View Full Version : Just the advertising the League needs ...

02/07/2010, 11:53 PM

03/07/2010, 12:25 AM
Coming off the back of Shligos defeat tonight i kinda thought somthing like this might start.When results and refs pish you off then tied to a bed might be a solution,but steer clear of a keyboard,i feel your pain btw.

03/07/2010, 12:26 AM
There is a procedure, I believe, to have tabloid tendencies surgically removed, book yourself in bitored! sorry, redobit.

A face
03/07/2010, 12:28 AM
Wayne, you are some muppet fella. Do us all a favour and fall off the side of the planet. Unreal

03/07/2010, 9:34 AM
At least thing hasn't left us from the "celtic" kitten. Sad story and throws into the open the drug culture in Ireland. It's always surprised me how more athletes haven't failed drugs tests here. (or anywhere else for that matter)

03/07/2010, 11:24 AM
At least thing hasn't left us from the "celtic" kitten. Sad story and throws into the open the drug culture in Ireland. It's always surprised me how more athletes haven't failed drugs tests here. (or anywhere else for that matter)I think you're possibly reading a bit too much into one incident.

03/07/2010, 11:41 AM
The model club.....................

03/07/2010, 2:24 PM
how can you plead not guilty to possession when you were caught ''in possession''

placid casual
03/07/2010, 9:10 PM
The model club.....................

everyone knows models love a bit of coke . duh!

04/07/2010, 1:34 PM
I see another Shamrock Rovers 'star' is linked with more unsavoury acts in one of todays daily's. Incredible how some Shams fans are so blind to the indescretions of their football club and just laught it off like it never happens.

04/07/2010, 3:25 PM
Maybe the mods on here might be able to inform us why this thread about the actions of a volunteer coach for an under 9s team is allowed to stay on a forum supposedly about the premier and first divisions of the League of Ireland?

04/07/2010, 3:36 PM
Ya, sweep it under the carpet, that's the Shamrock attitude. It's not just yer coaches up to no good, you know? ;)

04/07/2010, 4:55 PM
I see another Shamrock Rovers 'star' is linked with more unsavoury acts in one of todays daily's. Incredible how some Shams fans are so blind to the indescretions of their football club and just laught it off like it never happens.

Can I just say what a pathetic, and very nasty, post that is, and one I'm delighted to report to the mods. (I particularly love the typical "thanks" from sligoman, good man yourself)

For those who haven't read the article and might get the wrong idea because of what 'poster' just said, it refers to the front of today's Star. The front page is Robert Bayly in his Ireland kit with the headline "Soccer Ace in Danger of Gang Hit" or something to that effect, and talks about how his life has been threatened and is under Garda warning that his life may be in real danger. The article states several times (I don't have it in front of me, but it was 3 or 4) that Bayly is an innocent victim, noting how he has no convictions, isn't known to the police etc. Basically the article statse that Bayly and about 20 other people saw a gang fight in Corbally and gave statements to the GardaĆ­. These were all innocent bystanders, and included a local solicitor, all of whom a Garda source now says are in danger of recrimination from the gang.

Quite how this is an indiscretion from Shamrock Rovers I have no idea. Poster and some other Sligo Rovers fans are making a habit of spurious allegations about Shamrock Rovers, and hopefully people can see the above as being a sign that most allegations they make should be questioned due to their clear hatred towards Shamrock Rovers as evidenced above.

04/07/2010, 5:00 PM
Can I just say what a pathetic, and very nasty, post that is, and one I'm delighted to report to the mods. (I particularly love the typical "thanks" from sligoman, good man yourself)

For those who haven't read the article and might get the wrong idea because of what 'poster' just said, it refers to the front of today's Star. The front page is Robert Bayly in his Ireland kit with the headline "Soccer Ace in Danger of Gang Hit" or something to that effect, and talks about how his life has been threatened and is under Garda warning that his life may be in real danger. The article states several times (I don't have it in front of me, but it was 3 or 4) that Bayly is an innocent victim, noting how he has no convictions, isn't known to the police etc. Basically the article statse that Bayly and about 20 other people saw a gang fight in Corbally and gave statements to the GardaĆ­. These were all innocent bystanders, and included a local solicitor, all of whom a Garda source now says are in danger of recrimination from the gang.

Quite how this is an indiscretion from Shamrock Rovers I have no idea. Poster and some other Sligo Rovers fans are making a habit of spurious allegations about Shamrock Rovers, and hopefully people can see the above as being a sign that most allegations they make should be questioned due to their clear hatred towards Shamrock Rovers as evidenced above.

Hardly a star anyway:D

04/07/2010, 5:02 PM
Surely he's done something to antagonise these criminals?

04/07/2010, 5:07 PM
What's Bayly's involvement in the whole story so? Surely he's done something to antagonise these criminals?

