View Full Version : Why don't we have politicians like this?

03/08/2010, 12:42 AM

I can't post the image (the offensive one) that has driven the yellow press in Russia into a frenzy. Basically she made the mistake of doing what ex-Soviet girls do on drunken nights out - dance on tables because it's a great way to show how brilliant a time you're having. Anyway, it's quite a funny story overall, and it doesn't surprise me since our Georgian charges (3 of them female) are are mad as hatters!


The photos on facebook were far more revealing!

Charlie Darwin
03/08/2010, 1:08 AM
I really don't want to be that guy, but I really don't want to see pictures of Michael McDowell table-dancing in a skimpy outfit.

03/08/2010, 8:44 AM
In the Irish case it'd be Brian Lenihan. But just imagine if Mary Harney posted pictures of her doing the same on Facebook? It would be hammered by Strasbourg as a breach of our human rights, probably call for a crimes against humanity court case! But which politico would look okay dancing on the table. Mildred Fox might have if she washed her wellies.