View Full Version : Beach Rules....

07/05/2004, 9:25 AM
One of my buddies 21st is on next month and we're looking to do something different rather than the usual "party" with free cocktail sausages and apple juice champagne. The idea we have is a night on the beach. Tents, barbque, cans. We found a nice little place by Ballycotton that is a good 500m from and house. Does anyone know how illegal it is or how likely we are to be sent home by some police at some strange hour?

07/05/2004, 10:05 AM
Don't know if it's illegal but as long as ye don't get too messy and are not causing any disturbance then I can't see what harm ye would be doing espeically if it's a public beach area.

the 12 th man
07/05/2004, 10:31 AM
One of my buddies 21st is on next month and we're looking to do something different rather than the usual "party" with free cocktail sausages and apple juice champagne. The idea we have is a night on the beach. Tents, barbque, cans. We found a nice little place by Ballycotton that is a good 500m from and house. Does anyone know how illegal it is or how likely we are to be sent home by some police at some strange hour?

providing you dont
1.play your music too loud
2.get too drunk
3.fornicate/puke/p*ss in the area
4.shout and roar or laugh too loudly.

you should be ok ;)

max power
07/05/2004, 10:37 AM
well seeing as it is illegal to consume booze in public, then yes i do think you'll have a problem, you can only drink outside licenced premises will closed off areas and on your own private property...and the noise thing could be a major problem...

07/05/2004, 12:04 PM
As far as I know you can only errect temporary dwellings such as tents in designated areas.

12/05/2004, 11:08 AM
and seriously if you lot are drinking dont let ANYONE go swimming. we dont want to be reading about it in the papers. Too Dangerous

12/05/2004, 2:15 PM
Key is to keep it quite and limit it to a select few

i.e. Dont post on the Internet about it!!

What Eoinh said too, a surprisingly high amount of people die that way.

12/05/2004, 2:59 PM
Loads of these parties are held every year in the form of raves or small get togethers around the country. Go ahead with it, great idea. All you are doing is having fun at the end of the day, and that is not a crime. Thats just a different viewpoint from the political correctness that most people will shove down your throat, and tell you not to hold it!

It'd want to be well away from any residential houses though. You don't want the cops called, or local scumbags invading your party.

max power
12/05/2004, 3:04 PM
4tothefloor, i think you'll find drinking in a public place is a crime, so are certain noise levels after a certain time and not to mention the litter problem.....i good permit system is needed in this country

12/05/2004, 3:26 PM
Max, you come across as too straight for your own good, bit of a goody two shoes. My view is, a little bit of adventure never hurt anybody. If I want to have a party on the beach, i'll have a bloody party on the beach. If the cops want to stop it, let them come. Maybe you're against it because the local nightclubs and dj's lose out to these kind of things?! ;) The best parties I have been at have been the illegal ones, the spontaneous ones etc. As the N.W.A. said '**** tha police'! :D A bit of free spirit....

max power
12/05/2004, 3:29 PM
no i agree with parties on the beach, but some decent guidelines put in place to avoid drunk deaths, making the beaches even filthyer ( spelled soooo wrong )...just a permit system of some kind, nothing to major

12/05/2004, 4:49 PM
filthier - ah come on max, there was never going to be a 'y' at the end of that! :D

13/05/2004, 12:00 AM
Third, if someone breaks their leg, there could be grounds for a claim against the organisers if there was any degree of negligence or recklessness. And I think most judges (not known as young party animals) would think that a beach party with drink would be pretty reckless per se. And if that's bad, there are two chances of getting insurance...

Well if anyone has friends who would do something such as claim off of you for something like that, they wouldn't be much of a friend, would they? Not the kind you'd want at your party anyway. As SOC said earlier, keep it to a select few, i.e. your best friends and friends you can trust. But as I said earlier, it'd have to be in a secluded part of the beach, well away from residential areas to keep the cops and local skangers away. You would of course want to check the small matter of what the tide is like as well, unless ye intend gettin down with the fish :D

13/05/2004, 9:02 AM
just a permit system of some kind, nothing to major

In order to have a permit system you'd need to make applications public. This would dramatically increase the risk of unwanted guests. It would generate more issues.

max power
13/05/2004, 9:15 AM
well how do permit systems work in other countries ??? conor was spot on with his pomits above, a friend is ok until something happens and the euro signs flash before their eyes !!!!

