/2010, 12:30 AM
They could be read out in the Carlisle and nobody would know!

The Lep
30/10/2010, 12:34 AM
The chap at Bray is the best ;)

31/10/2010, 8:27 PM
They are read out at Turners Cross usually.