View Full Version : The revolution will not be mini-sized

26/04/2004, 2:55 PM
Posting on another group looking for ideas for a suitable car (http://b30.ezboard.com/faskaboutmoneyfrm16.showMessage?topicID=2989.topic ) for the tall, I was given a link to this site (www.tallclub.co.uk)

At last, we are banding together and taking what's due to us.... total world domination!

When I was in Oz last year there was a wonderful piece i nthe Sydney
Morning Herald's design bit (which doesn't seem to be online) about
how, while Australians (like most populations) were getting taller,
building standards (heights of desktops, flush handles of toilets
etc. were static (at least in Oz) There was an inspiring story of a
dude 195 cm (roughly the same as me) with sons touching two metres
who built a special house with everything suitably proportioned -
taller and wider doors etc, with wonderful results. The trouble being
all this cost him a fortune in dollaridoos.

Persuading architects and builders to update their specs to reflect
how much taller we are now? Now that's a campaign I can get behind...

27/04/2004, 8:30 AM
Persuading architects and builders to update their specs to reflect
how much taller we are now? Now that's a campaign I can get behind...

It's more to do with planning regulations than builders/architects. Sure, you can have a taller ceiling, but the light switch must still be wheelchair accessable.