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06/05/2004, 12:17 PM

The Five Find Outers eh? A closet Enid Blyton fan I presume then. :)

06/05/2004, 2:21 PM
Actually prefered the Secret Seven myself

that one where their clubhouse (garden shed) is taken over by Peter and Janet's gardener so they move into a cave in a quarry was one of my all time favourite stories as a child. tear to the eye :( :D :D

But the three investigators were my favourites

the 12 th man
06/05/2004, 2:25 PM

Actually prefered the Secret Seven myself. But the Five Find Outers had their moments.


didnt the comic strip do a brilliant p*ss take on it.lashings of scrummy cake
etc....... :)

A face
06/05/2004, 9:38 PM
The Five Find Outers eh?

Pack the sandwiches .... we're off to Devils Creek in the dead of night disguised as walking bin-liners !! :D

06/05/2004, 11:08 PM
Were they the fellows who lived in Long Beach and had a caravan under a junkyard which could only be reached via a tunnel? The amount of times they were followed back and had to rely on that tunnel. That was a great series of books alright, think the local library had every one.

that's them, they had a chaffuer too, won his services for a year in a raffle. Alfred Hitchcock was the named author, though I'm not sure If they were his work or if it was just a ploy to sell them.

07/05/2004, 1:53 PM
Who could forget Frederick Algernon Trotteville and his disguises!! :D

Actually prefered the Secret Seven myself. But the Five Find Outers had their moments.

How about Mallory Towers...ahem...

In the overall scheme of all things Enid Blyton The Famous Five are the undisputed heavyweights, regardless of how bloody noble Julian was.

The Secret Seven had their moments too (had a wee bit of a thing for Barbara as a pre-pubescent laddie myself.

Other great series on her part were The Secret... (Island, of Spiggy Holes, Mountain, of Killimoon) series whose characters' names escape me for some reason. There was a Mike and later a Prince Paul (of Baronia).

Also liked the '... of Mystery' gang. The Circus is the only title I can remember. Snubby, Roger, Dinah and Barney were the significant ones I believe.

On a more light-hearted note (away from all the mystery and intrigue of the above books :)) I liked the Faraway Tree series too and there was a classy book called The Land of Far Beyond (I think) about a group of people from an absolute hole of a city (an allegorised Dublin I presume) who were given burdens to bear that could only be removed in this far off land. Had LSD trip written all over it.

And yes I read the Mallory Towers books at some point. :o Beats St.Clares hands down though. :D

07/05/2004, 1:55 PM
Enid Blyton Link (http://www.geocities.com/avitallly/blyton.html)


11/05/2004, 10:24 AM
BTW, you might enjoy this. What Mallory Towers character are you? I'm Alicia!!

Strangely I am enjoying this! :p I can't decide if my greatest strength is Attractiveness or Honesty though! :p

And I am Darrell - "Occassionally prone to fits of temper, but liked by staff and students alike. You are straightforward, honest, good-hearted Darrell." :D