View Full Version : Best Hopper You've Ever Taken

08/05/2004, 7:59 PM
It was a rainy night, about 10 yrs ago.

I borrowed my buddies bike, as mine was punctured. His bike had no brakes, a fact that would lead to my ultimate downfall.

Oh yeah, it was píssing rain.

I was cycling dpown the Sarsfield road, on the footpath naturally (being a teenager et al). I was picking up a nice speed as the road is a steepish hill, when i rememebered that i had no brakes. I realosed that the footpath was ending, that i was about to shoot across the road, and hit the other footpath. I had to think quick. I knew that i was going off the bike, but which would cause the least suffering. I reached the bottom of the footpath, wrenched the bike to turn right. Couldnt do this quick enough, so my fate was sealed. Drastic measures were needed, so just before impact was made with the far curb, I jumped over the cross bar, doing a nice flip in the meantime, unfortuneatly the bike did similar and landed on my head.

I just lay there, and assessed the damage. Luckily, there was no bones broke. My jeans were filthy, but my pride was to take a battering. I looked up to see the shop across the road, where there was shelter from the rain. Only all my friends, including the girl i fancied the arse off, were there, going wild with laughter.

What could i do, but just lie there, collect my thoughts and face the music. They tell me it was one of the funniest things they ever saw, as i shot out of nowhere and let a scream out of me like a little bitch.


09/05/2004, 11:06 AM
i convinced myself i could jump down the whole flight of stairs.
i couldnt.

09/05/2004, 12:13 PM
i convinced myself i could jump down the whole flight of stairs.
i couldnt.

My friend convinced himself the same thing, the only thing was though that he cleared the staris... and flew straight into the wall! Priceless :D

09/05/2004, 5:35 PM
Mine was I was sppeding down the road and then pulled the brakes, did a frontflip over the handle bar, smacked my face off the concrete but I got up with only a fat lip! :)

yur man
09/05/2004, 7:06 PM
three of us got on a racer once when we left school. 1 on the saddle, one in the middle steering and me on the handlebars

we were goin fine for a bit in front of everybody else leavin school, until the one steering started to sway side to side. finally we leaned too far to the right and all ended up in a heap on floor

scratched clothes, shoes and bruised egos all round :)

09/05/2004, 7:54 PM
breaking my toe of shedite's foot, about half 2 yesterday. :)

actually the real best hopper was when i was about 7 or 8, going full pelt down the hill on my bike, before jumping off the bike into a hedge (it probably weemed like a good idea at the time) I bust my head open and had to stay off school the next day.

10/05/2004, 12:06 AM
Cycling back from school with a mate,chatting away when our bar ends got entangled in a narrow lane,we went on a bit before crashing in a heap but both of us were grand...until some Matt Hoffman wannabe encountered the pile of bodies and bikes and thought it appropriate to try bunnyhop the mate who lay sprawled across the laneway.He managed to fcuk it up completely came down on me mates front before stumbling slightly and p issing off down the road.Mate ended up with broken rib and collar bone! :D funny sh!t...

max power
10/05/2004, 10:14 AM
well i broke my thumb off....yes off playing gaa for longford many moons ago, it had to be kept in ice and put back on, nasty stuff, couldn't play for almost a year.....

and i had a bad landing in a corn foeld in slovakia while skydiving and i busted my ankle, that was a nasty one too, but the health service over there is soooooooo far ahead of us its just not funny, seen in 15 mins, x ray...doctor...cruthes.....painkillers all for 15 euro, but prices of everything are different over there

10/05/2004, 10:16 AM
Anyone else old enough to a chopper (http://www.virtualgaz.co.uk/chopperpage.htm)

What a bike :)

max power
10/05/2004, 10:17 AM
yeah i had one and it had back pedal brakes !!!!