View Full Version : Kill Bill vol. 2

25/04/2004, 2:14 PM
Anyone see it? Completely different from the first one, but that's not a bad thing. Gone is the kung fu shenanigans of the first, in with dialogue and plot. Far better than the first one I thought.

Top class

25/04/2004, 3:18 PM
it was good enough i thought some hilaroious bits in it especially the sequence when the bride goes to get training from that guy with the wispy beard but overall still not a great film

25/04/2004, 7:43 PM
Unwillingly have seen both of them ,and thought it was the biggest load of b*llox under the sun.
No plot or development of characters,story much too uninteresting....it merely tries to survive on fight scenes(which are unneccesarily violent and after the hundreth person is bloodily castigated it simply loses affect),contemporary camerawork and a few of Tarantino's trademarks touches which are nowhere near enough to save this tripe.

Saw an ad for it this morning saying 'THE MOTHER OF ALL ENDINGS',with the risk of giving it away i'll just say ,did I miss something here?!?

She got shot in the head and she got shot in the chest from nearly point blank range with a shotgun but she was still okay !

Simply Awful stuff