View Full Version : you'll all be glad to know that max power is to kill himself slowly

max power
23/04/2004, 1:56 PM
macy stop cheering !!!!

right now that i have your attention i'd like to announce that i am to run the new york marathon in november on behalf of the irish cancer society, i'll be doing a few charity events in longford and dublin between now and then so your support would be appricated ( spelled wrong )

cancer touches everyones life at some time, if its friends or family, we all know someone who has had or has cancer so when the time comes about dig deep and think of max collapsing in central park on a cold november afternoon..

thanks in advance

max :)

23/04/2004, 5:38 PM
i'd like to announce that i am to run the new york marathon in november on behalf of the irish cancer society

You're a gem Max.
Give us a shout when you've something planned for Dublin.
Make sure you get some of those cuties from the office to come along ;)

Plastic Paddy
23/04/2004, 5:52 PM
macy stop cheering !!!!

right now that i have your attention i'd like to announce that i am to run the new york marathon in november on behalf of the irish cancer society, i'll be doing a few charity events in longford and dublin between now and then so your support would be appricated ( spelled wrong )

cancer touches everyones life at some time, if its friends or family, we all know someone who has had or has cancer so when the time comes about dig deep and think of max collapsing in central park on a cold november afternoon..

thanks in advance

max :)

Ahhh, who cares about the spelling? ;) ;) It's a grand gesture you're making, and that's what counts. I won't be there to cheer you on, but be sure to let us know when those sponsorship forms need filling... I'd be happy to help then.

Best of luck Max!


23/04/2004, 6:47 PM
Great thing to do, great cause & it should be a good experience for you as well. :cool:

Pauro 76
23/04/2004, 9:09 PM
yeah fair play to ya Max....remember its a marathon not a sprint! :D

24/04/2004, 9:45 PM
Your the man!
Your right about Cancer touching people and unfortunatley I've known fourwho have had it-three of whom lived thanks to people like Max rasing money to help!
Give me your adress near the time and I'll send you my weeks wages and whatever I've got spare :)

max power
25/04/2004, 5:43 PM
just to let you know i'll be opening a bank account in dublin tomorrow for anyone who wishes to donate, all donations are needed no matter how small.....

oh and thanks for all the good wishes, i'll need them....

25/04/2004, 9:23 PM
Fair play to ya Max. As a guy whose family has seen cancer all too many times (my Mum actually survived it!), its always great to see a guy raise money for what is a great cause.

Just hope u last longer than the day we played ball in the Fansiro, and a bit of rain dont put u off!

Best of luck.

max power
25/04/2004, 10:17 PM
ah now gary, max was the last man on the pitch......i'll post the account details on the web site tomorrow

A face
25/04/2004, 10:22 PM
I am good for a couple of quid aswell .... just let us know when you're sorted !! Best of luck with it aswell, My friends dad is doing it too, he has done a few of them before but is really looking foward to this one. I think you are both mad but fair play anyway.

the 12 th man
28/04/2004, 8:25 AM
well done max,ill be robbing the plate to sort you out :D

seriously though,i was considering doing the dublin one but i dont think ill be physically able to.

best of luck and may the "wall" be an invisible one

28/04/2004, 10:36 AM
Hey Max Power,

I thought you were killing everybody else slowly on foot.ie with your posts :)

max power
28/04/2004, 10:39 AM
eoinh....you've jut made "the list " !!!!

the bank account number for donations will be up this afternoon and will be my sig as well, dig deep for a worthy cause !!!

28/04/2004, 10:45 AM
Hey Max Power,

I thought you were killing everybody else slowly on foot.ie with your posts :)

lol :D but seriously Max, its a great deed your doing and best of luck with it!!!

