View Full Version : Sunderland vs Munster XI: 13th July, Thomond Park.

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11/05/2010, 2:44 PM
Announced today:

Sunderland AFC V Munster XI
Premiership Football arrives on Shannonside
Sunderland to take on Munster XI on 'A Day For Shane'

Premiership side Sunderland AFC will take on the first ever Munster XI soccer side in a charity game at Thomond Park on July 13th next, it was announced today. 'A Day For Shane', which is being held in aid of the Shane Geoghegan Trust, will feature a programme of sporting events of all codes, the centre piece of which will be the star-studded soccer match at 7.45pm.

Details of the game were announced at an official press launch in Limerick today by Sunderland Chairman Niall Quinn, Munster Rugby President Declan Madden, CEO of Munster FC and Limerick FC Pat O'Sullivan, and Tony Geoghegan of the Shane Geoghegan Trust.

more details here (http://www.thomondpark.ie/news/7533.php).

12/05/2010, 9:39 AM
Garryowen RFC must be over the moon with this one.

12/05/2010, 9:44 AM
Garryowen RFC must be over the moon with this one.
I'd say Shane Geoghegan's family and friends are over the moon with this, as should all sports fans. Looks like a great day, and it will be great to see a premiership side play in Thomond Park. Everyone's a winner here I think.

12/05/2010, 10:26 AM
I'd say Shane Geoghegan's family and friends are over the moon with this, .

Do they get the money?

12/05/2010, 10:41 AM
It goes to the Shane Geoghegan Trust. Don't know what the trust actually covers but i think there is a website or something for the trust so details are probably on that.

12/05/2010, 11:05 AM
What kind of crowds do you think will be at this?
International football at Thomond didnt exactly have people rushing for tickets,
will a bottom half EPL team fare out better or do you think more people will go to
support the cause rather than the event?

12/05/2010, 11:33 AM
I think some will go to support the cause and some will go just to see the Football. I think the main thing that killed the crowds for the international matches was they weren't exactly the most attractive fixture and seemed more like token games for the other side of the country. The prices weren't good either. The crowd for the South Africa game was awful especially as the team put no effort in against Australia and it really seemed they didn't want to be there. People down here won't pay €50 to watch players that don't try. €20 is a much more reasonable price and i'm looking forward to hopefully a good day out.

12/05/2010, 12:18 PM
a reasonable price will attract a good crowd,hopefully Limerick can do some PR around this time and get some interest in the club stirred up.

12/05/2010, 12:26 PM
a reasonable price will attract a good crowd,hopefully Limerick can do some PR around this time and get some interest in the club stirred up.

If Limerick can keep going well in the league this could be one of the best opportunities in years to entice people in to the home games for the remainder of the season. :ball:

12/05/2010, 1:27 PM
Don't know what the trust actually covers

Neither do I, anyone know?

12/05/2010, 1:28 PM
If Limerick can keep going well in the league this could be one of the best opportunities in years to entice people in to the home games for the remainder of the season. :ball:

How would this entice people to come to Limerick games? not having a go, just asking.

12/05/2010, 1:39 PM
Neither do I, anyone know?
The website, while having lots of pages, tells you nothing about the trust and who its beneficiaries are. This is disappointing because if I'm going to part with my hard earned for charity I'd at least like to know here the money is going.

I'm not saying anything hookey is going on, but the people running the trust should state its goals, intentions and beneficiaries.

12/05/2010, 1:43 PM
Just looked at the trust website and it isn't very clear as to who gets the proceeds. A mission statement would help clear this up.
Nice idea though, hope its a success.

12/05/2010, 1:46 PM
If Limerick can keep going well in the league this could be one of the best opportunities in years to entice people in to the home games for the remainder of the season. :ball:

People will go to this match who have never seen a Limerick match and will never see a Limerick match

12/05/2010, 1:50 PM
The website, while having lots of pages, tells you nothing about the trust and who its beneficiaries are. This is disappointing because if I'm going to part with my hard earned for charity I'd at least like to know here the money is going.

I'm not saying anything hookey is going on, but the people running the trust should state its goals, intentions and beneficiaries.

I cant agree more, seriously dont mind supporting it as long as the money is not being used to sponsor Garryowen RFC or something. Maybe its used to support the families of other innocent victims of crime?

Oh no wait, did they play rugby? no? who cares?

