View Full Version : chinese green tea

max power
07/04/2004, 2:14 PM
i'm back on my diet for the last few weeks and i can't have any caffine...i bought some green tea with lemon grass and i have to say its the dogs !! if only more people in ireland experimented with differnet cultures, then maybe we would get awat from just the normal cup of tea.......

A face
07/04/2004, 6:19 PM
And what culture would lemon grass green tea be from ?? :cool:

Is it helping with your diet ??

max power
08/04/2004, 9:03 AM
i believe its a blend from china that high in anti-toxiants,it helps with the diet as there is no caffine in it and caffine slows down the metobolic rate of the body, thus burning less calories.....

08/04/2004, 9:19 AM
I could have sworn that green tea DOES contain caffeine - albeit much less than in coffee.

Having said that, I'm a real convert to it myself. It's great stuff!


i believe its a blend from china that high in anti-toxiants,it helps with the diet as there is no caffine in it and caffine slows down the metobolic rate of the body, thus burning less calories.....

08/04/2004, 10:51 AM
85mg caffeine per 1ltr redbull
80 per cup o coffee

i wonder is this tea not a cop out like those herbal cigs in bars?

max power
08/04/2004, 10:54 AM
no normal tea has caffine in it, the hebal tea is differnet, it looks and tastes differnet and no milk.....i hated tea until i started drinking this, its the dogs !!!

Plastic Paddy
08/04/2004, 11:14 AM
I'm with you Max, for probably the first time ever on these boards! :p

I started drinking green tea (and then white tea) to stop drinking coffee, black tea, etc. and it works for me too. Green tea does have a little caffeine in it, but it's only a trace amount by comparison with coffee and black tea. And it's full of antioxidants, which means I can pig out on saturated fats... er, no... maybe not... :eek:

;) PP

max power
08/04/2004, 11:22 AM
if you shop around you can get some with no caffine, its really great and for people who stay awake after drinking caffine drinks, this stuff is perfect...i'm on 2/3 cups a day and i think i might try the peppermint next

Plastic Paddy
08/04/2004, 11:32 AM
if you shop around you can get some with no caffine, its really great and for people who stay awake after drinking caffine drinks, this stuff is perfect...i'm on 2/3 cups a day and i think i might try the peppermint next

The peppermint is excellent as it also aids digestion, but do be careful as too many cups can have a laxative effect. I'd recommend green tea with ginseng if you can get hold of it, as that helps boost energy levels and tastes damn good too!

:) PP

max power
08/04/2004, 11:33 AM
yeah i have to be careful whats in it as i'm still on my atkins diet and there area lot of things i can't have.....

Plastic Paddy
08/04/2004, 11:56 AM
yeah i have to be careful whats in it as i'm still on my atkins diet and there area lot of things i can't have.....

Be very careful with Atkins. Don't stay on it for more than a fortnight, as the short-term gain you make will be nullified by the damage your body suffers from lack of carbohydrate. I don't want to seem patronising, but the absolute surefire way to lose weight is to consume less calories than you burn off. And that means cardio-vascular and strengthening exercises, a balanced diet, discipline and patience with yourself over a long period of time. Good luck!


08/04/2004, 12:31 PM
boiling hot water with a little lemon for flavour is supposed to be like THE healthiest thing goin,clears out ur insides like watching the nationwide conference(though from a different orriface!)

08/04/2004, 12:32 PM
Its far from alll this ye were reared!


08/04/2004, 12:43 PM
oh i think those in the know @ foot.ie should open a healthy dining/excercise forum!better than Rubbish (http://foot.ie/forumdisplay.php?f=32)

08/04/2004, 12:44 PM
What have we all turned into here? Green tea, boiling water with lemon, diets?
I'd be on about 6 cups of tea and coffee a day. Does me feck all harm. What's wrong with caffine exactly? Is it that bad really?
Personally, I think this 'health food' craic has gone to far and companies are really ripping the arse out of it.
If you want to stay healthy, just watch what you eat and exercise. Mightn't be the easiest, but it's the only real way to keep the weight down.

08/04/2004, 12:47 PM
I think this 'health food' craic has gone to far and companies are really ripping the arse out of it.

totally,theres an organic store in cork city centre and like their prices are a disgrace,at least 20% added to ordinary prices.but its also fair to say its likely to be damn healthy

08/04/2004, 1:26 PM
Does me feck all harm. What's wrong with caffine exactly?

Caffine can prevent your body from absorbing vital nutrients. It can also raise your blood pressure and disrupt your sleep patterns. Sleep is very important to your wellbeing. It's also important to ensure that you're properly hydrated.
Regular tea contains tannin which gives it its dark red colour like red wine. This is also bad for you. Regular tea bags are full of tea dust and dye's.