How can you not read what I said, or what was in the article? Do you not think that's the sort of thing you should have a clue about before you tell all and sundry that Bayly and Shamrock Rovers are involved in gangland crime? Christ some of you Sligo fans just get weirder and weirder.

Here's the third time you've read it, but try and get it into your head this time: Bayly and 20 others innocent bystanders gave statements to police after witnessing a gang fight in a pub, and are now in danger of recriminations from the gang for talking to police.

Just so you know, you're on extremely dodgy legal territory making such idiotic statements in public. You're also a really pathetic little person for doing so.

EDIT: You're still hugely liable for deliberately making a misstatement to try to associate Mr Bayly and SRFC to gangland criminality, even though you have edited your post to remove his name as it's perfectly clear to anyone reading who you were referring to.

04/07/2010, 5:15 PM
How am I liable to a mis-statement? I haven't accused the player of anything? I just said he was linked to a story which involved criminals. I asked how was he linked to the story? Sheesh..on the defensive, or wa?

04/07/2010, 5:19 PM
I see another Shamrock Rovers 'star' is linked with more unsavoury acts in one of todays daily's. Incredible how some Shams fans are so blind to the indescretions of their football club and just laught it off like it never happens.

It's quite clear that you did more than ask how he was linked to the story in the above quote.

You have quite clearly tried to link Bayly and Shamrock Rovers to "certain indiscretions", and you pointed out that it was featured in today's papers so making it obvious from a legal point of view who and what you were referring to. It's also perfectly obvious you were trying to defame Bayly and is quite a serious issue, and a very stupid thing to say in the public domain. That's as well as it just being a rather horrible thing to say about a bloke who's been put in quite a scary position by doing the right thing.

Also, Shamrock Rovers and Robert Bayly have absolutely nothing to be 'on the defensive' about, if that's what you're implying in your last post by suggesting that's why I'm saying what I am. Again accusations to the otherwise aren't the wisest.

04/07/2010, 5:29 PM
Also, Shamrock Rovers and Robert Bayly have absolutely nothing to be 'on the defensive' about, if that's what you're implying in your last post by suggesting that's why I'm saying what I am. Again accusations to the otherwise aren't the wisest.

You're trying twisting what I'm saying. I said YOU had gone on the defensive sir, NOT SR or Bayly. I HAVE NOT accused SR or Bayly of anything, and you know I haven't. You're just annoyed I brought it up and want to vent your anger.

04/07/2010, 5:35 PM
Yes, but you saying that I'm on the defensive suggests that there's something to be on the defensive about. Your initial post also clearly links Bayly and Shamrock Rovers to gangland crime, in a rather obvious way to suggest "indiscretions" on the part of both. I've reported it to the mods and will say no more on it, but you'd want to have a better understanding of the new Defamation Act 2009, before making such serious allegations on a public site.

Like I said, besides the potential legal implications, it's a rather pathetic thing to try to do to a bloke who's had his life threatened, and hopefully people on here will remember it and take the spurious allegations often made by Sligo Rovers fans on here with a big pinch of salt in the future.

04/07/2010, 5:37 PM
You're trying twisting what I'm saying. I said YOU had gone on the defensive sir, NOT SR or Bayly. I HAVE NOT accused SR or Bayly of anything, and you know I haven't. You're just annoyed I brought it up and want to vent your anger.

You're still be a dick by bringing it up when the article makes it clear his nly "crime" is being a witness

Completely out of order IMO

04/07/2010, 5:39 PM
Ah here, look. Get it into your head that I'm not accusing anyone of anything. Jesus H. Stop trying to make a mountain out of something very small. I have not accused the lad/club of anything and I have not breached any rule of the new Act.

Lim till i die
04/07/2010, 5:40 PM
"Republic Of Ireland and Shamrock Rovers star."

Gutter Journalism.

04/07/2010, 5:42 PM
Ah here, look. Get it into your head that I'm not accusing anyone of anything. Jesus H. Stop trying to make a mountain out of something very small. I have not accused the lad/club of anything and I have not breached any rule of the new Act.

Yeah, you're certainly not the type to make a mountain out of a molehill. not with tripe like this anyway

I see another Shamrock Rovers 'star' is linked with more unsavoury acts in one of todays daily's. Incredible how some Shams fans are so blind to the indescretions of their football club and just laught it off like it never happens.

04/07/2010, 6:11 PM
Yeah, you're certainly not the type to make a mountain out of a molehill. not with tripe like this anyway


Good night

pineapple stu
04/07/2010, 6:32 PM
Thread locked. Infraction given to poster. I think Jicked and Dodge have completely rebuffed the allegations made, so I've not deleted the thread. Any problems, post away in Support or PM me.