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10/09/2010, 2:11 PM
Basically, you made a factual error there and when I pointed it out you threw up a smokescreen and well, I guess that you've been studying the J Delaney handbook there.

If you couldn't twig that I was talking about country size in terms of population, rather than land-mass (which would be absolutely pointless to a discussion about human culture), then you really are an utter mong....

12/09/2010, 10:11 AM
then you really are an utter mong....

Seems a strange way of judging things on here, this guy is allowed to get away with calling me a truely disgusting term for a person with downs syndrome and then you decide to remove my reply which was basically telling him to wise up. I just hope that no one on here has a relatives with special needs. I don't know who is worse this **** for saying it or the mods for letting him get away with it. I think you all need to spend a bit more time in the real world.