View Full Version : The Football Association of Ireland responds to Ian Foster’s inaccurate comments

Battery Rover
13/07/2010, 7:54 PM
The Football Association of Ireland responds to Ian Foster’s inaccurate comments about the FAI

The FAI today (Tuesday, July 13th) confirmed that it will refer Ian Foster’s claims in today’s newspapers to the DCU (Disciplinary Control Unit).

Like all clubs involved in European competition, the FAI has assisted Dundalk on several issues this year, including assistance to get Ian Foster on a UEFA Pro License course and helping to ensure that Oriel Park met the UEFA licensing requirements. The FAI is also helping the club to register Steven Lennon from Glasgow Rangers and he will be available for the Europa League tie on Thursday.

1) In relation to Dundalk’s game on Sunday against Shamrock Rovers, the FAI only received the contract today (Tuesday), without which it would be impossible to get an international transfer certificate from the Scottish FA.

2) The club and the FAI have been working very closely together in order to complete the registration process promptly and ahead of time so that the player can be available for selection at Thursday’s Europa League game. In order to do this the FAI have been in close contact with club officials Paul Johnson, Maeve McQuillan and Colm Crossan since Friday and over the weekend and we were thanked in writing for the assistance provided over the weekend by the club yesterday morning.

3) The FAI has already informed the club that there will be no issue with the player being available for selection for the club’s Europa League game on Thursday.

4) The reason why the FAI accompanies certain clubs to European competition is to ensure that all UEFA rules are met and to avoid monetary sanctions. The FAI will also be assisting Sporting Fingal, who have never played in Europe, and Shamrock Rovers, who like Dundalk FC have not been in European competition for some time. This is at a cost to the Association and is to advise and support the clubs.

Speaking today, Fran Gavin, Director of the Airtricity League, said:

“Ian Foster has already been reprimanded by his own club this season for making silly remarks without being fully acquainted with the facts. Today’s comments will now be referred to the Disciplinary Control Unit. As a club manager in his second season, he should be aware of what is required at a club operating at Dundalk’s level. He has mobile numbers for me and my colleagues and has contacted us on numerous occasions in the past, out of hours and we have always been happy to assist. The pressures of club management can not excuse such repeated, inaccurate and irresponsible claims.”

13/07/2010, 8:02 PM
And Dundalks response:::

13/07/2010, 8:02 PM
Some of what Foster said in that interview was fair enough imo.
Very OTT response from the FAI.

13/07/2010, 8:05 PM
"Distancing" themselves.
In other words leaving Foster out to dry. They should be happy with the job he has done so far and back him up instead of sh1ting themselves so much.

13/07/2010, 8:10 PM
Well done Foster dead right

13/07/2010, 8:12 PM
What paper was Foster's comments in? Any Link?

13/07/2010, 8:14 PM
He seems to complain alot

13/07/2010, 8:15 PM
They were during his post match interview on MNS. Not sure what paper picked them up.

13/07/2010, 8:19 PM
He seems to complain alot

So do most managers and supporters in the LOI.

White Horse
13/07/2010, 8:59 PM
"Distancing" themselves.
In other words leaving Foster out to dry. They should be happy with the job he has done so far and back him up instead of sh1ting themselves so much.

I am very concerned that the club are not properly supporting the manager.

The FAI and the club should appreciate the immense pressure on Fosterof trying to sustain a title challenge and a Europa campaign on a miniscle budget.

Many of Fosters comments were fair, albeit focussed on the negatives rather then the positives of the FAI.

Looks like we'll be looking for a fourth manager in four years.

Dundalk CEO Gerry Matthews was also quite vocal in his condemnation of Foster's comments.

Speaking to The Dundalk Democrat, he said: "I am furious with Ian and the comments he has made. The club are facing a hefty fine because of it and it brings Dundalk Football Club into disrepute. It's certainly not productive and it's an open invitation for the FAI to take action.

"This is the second time he has made comments this season regarding the FAI. Steps were taken the last time to ensure he wouldn't come out with anything like this again so the club board is very disappointed with what he has said."

Matthews went on to say that the FAI and, in particular, John Delaney, had been very supportive of Dundalk both this season and in the past. The CEO also dismissed Foster's claims that their registration process was in the "dark ages".