Lim till i die
12/05/2010, 2:16 PM
What kind of crowds do you think will be at this?

5000 tops


Shane Geoghan what??

Munster XI??

12/05/2010, 2:35 PM
I'd say there will be around 10-12,000 at it. Given that it should be a summers evening, a good cause and Lanky Nialls PR machine behind it.

12/05/2010, 2:41 PM
Munster XI??

Hayes in goal obviously, with O'Connell and Quinlan the centre halves.Horan and Flannery full backs, with Wallace and O'Leary on the wings. Earls and Howlett to control the middle of the park with ROG and Stringer up front.

12/05/2010, 3:52 PM

Do Sunderland really want to risk the eyes of millions of pounds worth of players with this fella?

Lim till i die
12/05/2010, 4:11 PM
It is a mysterious cause joe

Here's what it says on the website in the "About the Trust" section:

'From the day we lost Shane, we’ve been fighting for his memory. Fighting for his memory because of the danger that he may be remembered only by the manner of his dying. That would be another tragedy.

We, his family, want Shane Geoghegan to be remembered for his life and the way he lived it. He was a contributor. He made other people’s lives better. His name should continue to remind people of that wonderful quality, and that’s the reason for this Trust. It is the continuing contribution of a young man who lived a full, happy and generous life.'

Mary Geoghegan, Shane’s Mam

'Why should we honour Shane? His family and friends would say Shane was special and deserves to be honoured but I am sure that all families would say that about their loved ones. What was special about Shane was that he was so normal. He represented every mother’s son or daughter who goes for a night out and doesn’t come home. Through the work of the Trust we want to ensure that our response to Shane’s death is a beacon of light, helping lives shine.’

Tony Geoghegan, Shane's Uncle

Now I have nothing against any of them, twas terrible what happened, but, erm, what its all about??

12/05/2010, 6:02 PM
How would this entice people to come to Limerick games? not having a go, just asking.

A lot of people around are fairly blind to the fact there is a League of Ireland not to mind Limerick FC. Plenty of chance there to advertise, let families, kids etc... know that there is good live football to be watched on a regular basis not far from them. If Limerick can manage to draw any sort of extra support down to games following this match it will be a success, and we all know if people see Limerick FC are doing well in the League at the time this game is on it is going to draw a few more people in. Limerick people love a good bandwagon.

I'm presuming there will be a match program for this game, a decent spread for Limerick FC would be good. I don't just mean a little write up about the club, i mean a round up of how the team is going this season, pictures of the players in action, the league table, even and interview with Tierney or Purcell or somebody like that, an interview with a fan that has been around a long time going to games. Similar to what is in the super blues program (great program the last few seasons by the way, better than any other LOI one ive seen) basically but given out to a broader amount of readers not just the 500/600 fans that come to Jackman Park. Having Leo at the international games was great if you ask me, loads of kids seemed to be interested, so doing that again would be great with another stall setup. Any bit of extra exposure is great and can only benefit the club.

Ya on the Shane Geoghegan Trust thing it is very unclear what exactly the trust is for so more clarity on that would be good.

12/05/2010, 6:25 PM
[QUOTE=Monkfish;1357200]I cant agree more, seriously dont mind supporting it as long as the money is not being used to sponsor Garryowen RFC or something. Maybe its used to support the families of other innocent victims of crime?

Oh no wait, did they play rugby? no? who cares?

It was all over the local papers a few months ago as to what the Trust was about...can't remember exactly what it was now....community etc... Garryowen FC were involved at the time in facilitating it (Niall Quinn did a photo-op in Dooradoyle) but I don't think there's any question of the club receiving anything. Quinn offered Sunderland's services then...so I suppose that's where O'Sullivan has been roped in now, don't think Limerick FC were involved at all at first. Maybe they still aren't.

12/05/2010, 7:38 PM
According to the press release Pat O Sullivan is anyway, but who knows, Limerick may very well not have much to do with it at all. Ya i know there was something in the paper about it before but something tells me if i asked everyone i know what does the money go towards they wouldn't know. Should definately make it much clearer where the money goes.

12/05/2010, 10:25 PM
A lot of people around are fairly blind to the fact there is a League of Ireland not to mind Limerick FC. .