13/05/2004, 9:27 AM
i dont believe this thread - just go ahead and do it - the police generally dnt give a sh;t as long as your not irritating someone else

and max drinkin in public - hmmmm outside lansdowne bar - top of sandymount credit union - do they count as "public"

course its illegal but if we followed the law to the letter in this country half the government would be doing 8 to ten

this whole thread reminds me of the johnny vegas thing "you're never really sure if its legal to light a fire in your back garden" !!

13/05/2004, 9:37 AM
Agree completely wws - bunch of straight laced, party pooping sensationalists on here. A bit of realism wouldn't go a stray like. :rolleyes:

Conor74: don't have the tents pitched near a rock then. Ye Kerry lads always pick the worst case scenario. I'm in college here with a few and yer all the bloody same! If someone decides to go away from the party tent and end up injuring themselves, you're hardly responsible. You're not responsible for the whole beach, or individuals careless horseplay for that matter. And anyway, it's more likey to be a claim against the council rather than individuals. I mean, 21 yr olds aren't exactly rolling in money.

max power
13/05/2004, 9:42 AM
well 4tothefloor, i'm out working every weekend and i see these so called "pennyless" 21 year olds, and they are wandering the streets hammered, throw in a rock and a big hole with water in it and you gonna have great fun......

a cheap bottle of wine, bottle of vodka, couple of cans.....20 euro, not much money but very drunk people in a dangerous area....its a simple fact not a party pooper....

13/05/2004, 10:03 AM
As for your suggestion that wherever you're from is so much more funlovin' than Kerry, guess that's why all the crowds go to Limerick on weekends away and noone goes to Dingle, Killarney, Kenmare etc. etc. etc. ;)

Wasn't slagging Kerry Conor, or Kerrymen for that matter. Was just saying, in jest, that ye are a very opinionated tribe and extremist in those opinions! While Kerry might be good for tourism, there's plenty of ye down here availing of our third level educational centres, so it works both ways ;)

13/05/2004, 5:36 PM
think you'll find drinking in a public place is a crime,

Dont think thats true.

13/05/2004, 5:46 PM
It's illegal for deffo. I think it was last week there was a case in the Echo were some girl was fined 180 euros (or around that) for drinking in public and refusing to throw it away....

max power
14/05/2004, 9:08 AM
conor i think they all brought it in under political pressure from the top

14/05/2004, 10:53 AM
conor i think they all brought it in under political pressure from the top

It matters little if they did or not.
Ballycotton is under the remit of Cork County Council and they have ruled against the consumption of alcohol in public areas. Therefore with regard to the original question posed in this thread, yes it is illegal.

14/05/2004, 11:11 AM
...in areas under the remit of Cork County Council...

Very good Conor. Places such as Ballycotton Beach and adjacent beaches.

14/05/2004, 1:36 PM
The drinking in public act is designed with populated areas/places in mind, i.e. streets, towns etc, or where there would be lots of other people present. If you're having a small private get together in the middle of no where, and having a few cans to boot, it is highly unlikely that this act will be envoked on you, should you bump into the cops. If you're having a private get together on a remote beach, and there is no public presence there except yourselves, you're grand. However, if you are visible and accessable to the public, and are a possible public nuisance, then it does apply.

As I said earlier, the party would have to be well away from resedential areas and public view, otherwise there's no point.

max power
14/05/2004, 1:42 PM
sorry 4tothefloor, but its only a private property if its on private property,if your on public property that the laws of the land apply.....thats the simple truth of the matter.

no matter what type of a kill joy you think i or others are, if you do something in a public place then it is open to all and you can not ask people to move away as its your private party....