"John Delaney and the FAI have gone out of their way to help us and they pulled out the stops to ensure we got everything in order to participate in Europe. They worked extremely hard with us in that regard and were very accommodating.

"Michael Hayes is one of the FAI officials who travelled to Bulgaria with the team. He was heavily involved in getting the Michael McGowan transfer pushed through but Ian has come out and criticised the FAI's methods for registering players. There is procedure to be followed, he should know that.

"The board will sit down and have a serious chat with Ian when he comes back. I don't think it would be right speaking to him about this two days before a big European game. He will be asked to retract his comments. The club distance themselves from what he has said and we certainly don't condone it in any way

blue til i die
13/07/2010, 10:08 PM
What paper was Foster's comments in? Any Link?

I presume its this:

Dundalk manager Ian Foster has branded his team's recent schedule as "crazy" and admitted he fears for their chances in the first leg of their Europa League clash with Levski Sofia in Bulgaria on Thursday.

The Lillywhites were on the end of a 4-0 hammering at the hands of Shamrock Rovers at Tallaght Stadium on Sunday, but the manager refused to blame his players after a gruelling series of games.

And the Liverpool native was critical of the FAI, claiming that the association has hindered rather than helped Dundalk's chances of European progression.

"We keep getting told about coefficients," he said. "And you see these FAI blazers travelling with us and getting on the bandwagon but you don't see them helping us.

"Somebody tell me how we are supposed to go from a European tie on Thursday to the league leaders on Sunday, having played a local derby on the Monday and having travelled to Luxembourg the week before.

"It's crazy. You wouldn't do it to a racehorse, never mind a human.

"I'm sure Rovers were rubbing their hands when they saw us coming. I genuinely don't know how to get players to perform at a level that is acceptable when they can't run about.

"We are playing one of the most illustrious teams in Europe on Thursday and my players are absolutely shattered. We've played more games than anyone else in the league, so help us, give us a dig out."

Foster was also frustrated after securing the signing of former Rangers striker Stephen Leonard, only for the FAI's registration procedures to prevent him from taking any part against Rovers. And the manager is unsure as to whether Leonard will be available on Thursday, as his application makes its way through the bureaucratic channels at national and European level.

"We signed a player on Friday but he couldn't play because we've got to send it registered post," he said. "Why can't you fax it or email it? We're in the dark ages, honest to God.

"We don't know (if Leonard will be available for the Levski tie) because no one in the FAI will return our calls. But they're travelling with us on Tuesday, which is nice of them."

13/07/2010, 10:14 PM
a bit moany but standard fare for most managers. Nutsy's said worse in the past and not been reprimanded. Bit of an overreaction from the FAI and nothing more than an attempt at damage limitation from Matthews which is understandable.

Mr A
13/07/2010, 10:17 PM
Lots of games is the price of success. Many other clubs would be only too happy to pay it.

13/07/2010, 10:36 PM
Lots of games is the price of success. Many other clubs would be only too happy to pay it.
Spot on Mr A
The same thing more or less happened us last season (and others Im sure)
We arrived back from Albania on the Friday night/Saturday morning then got whipped by Cork on the Sunday. So what. We didnt have a big enough squad, our problem.
Id gladly be in Bulgaria at the moment

13/07/2010, 10:38 PM
It is clear to everyone the schedules a joke. The FAI did go a bit overboard in their response but Foster seems to be the kind of manager that often goes out on a limb without knowing the full facts.

13/07/2010, 11:01 PM
All Foster seems to do is complain. Bit of a broken record at this stage.

13/07/2010, 11:14 PM
The European participants always have a game on the Sunday after they get back as far as I can remember I know we did after our European.. er..adventures..

13/07/2010, 11:14 PM
His comments seem to be empty whining. I have no problem with the FAI issuing a press release calling him on bull****. Particularly after the Declan O’Brien mess Drogheda got themselves into in Europe a few years back, I'm quite happy to see the FAI actually have someone on hand who knows what the hell they're doing. And as Mr A says, you qualify for lots of competitions, you have lots of games. Tough ****.