Going to a lot of trouble advertising to people who know nothing about the LOI but who are willing to go see an English team in cosy Thomond Park is pi$$ing against the wind IMO. We simply cannot cater for these peoples needs week in week out in our current home. They may come once on a free ticket but wont be back also the pro-evo/Sky sports armchair generation will hardly be impressed with the football on offer. (I often need a few cans of Stella to get through it myself some nights)

Anyone with an interest in soccer in the Limerick area already know about Limerick FC already. The amount of fellas in work who ask about how we got on at the weekend or comment on current goings on in the league is unreal. Some go to the odd game here and there and others have never sat foot in Jackman but they know all about it, when we play and how we get on. We need good results to bring out the floating fan base.

If Pat gets involved then fair play to him, no harm in a bit of PR but thats all we'll get out of it.

Just my opinion mind, I have been wrong before (once I think)

Lim till i die
12/05/2010, 10:31 PM
Anyone with an interest in soccer in the Limerick area already know about Limerick FC already. The amount of fellas in work who ask about how we got on at the weekend or comment on current goings on in the league is unreal. Some go to the odd game here and there and others have never sat foot in Jackman but they know all about it, when we play and how we get on. We need good results to bring out the floating fan base.

This tbf.

If we are challenging for the title around October time Jackman will be literally sold out for games, if we're mid table there will be 200 there.

12/05/2010, 10:39 PM
This tbf.

If we are challenging for the title around October time Jackman will be literally sold out for games, if we're mid table there will be 200 there.

Its the gloryhole Limerick/Irish mentality. We need to be with the 'winning team' to feel better about ourselves. Seriously, where have all the Munster jerseys gone from the streets since they lost to that French fishing village in the Heino cup? replaced with Chelsea ones it seems.

Soccer had the support in the 80's
Hurling in the 90's
Rugby in the 00's

Whos next up for the bandwagaon?

Lim till i die
12/05/2010, 10:45 PM
Whos next up for the bandwagaon?



12/05/2010, 11:29 PM
I'll see your Lions and raise you some Vikings.


In the face of public pressure, Willie O'Dea will be writing letters to the GAA to let them play the Dallas Cowboys in the Gaelic grounds

Lim till i die
12/05/2010, 11:35 PM
I'll see your Lions and raise you some Vikings.


In the face of public pressure, Willie O'Dea will be writing letters to the GAA to let them play the Dallas Cowboys in the Gaelic grounds

If they ask nicely they can use the Limerick FC cheerleaders

12/05/2010, 11:59 PM
Young Munsters had it going on last season for a bit, Mickey Neds lads also deserve more support than what they get so im going with them(anyone remember the thousands who went to the Munster finals 6 years ago!) on par with the tens of thousands who turned up for the 3 in a row u21 hurling finals. Sweet Jesus.

Lim till i die
13/05/2010, 12:04 AM
Young Munsters had it going on last season for a bit, Mickey Neds lads also deserve more support than what they get so im going with them(anyone remember the thousands who went to the Munster finals 6 years ago!) on par with the tens of thousands who turned up for the 3 in a row u21 hurling finals. Sweet Jesus.

The Footballers do deserve way more support tbf.

Those u21 hurling finals were fantastic, great days out................................ what a petty little success starved county we are :)

13/05/2010, 12:22 AM
Sher if only JP could sling us a few milllion towards a new ground like he did for the rugby and GAA we'd be flying!

Lim till i die
13/05/2010, 12:28 AM
Sher if only JP could sling us a few milllion towards a new ground like he did for the rugby and GAA we'd be flying!

Whatever about Thomond, I'd love to see some of the estimates for that glorified slatted unit on the Ennis Road!!

13/05/2010, 7:43 AM
Yeah, we had 6,000 at our 1st game against them and we were back down to the usual 300 for the next home game.

That Trust thing is far from clear. Even the About Us section doesnt actually give any information, just a quote from the lads family

13/05/2010, 9:08 AM
Ya thats why i was saying Limerick will need to keep there current form up and be challenging around the time of the Sundaerland game. I'd say it would be suprising the amount of people that would float down to Jackman for the next game. There will be plenty of people at the Sunderland match that will be the type that keep and eye on Limericks results and are thinking about going to games but don't. Ive managed to convince a few lads down to games in recent years, one has become a season ticket holder the last two seasons and two more of the lads are thinking of getting them soon, all three lads would have only watched the premiership and have known little about LOI until somebody got them interested, plenty more around like them. We'll get them in one at a time one way or another :).......that or i'll drive around town picking up some stragglers that have fallen off the Munster bandwagon in the last few weeks :D

Tennis (http://www.independent.ie/sport/other-sports/tennis-niland-firmly-focused-on-french-open-after-taking-israeli-crown-2173999.html) is making a surge as a candidate for a good bandwagon in Limerick now :p

13/05/2010, 12:16 PM
I believe Scully will be manager of the Munster selection,hopefully some of the Limerick lads will get a run out.