Someone, PP I think, mentioned anti oxidants.
They're very important for your immune system and fighting cancer.
Brocolli cooked at 60 deg C is a great source and totally yummy.
In reality, no food is bad when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Balance is the key thing. Exercise is essential and there's nothing like a long walk in the evening to remove the stresses of office life and to help you sleep. Max, however isn't concerned with office stress :D

08/04/2004, 1:31 PM
Caffine can prevent your body from absorbing vital nutrients. It can also raise your blood pressure and disrupt your sleep patterns. Sleep is very important to your wellbeing. It's also important to ensure that you're properly hydrated.
Regular tea contains tannin which gives it its dark red colour like red wine. This is also bad for you. Regular tea bags are full of tea dust and dye's.

Really? Hmm, so how much is too much?

08/04/2004, 1:40 PM
Really? Hmm, so how much is too much?

Somewhere in the region of 300 milligrams, or 2-3 cups, of coffee per day. Another common concern related to caffeine consumption is its potential effect on bone health. Because caffeine increases urine production, calcium, which is a component of the fluid, is lost. Calcium plays a critical role in maintaining bone density and in preventing the development of osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones weaken and become susceptible to fractures. There is some evidence showing that caffeine, and specifically intake of caffeinated beverages, increases the amount of calcium lost in urine.

max power
08/04/2004, 2:19 PM
eh you mentiond diets, people diet because they want to or have to....high blood pressure as one major reason for people losing weight....

plus we pump so much sh1t into our bodies these days its good to do something that is good for you for a change.....

i diet, drink herbal tea and look after myself with yoga etc ( now ) because i didn't like being 4 stone over weight, i'm no any more thanks to the above...

Plastic Paddy
08/04/2004, 3:12 PM
i diet, drink herbal tea and look after myself with yoga etc ( now ) because i didn't like being 4 stone over weight, i'm no any more thanks to the above...

Good luck with it Max. Now, for long and stress-free life, you'll need to work on your football affiliations... ;)


08/04/2004, 5:01 PM
I've been doing much the same except drinking a hot-choc type drink with hot water rather than with milk.

Course Max a good way for you to lose weight would be to run around the football pitch rather than goal hanging;)

A face
08/04/2004, 11:59 PM
Can i just ask ..... are ye all unhealthy bástards or what like ??

You all sound like you are in a support group ??

I am after a few beers here and sensitivity just wnet out the window !!

Caffine consumption ... diets .... exercise ..... tea ... osteoporosis ... story like ??

Sort your lives out people ... get a grip ... you all sound like you are on a health farm or something, you'll all be walkin' around with cellophane wrapped around ye and walker roll bars so ye dont hurt yourselves !!

Plastic Paddy
09/04/2004, 8:31 AM
Can i just ask ..... are ye all unhealthy bástards or what like ??

You all sound like you are in a support group ??

I am after a few beers here and sensitivity just wnet out the window !!

Caffine consumption ... diets .... exercise ..... tea ... osteoporosis ... story like ??

Sort your lives out people ... get a grip ... you all sound like you are on a health farm or something, you'll all be walkin' around with cellophane wrapped around ye and walker roll bars so ye dont hurt yourselves !!

Since you ask, my mother's just been told she has osteoporosis, and whilst it's not as common in men, I'm keeping a watching brief. Lots of Guinness instead of lager and the like... ;)

As it happens, I've promised meself a post-Lenten clean-up kicking off with a yoga weekend in the Dordogne (I leave in an hour). Last night's Celtic result may actually help, because if we play like that in the second leg, there will be no more huge sessions thereafter to worry about!

Happy Easter/Passover/pagan-fertility-festival (delete as appropriate) one and all.


A face
10/04/2004, 9:17 PM
Last night's Celtic result may actually help

Man, .... if you are relying on them for help, you are worse than i thought and too far gone to even worry about !! :D

11/04/2004, 12:06 PM
I got hooked on Green Tea after visiting Japan. Man, that stuff is superb compared to the sh*te I've been avoiding all my life. There's nothing like a good Italian black coffee first thing in the morning but afterwards you feel like a smackhead, just drinking the stuff to feel normal. Only problem with green tea is that it's a bit ruff on the stomach - Guinness, Murphys etc. has the same effect - so you can't binge out on it too much.

Also, bearing in mind that walnut that God for some unthinkable reason shoved up mens' arses has a habit of killing us, spinach and tomatoes in abundance are top dog too for this. Don't do what the British and Irish do and boil the f*ck out of spinach - they ****ed up rice and cous cous and indeed tea the same way by pouring milk and sugar over them - eat in a sandwich or salad raw. It tastes far better. :D I'm also on the soya milk these days too. Living a true healthy lifestyle if only I could give up the two bottles of Jack Daniels a day. :eek:

the scout
13/04/2004, 7:56 PM
apparently scientist believe that if you lived on a diet of milk and liquidised lettuce only ,you will add 33% longevity to your life.
say you would be an absolute riot on a night on the rip with the boys

max power
13/04/2004, 11:41 PM
maybe so, but lettuce is evil and check out your sig scout ( the words are wrong )....word life..... :cool: