View Full Version : L.O.I. Officials Take Charge of Champions League Game

15/09/2010, 7:37 PM

I don't know if it's been mentioned on here already, but tonight's
Champions League game between CFR Cluj & Basel Is being
officiated by a League of Ireland team of officials. Referee for the
game is Alan Kelly from Cork.

Read all about it on the above link.

Great for the league IMO !

15/09/2010, 11:28 PM

I don't know if it's been mentioned on here already, but tonight's
Champions League game between CFR Cluj & Basel Is being
officiated by a League of Ireland team of officials. Referee for the
game is Alan Kelly from Cork.

Read all about it on the above link.

Great for the league IMO !
Depends which way you look at it. Great exposure, but look at the clowns who were advertising it

15/09/2010, 11:31 PM
RTE updates on him, maybe a touch OTT

15/09/2010, 11:45 PM
Commentators on Sky were very complementary on his performance during the game. Didn't get anything major incorrect and had a pretty good game overall.

16/09/2010, 8:50 AM
The default view is often negative towards referees but I've always been very impressed with Kelly. Congrats to him, hopefully he'll get a few more before season end.

16/09/2010, 10:34 AM
The Cluj boys were unhappy at half time and 2 of them approached him - Basel scored just short of 2 minutes into injury time to pull it back to 2-1. Can't remember what time went up on the board, so not sure if their gripe was with the time played, but because of who was officiating, I picked that game as the one to watch last night on the Sky 'red button', and in fairness they did a very good job

16/09/2010, 10:39 AM
I watched some of the game and thought Anders did ok.
Was laughing when he recounted the tens teps in the Cluj wall just before half time.
Good to see a fellow foot.ie poster doing so well.

I wouldn't have that Sutton as tenth official, a complete imbecile.
Rode us Rock Solid last Friday night, thank god it was Mervue or we'd have been in trouble.

16/09/2010, 1:39 PM
RTE updates on him, maybe a touch OTT

I thought the idea with text commentary or 'clockwatch' commentary was to put the most recent updates at the top of the page not the bottom? That whole article is in the wrong order!

16/09/2010, 2:15 PM
Mark, I know when the Guardian does text updates, it is in the order you suggest, but once the game is over, the timeline 'flips' so you read from top to bottom

16/09/2010, 2:46 PM
Good ref alright. Definitely knows when it is or isnt a penalty. Isnt that right my sligo buddies ;)

16/09/2010, 9:06 PM
Mark, I know when the Guardian does text updates, it is in the order you suggest, but once the game is over, the timeline 'flips' so you read from top to bottom

oh fair enough. I've never actually looked at one the day after, only when its in progress!

16/09/2010, 11:44 PM
Good ref alright. Definitely knows when it is or isnt a penalty. Isnt that right my sligo buddies ;)

This the bloke impersonating a "referee" that thinks Hoops clash with all white, and books players for winning free kicks?

Ah it is. Give him a token low profile game then.

17/09/2010, 9:31 AM
Apparently the reports are all good appart from 1 or 2 doggy offsides. SKY commentary had them down as doing a good job anyway!!

17/09/2010, 10:58 AM
Best referee in the league by a mile even though he done GUFC in a cup game in Cork a few years ago.

17/09/2010, 11:11 AM
and his father was a worse referee. He done us a good number of times, always gets the televised games because of daddy and i once noticed him goad a fan at a match to come over the perimeter fence and hit him after a another woeful decision

17/09/2010, 11:58 AM
They all make mistakes. He makes less than most (far less).

17/09/2010, 12:23 PM
Apparently the reports are all good appart from 1 or 2 doggy offsides.

I'd say they were barking at the officials over those.:cool:

17/09/2010, 3:51 PM
Kellys not the worst, all in all hes actually decent standard.
Miles ahead of the likes of Buttimer and Winters.

18/09/2010, 4:46 AM
They all make mistakes. He makes less than most (far less).

Which is still a lot.

Eminence Grise
18/09/2010, 9:29 AM
George Hamilton just gave Kelly an honourable mention on Lyric. He called it a good day for the Airtricity League...

But then he immediately played Diana Kraal singing "You May Not Be an Angel" which a few posters here might consider appropriate.

18/09/2010, 11:12 AM
look Kelly and his dad and the likes of buttimer are small men who love power, extract money from our league and love the attention. Good referees are ones that dont get noticed these, 3 prats hold petty grudges for years on end while the rest of us do all we can to support the league. They are a rotten bunch of lowlifes

18/09/2010, 11:35 AM
Buttimer is a dangerous ******* who like to be the circus master. He incites trouble and clearly went out of his way to be the centre of attention again last night. Himself and Pat Kelly and his prat son extract money from our league and laugh in our faces. Im 34 years going to games and between the 3 of them they have set out to destroy games and not referee them over the years. I barely remember the names of any other refs but them 3 incite me every time.

The report in the Irish times is spot on. Fools refereeing our league, who do it for power and the smell of a few bob while the rest of us have to pay for this ****e.

We had a great crowd at the game last night who are what this league should be all about but *******s like kelly and buttimer ruin it. Them dicks arent standing outside supermacs, walking housing estates and encouraging people to come to games in their spare time. they are Leeches who set out to destroy the goodwill of decent fans all over the league.

Mr A
18/09/2010, 12:06 PM
If, as the Times reports, Ryan called him "for calling the match official what crowds call referees the world over" having just been booked then what the hell else was going to happen?

18/09/2010, 7:02 PM
Them dicks arent standing outside supermacs, walking housing estates and encouraging people to come to games in their spare time.

If you're standing outside Supermacs, you don't go calling people what Ryan is alleged to have said, or push them while promoting your game. That's a guaranteed way to get them to f off. Like what Ryan had to do for his actions last night. Buttimer is not Collina, but Ryan had to go for what he did. Twice.

19/10/2010, 2:21 PM

Europa League Gruppe C

Sporting vs. Gent

Dommer: Alan Kelly
Assistentdommere: Damien Mc Grath og Marc Douglas
4. dommer: Padraigh Sutton
Ekstra assistentdommere: Anthony Buttimer og Neil Doyle

Stadion: José Alvalade, Lisbon (POR)