13/05/2010, 12:51 PM
I believe Scully will be manager of the Munster selection,hopefully some of the Limerick lads will get a run out.

I heard it is to be 2 players from Cork, 2 from Waterford, 2 from Cobh, 2 from ...Tralee I think (?) and the rest from Limerick.

13/05/2010, 12:55 PM
As long as it doesn't turn into one of those farces with 'guest appearances from Peter Clohessy etc' it should be fine, but don't hold your breath.

13/05/2010, 1:03 PM
As long as it doesn't turn into one of those farces with 'guest appearances from Peter Clohessy etc' it should be fine, but don't hold your breath.

There was a game on last year I think with Liverpool Legends ... and who togged out for them, none other than those 2 Merseyside stars ... Tommy Tiernan and Hector O'Annoyingcnut!

Lim till i die
13/05/2010, 1:07 PM
As long as it doesn't turn into one of those farces with 'guest appearances from Peter Clohessy etc' it should be fine, but don't hold your breath.

Couldn't see Sunderland allowing this in this day and age:

"Hello, insurers, this is Niall Quinn here, I'm just claiming ten million pound for Darren Bents broken leg"

"No problem, Mr Quinn, what happened??"

"Erm...........We were playing an exhibition game in Ireland and he was tackled by a 20 stone ex-Ireland rugby international"



Lim till i die
13/05/2010, 1:09 PM
Tommy Tiernan and Hector O'Annoyingcnut!

Pity Sweat McGauley didn't sort them with two of his legendary "tackles"

13/05/2010, 1:25 PM
Pity Sweat McGauley didn't sort them with two of his legendary "tackles"

LMAO...Red card no 46.... :fighter3:

13/05/2010, 1:29 PM
Pity Sweat McGauley didn't sort them with two of his legendary "tackles"

Nah it was a game over in Tullamore. They having Man U v Celtic Legends on this year so expect Bertie and John Delaney lining out for the Man U Legends

13/05/2010, 3:53 PM
Couldn't see Sunderland allowing this in this day and age:

"Hello, insurers, this is Niall Quinn here, I'm just claiming ten million pound for Darren Bents broken leg"

"No problem, Mr Quinn, what happened??"

"Erm...........We were playing an exhibition game in Ireland and he was tackled by a 20 stone ex-Ireland rugby international"



Of all the Sunderland players not going to the World Cup, you pick one that might........therefore he will hardly be playing on July 13th

04/07/2010, 7:50 PM
So whats the story with this game lads. Anybody know if Limerick players etc... are going to be involved in this. 50/50 about whether i'll go to this. Saw the Munster XI jersey today though and thought it was really nice.

06/07/2010, 2:30 AM
50/50 about whether i'll go to this. .

You know what, im in the same boat. Like to go along for a nose but I would really like to know where the money is going, seriously, anyone? Just give me an excuse and ill support it.

06/07/2010, 9:21 PM
You know what, im in the same boat. Like to go along for a nose but I would really like to know where the money is going, seriously, anyone? Just give me an excuse and ill support it.


"The Shane Geoghegan Trust was set up in the aftermath of Shane's murder to provide children with an alternative to anti-social behaviour by making a range of sporting and cultural activities available to them."

This is at the bottom of the article. maybe to finance some of the above.

06/07/2010, 9:25 PM
anyone know who garryowen rfc are sponsored by?

08/07/2010, 1:55 PM
A mate of mine saw in one of the papers today that it will be mainly Limerick FC players and a few more scathered in the team from other teams, so i'll be definately going.

08/07/2010, 5:09 PM
A mate of mine saw in one of the papers today that it will be mainly Limerick FC players and a few more scathered in the team from other teams, so i'll be definately going.

As far as I know there'll be 2 from Cobh Ramblers, 2 from Tralee Dynamos and the rest will be our own.
There were hoped to be 2 each from Cork and Waterford but they werent interested.