28/04/2004, 11:10 AM
Yeah fair dues Max. Hope you raise a lot of money and that you enjoy yourself

max power
30/04/2004, 10:40 AM
ok ladies and gents, as of 11.30 this morning max p is starting his fund raising for the new york marathon, all donations will be gratefully recieved and will go to the irish cancer society...

the following are the bank details for the account i've set up for donations...

ulster bank, camden st, dublin 2

sort code : 985030

ac number : 22338004

i'd ask everyone to dig deep, its a worthy cause and its effects everyone at some point in our lifes,€3,500 is the MINIUM i need to raise but i want to do better than that, i'll pst how much we've raided from foot.ie before the matathon.....

if you do donate put your name/user name on the lodgement as a reference so i know where it coming from....

thanks in advance

mark......( max is on holidays as i'm actually talking sense for a change )

Plastic Paddy
30/04/2004, 11:00 AM
I've just tried to put some money in electronically from London, but my bank won't let me. Any thoughts on how we in the UK can contribute?


max power
30/04/2004, 11:04 AM
just rang the bank and they told me that if you go to your bank branch you can do it from there, for some reason you can't do it electronically...thanks in advance

30/04/2004, 11:57 AM
At 15 I'm still not up on bank transactions but would like to send you a sizeable chunk of my allowance.
So if I print of those details and give them in at my bank and tell them how much I want to give and that my name is Liam88 does that work?
I could always post some money to you if I can't transfer it?

max power
30/04/2004, 11:59 AM
liam that will be perfect, the bank do these transfers every day, just make sure you give them the sort code and ac number and a ref name and they'll do the best, it normally takes a few days and when i recieve a donation i will pm each person to say thanks and let them know i have revieved the donation.....

30/04/2004, 12:50 PM
Well done Max. Nice one.

I'll chuck some cash your way some day.

BTW, don't you have to apply to do the NY marathon. Youjust can't turn up on the day. Officially speaking.

max power
30/04/2004, 1:00 PM
you do have to apply, there is an international lottery in mid may, places are limited to 35,000......there is a USA based lottery in mid june as well.....

through raising money for the ICS the entry is all done, flights, hotel etc.....

max power
10/05/2004, 11:36 AM
just to let antone who is interested know how the training is going, but first just to let you know this is costing me a bloody fortune !! between new gear and washing evey night ( clothes that is ) i'll be broke by the end of may !!!

but i'm doing a steady 40km a week and did my first 10 mile run yesterday, a long way to go yet, but its well worth it as cancer is a disease that hits us all...

so once again i'd ask you to dig deep and i'll let you know when i'm running a night in dublin...

i might also do a bucket collection at flancare in the coming weeks as well....


the 12 th man
10/05/2004, 11:40 AM
[QUOTE=max power].

so once again i'd ask you to dig deep and i'll let you know when i'm running a night in dublin...

what have you got in mind on this one max???

max power
10/05/2004, 11:44 AM
eh now that is still in the production phase.......a decent raffle with lots of booze, a head shave, drinking a glass of tobaso sause ( thats pauros one ), i really have to sit down and work out my fund raising stuff......

i'll announce want i'm gonna do over the next few weeks, but i think i'll wait until the peole in need is over so i can have a good run at it.....

the 12 th man
10/05/2004, 11:49 AM
race nights are normally great crack and are normally profitable.you would need the cost of the race company to be sponsored so you dont have to
pay for it.
its put the thinking cap time on :D

the 12 th man
10/05/2004, 11:52 AM
btw,is it everyone buys a glass of tabasco and pauro drinks em till he combusts ??? :D

max power
10/05/2004, 1:04 PM
i will come up with an idea to do with football......it will take a few days, but the press release will hit here first

18/05/2004, 10:45 AM
nice 1 max, know it doesn't compare but im doing the longford marathon for longford hospice! although it's going to be a task and a half for me as i'd never walk anywhere, very true what you say bout everyone being touched by cancer!
nobody realises the work these people put in unless you experience it and all funding is basically donations!
hope to see you wit the buckets in flancare i'll have to bring out my own sponsorship cards some night!

max power
18/05/2004, 10:51 AM
fair play to ya, i'll be there as well....i'm doing a 20 miler that day as a build up to the big NY....

great charity to go for as well, pm me your training, might be able to give each other ideas....

i did my first major road run last night and i almost died, i've steped up my training, i'm doing 5 days and 2 mornings, into a local gaa club at 6am tues & thurs for sprinting and hard physical work out to build myself up....

good luck with it and let me know how the training is going, have you any goal time ???