13/07/2010, 11:33 PM
Theres plenty of managers and clubs in this country that would be only delighted to be involved in these amount of games, especially at the level Dundalk are playing at.

Just get on with it, and if he cant stand the heat ...

13/07/2010, 11:41 PM
I note the FAI did not reply to the schedule issue which appears to be the main part of Foster's complaints. Foster has a valid point re the schedule but he could easily have complained about the schedule without at all mentioning the FAI. I take it that Foster was interviewed after getting trashed 4-0? Not the best of times. The rest of his moans, informed or not, should be kept out of the public domain.

13/07/2010, 11:50 PM
Foster was an eejit for going off on one after an embarassing performance in Tallaght. But why did the FAI have to make such a big deal of it- surely aquiet word of warning would be better than a press release making Foster look very stupid and making the FAI look petty. It's not quite as bad as their excruciatingly embarassing rebuttal of Daniel McDonnell's Limerick/Barca piece, but I don't see it doing the FAI's image any good.

14/07/2010, 12:16 AM
Foster was an eejit for going off on one after an embarassing performance in Tallaght. But why did the FAI have to make such a big deal of it- surely aquiet word of warning would be better than a press release making Foster look very stupid and making the FAI look petty. It's not quite as bad as their excruciatingly embarassing rebuttal of Daniel McDonnell's Limerick/Barca piece, but I don't see it doing the FAI's image any good.

I'd say the fai's reaction was a lot to do with him being reprimanded already this season as your ceo said in his statement, he'd been told to wise up to what he says to the media after games because it will cost the club money. Being interviewed straight after a diabolical performance when yous were lucky not to lose by a lot more, must have been awkward for foster, so he has to blame something.
And stating the 'blazers' only come along for a jolly up was a stupid and wrong thing to say.

14/07/2010, 12:30 AM
Dundalk CEO Gerry Matthews was also quite vocal in his condemnation of Foster's comments.

Speaking to The Dundalk Democrat, he said: "I am furious with Ian and the comments he has made. The club are facing a hefty fine because of it and it brings Dundalk Football Club into disrepute. It's certainly not productive and it's an open invitation for the FAI to take action.

"This is the second time he has made comments this season regarding the FAI. Steps were taken the last time to ensure he wouldn't come out with anything like this again so the club board is very disappointed with what he has said."

Matthews went on to say that the FAI and, in particular, John Delaney, had been very supportive of Dundalk both this season and in the past. The CEO also dismissed Foster's claims that their registration process was in the "dark ages".

"John Delaney and the FAI have gone out of their way to help us and they pulled out the stops to ensure we got everything in order to participate in Europe. They worked extremely hard with us in that regard and were very accommodating.

"Michael Hayes is one of the FAI officials who travelled to Bulgaria with the team. He was heavily involved in getting the Michael McGowan transfer pushed through but Ian has come out and criticised the FAI's methods for registering players. There is procedure to be followed, he should know that.

"The board will sit down and have a serious chat with Ian when he comes back. I don't think it would be right speaking to him about this two days before a big European game. He will be asked to retract his comments. The club distance themselves from what he has said and we certainly don't condone it in any way

You cant publicly slate your manager like that if you have any hope of him continuing in the job (sucessfully) afterwards. I think Foster has a point about the registered post though, why can these documents not be faxed?

14/07/2010, 7:54 AM
You cant publicly slate your manager like that if you have any hope of him continuing in the job (sucessfully) afterwards. I think Foster has a point about the registered post though, why can these documents not be faxed?You really can't remember why they can't be faxed?!

On the fixture list issue, Dundalk have only know about it for about 6 months........Foster would want to buy himself a calendar.

14/07/2010, 8:55 AM
Foster was an eejit for going off on one after an embarassing performance in Tallaght. But why did the FAI have to make such a big deal of it- surely aquiet word of warning would be better than a press release making Foster look very stupid and making the FAI look petty. It's not quite as bad as their excruciatingly embarassing rebuttal of Daniel McDonnell's Limerick/Barca piece, but I don't see it doing the FAI's image any good.

Agree 100%. The first reaction on most forums to the FAI reaction was "What did Foster do?" It was a complete non-story and Foster's moaning (as tiresome as it has become) is no worse than the mahjority of managers have said at one time or another. If the FAI have received communications from the club that a) they're thankful for the support and b) they're dealing with Foster, they shold've said nothing and let the story pass (as it already done).