14/05/2004, 1:55 PM
sorry 4tothefloor, but its only a private property if its on private property,if your on public property that the laws of the land apply.....thats the simple truth of the matter.

no matter what type of a kill joy you think i or others are, if you do something in a public place then it is open to all and you can not ask people to move away as its your private party....

FFS Max I know that, I'm not arguing against that. Why do you have to be so pedantic? I said you should be grand, meaning alright/should get away with it/chances are no one will come near you anyway. Jesus man, you have to most literal reading of things that I have ever come across. :rolleyes: A party in the middle of nowhere, on a remote beach - what member of the public is going to stumble across that? What garda patrol car is going to be patroling a beach. Less PC and pedantism, and (just) a little bit more realism wouldn't go a stray here.

14/05/2004, 2:09 PM
What garda patrol car is going to be patroling a beach.

Ya Gardai never patrol beaches cause they'd never have the common sense to think that people might be having illegal parties there, driving recklessly in stolen cars, dealing drugs etc on beaches. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

It is illegal to dink on beaches. Playing loud music on a beach at night time is illegal so inevitably if you do end up having a party on the beach it is going to get broken up by the Gardai.

As for the whole issue about people getting injured and making claims against the organisers, it may not be ur friends that get injured. A stranger walks into the party, gets injured and says thank you very much while cleaning out ur bank account!!!

I'd advise a different option if you are playing a big party

14/05/2004, 2:33 PM
inevitably if you do end up having a party on the beach it is going to get broken up by the Gardai.[QUOTE]

I've been at 4/5, and none of them were broken up....shock, horror :eek:

[QUOTE=Eric]As for the whole issue about people getting injured and making claims against the organisers, it may not be ur friends that get injured. A stranger walks into the party, gets injured and says thank you very much while cleaning out ur bank account!!!

Another worst case scenario merchant. Who are these mysterious random strangers, going around claiming money off people who have parties on beaches? You know what, I might get in on the act myself, earn a few bob! :p

14/05/2004, 2:34 PM
Less PC and pedantism
pedantry! :)

max power
14/05/2004, 2:53 PM
sorry 4tothefloor but you seem to be greatly outnumbered here, its a public place so all that was mentioned can happen and sometimes does :(

14/05/2004, 7:30 PM
pedantry! :)

Thanks Schumi! Although you can 'ism' anything really, I knew it wasn't pedantism...

Either way I suspect noone from this board will be invited.

Damn you Conor......I reckon I would have been invited :D

14/05/2004, 8:21 PM
Its only a bylaw in the City. It aint illegal to drink in public in the county at all. There'd be no sense to it. I is from the county and you can definitely sup away in public at your own pace. What with the festivals and all shur.

24/05/2004, 10:48 AM
Hey guys,

For those of you who argued about this, we had our beach party this weekend. About 30 people, 8 tents, had a bonfire, singsong, cans. Friday night went without any trouble. Got visited by six guards about one in the morning Saturday night then.

They basically asked who we were. Checked some of the babyface ones for ID. Had a search of some dodgy looking ones for drugs, took two peoples details and said if a mess was made those two would be contacted for litter charges. Said have a good night and off they went.

Fantastic weekend, which brings me to my next point. Anyone got any good cures for sunburn. Somebody suggested natural yoghurt but I tried it this morning and it stinks really bad.

25/05/2004, 5:39 PM
Those Gardai were a disgrace. They should have arrested the whole party and fined ye on the spot. :D So much for yer "Oh you can't drink in public at all...it's illegal" :rolleyes:

Told you you'd be grand if you were cute about it Shedite, and at least the gardai used realism in their handling of the situation, as would be expected if you were behaving yerselves, which ye were.

25/05/2004, 11:35 PM
No, that was an arguement put forward towards the end of the thread, but shot down by most who said public drinking was illegal full stop. Just shows what some people actually know on here. Not mentioning any names..... cough (MAX POWER)......cough