18/05/2004, 4:26 PM
i will come up with an idea to do with football......it will take a few days, but the press release will hit here first

Foot.ie members match?
Sure you could find a way to make money outta it :)

18/05/2004, 4:53 PM
As a matter of interest, why? What's the need for a minimum?
cover expenses and make it all worthwhile?

18/05/2004, 7:26 PM

Cover expenses? What happened the charity?

I'm getting out my running shoes...

Eh? I meant that after the flight to NEw York-hotel etc. to make it all worthwhile Max may need to raise this amount,
Best of luck to him whatever the situation :)

18/05/2004, 8:04 PM
Cover expenses? What happened the charity?

A lot of charities run things this way now, they give people the opportunity to do a once in a lifetime thing e.g. hike in Peru, cycle across europe, jump from an aeroplane etc. The deal is that you raise a given minimum amount in sponsorship to do the event. That money more or less goes straight into their coffers as corporate sponsors and tax-breaks from the government towards charitable organisations cover the costs of the event.

Both the public and the charity win, because you get to do something you would otherwise not have done, and get the buzz that it's for a good cause, the charity gets more people interested in donation than it may otherwise do, and reap the financial benefits of this.

way the by... Max, did you try and contact the matchday mag for the game the weekend, I'm sure one of the guys in there wouldn't mind doing a piece on it.

max power
18/05/2004, 10:58 PM
i'll leave it until the return game later on in the season, i'm gonna have a quiz in dublin with some karaoke...

and in july we are running a christmas party in dublin as well if we can, more details to follow, waiting really for people in need to be over so i can get a clean run at it, i'll run soemthing for one of the night the cork lads are up in longford/dublin

also might have a 5 a side comp in longford wen the cork lads are up, we are having a bucket collection outside flancare too, and all donations are welcome through the bank ac below.....

conor the reason for the 3,500 is that i raise that and they send me to the race and take out all the logistical messing out of it for me......

and one wants any other info pm me or e mail and i'll b glad to pass it on...

max power
19/05/2004, 8:43 AM
some of those are sponsered holidays, but because they are buying in bulk the charities get a good deal and a majority of it goes to them, its a new way of aising finance, with the little money the charities recieve from the gov at the mo, every new way of raising funds is needed....

19/05/2004, 9:07 AM
and one person who wouldn't give tuppence to charity himself collecting for a walk along part of the Great Wall of China

exactly the point I was making Conor, the charity end up making a decent bit of cash from someone who would normally not contribute.

max power
19/05/2004, 9:44 AM
yes but in the world we live in the society is changing, people expect something for something i.e i collect loads of money for you, you do somethng nice for me.....a bribe really, but it works, i could do the marathon for no charity and pay for myself to go over, but out of this arrangement we both get something and i almost kill myself in the process :D

max power
19/05/2004, 10:39 AM
cause i see dublin every day and hate the bloody place, new york is a challenge with a lot of hills etc and i love the city......

i'm doing 23 miles of the dublin marathon as a warm up btw, along with 4 half marathons as well, so its not all about 1 day....

its about tmorrow morning at 6am when i'll be training alone in a gaa pitch and its about no big nights on the beer for the next few months, its about arranging my summer holidays where i can run each day...

its a six month programme and not all about 1 one, i'm running 40km per week and doing two morning interval training sessions, so really your sponsoring me to run 1000km over 6 months.........

the 12 th man
30/06/2004, 11:16 AM
how is the training going ?,are the funds rolling in or are you behind target ?

max power
30/06/2004, 11:22 AM
training is going well, doing 30/40 km a week.....just building fitness level up so i can work on distance running from the middle of july, fund raising is slightly behind at the mo, but i haven't gone into top gear yet...

so i'd ask all of you who haven't yet dug deep into those pockets to do so !! its not about just running 26.2 miles, its about running over 700 miles in six months in training also...

a bank transfer only takes a min, so go on....i'm not nearly half as annoying as those people on the streets who try and nap you on your lunch break ( well i might be nearly as annoying )