Now they've created even more bad press, and possibly even cost Foster hsi job.

14/07/2010, 9:05 AM
while I totally agree that Foster is gaining a reputation as a whinger the FAI have become a total delaney dictatorship where nothing can be said against them and when something is said he sends in his favorite henchman Fran Gavin in bully the clubs and make sure the FAI get vindicated its a joke,imo Dundalk and rovers should never have had to play that game four days before European action.

Martinho II
14/07/2010, 9:33 AM
His comments seem to be empty whining. I have no problem with the FAI issuing a press release calling him on bull****. Particularly after the Declan O’Brien mess Drogheda got themselves into in Europe a few years back, I'm quite happy to see the FAI actually have someone on hand who knows what the hell they're doing. And as Mr A says, you qualify for lots of competitions, you have lots of games. Tough ****.

what do you mean by that john83 about the Declan O'Brien situation?

14/07/2010, 10:57 AM
I think Foster was dead right in his views on the congestion of fixtures. 10 games in a month thats way to much and they did look tired VS Rovers but no excuse so maybe he should have saved that rant for another day (:

14/07/2010, 11:30 AM
what do you mean by that john83 about the Declan O'Brien situation?
Drogheda forgot to register O'Brien for a European game. My memory of it is - he'd been injured and they didn't think he'd be fit. He was.

14/07/2010, 12:13 PM
while I totally agree that Foster is gaining a reputation as a whinger the FAI have become a total delaney dictatorship where nothing can be said against them and when something is said he sends in his favorite henchman Fran Gavin in bully the clubs and make sure the FAI get vindicated its a joke,imo Dundalk and rovers should never have had to play that game four days before European action.I know absolutely nothing about the rights and wrongs of the Foster case etc, but I must admit when I browsed this thread, I was struck by the title of the body the FAI chooses to deal with such matters:
"The Disciplinary Control Unit".
Who's in charge of that lot, then? Jack Bauer's Harder Brother?
Other Associations have "Boards" or "Committees" etc, the FAI has a "Control Unit" - sounds like the name given by some Eastern European Government, before the fall of the Wall, to their Internal Security Department...

14/07/2010, 12:57 PM
typical winging manager looking for reasons he was embarrased, while i am fond of the occasional fai bashing his comments were way of the mark. as for the fai response i think they are sending a message out to all managers to keep it stum

14/07/2010, 1:04 PM
If the FAI are so much in the "dark ages" how come they were one of the first FA's to embrace the new UEFA TMS system for International Transfers which speeds up the whole process and is done online. I think Ireland was the first Country to bring it in as our season is different and we were trained on it in October in preparation for the new season in March. Could be others got into the process at the same time but I know when we transfered a player to wolves in January the whole thing was quicker coz of the new system. The ITC was with Wovles quickly.

14/07/2010, 2:35 PM
The European participants always have a game on the Sunday after they get back as far as I can remember I know we did after our European.. er..adventures..
Same here. When we got hockeyed in Finland we played Sligo on the Sunday.

Lim till i die
14/07/2010, 2:37 PM
I can't believe how badly ALL sides have handled this situation. Fosters' position as manager is surely very shaky now.

On an aside, I think I read somewhere that the Scotch were the first to implement the new transfer system but whatever, it doesn't matter because everyone is doing it now.

14/07/2010, 3:12 PM
what do you mean by that john83 about the Declan O'Brien situation?

Drogheda forgot to register O'Brien for a European game. My memory of it is - he'd been injured and they didn't think he'd be fit. He was.
Nearly right, I think. My recollection was that he was injured for one round, and they left him off the panel thinking they could add him after that round, but it wasn't the case, and he wasn't allowed play in the next round.

14/07/2010, 3:17 PM
I think it was actually between legs within the one tie (ie he was injured for away leg but was fit and un registered for the second leg)

14/07/2010, 5:22 PM
I think it was actually between legs within the one tie (ie he was injured for away leg but was fit and un registered for the second leg)

Sounds nasty - and here was me thinking it was a hand injury, or maybe that's what led to the.....