View Full Version : Has the FAI got to the MNS Panalist?

01/05/2010, 7:34 AM
Has the FAI got to some MNS panellists or at least requested that Refs be given more support?

In previous seasons fans of the league could depend on MSN panellists to give an honest assessment to many issues within the game, not least being the performance of referees. However, some of the recent analysis leaves me to wonder whether some of them have been asked to tone- down their criticism of Refs and be more supportive.

I’d give two examples to demonstrate this concern. The first was St. Pats Mulcahy’s tackle on Shaun Kelly in Oriel Park. It was an absolute stone-wall red card and even Con Murphy expressed surprise at the panels view in that he had expected all three to say it should have been a red card. Even those that said it was only a yellow conceded that had Kelly down pulled out he could have been seriously injured. A lunge like that is a straight red regardless of whether it was one-footed or two footed and regardless of whether Mulcahy made contact with the ball or not. You can’t jump at a ball from 3 yards away with studs showing.

The second example is the sending off of the Bray player at Rovers. The panel with the notable exception of Roddy, said the ref was right to show a red card. There was absolutely no way that tackle deserved a booking of any type. The guys feet never left the ground and he slide into the ball. In no way could it have been considered to have been dangerous or reckless and the support the Ref got from two of the panellists was amazing.

Since MSN started we could depend on MSN panallists calling it as it was and it was the big appeals of the show. I fear we may be losing this and that would be a big big pity.

01/05/2010, 7:55 AM
I don't think the panel have changed their attitude towards referees, maybe just becoming more professional. Slagging off ref's on tv or radio does absolutely nothing to help the standards they produce week in week out. It's very easy for a pundit to lead lambs to turn to lions against ref's and this doesn't help the game. If players (as those described) didn't act up or lunge in with wild tackles then the ref would have no hassle whatsoever.

01/05/2010, 1:02 PM
The first was St. Pats Mulcahy’s tackle on Shaun Kelly in Oriel Park. It was an absolute stone-wall red card and even Con Murphy expressed surprise at the panels view in that he had expected all three to say it should have been a red card. Even those that said it was only a yellow conceded that had Kelly down pulled out he could have been seriously injured. A lunge like that is a straight red regardless of whether it was one-footed or two footed and regardless of whether Mulcahy made contact with the ball or not. You can’t jump at a ball from 3 yards away with studs showing..

He cledarly won the ball with one foot. yes he coujld've been sent off but the ref, and the fomer professionals deemed otherwise.

if it was an FAI/MNS conspiracy then Con Murphy wouldn't have been surprised

football fans disagree about a load of things. Stop trying to make out that thats a conspiracy.

01/05/2010, 1:35 PM
For goodness sake go and look at the incident again. A jump into the air, foot off the ground and the contact with the ball was with the sole/studs. A clear sending off and anybody says otherwise after viewing a replay is either bias, hasn't a bloody clue, or both.

01/05/2010, 3:26 PM
Yeah, I think everyone who disagrees with me clearly hasn't a clue too. Particularly referees and former professionals. When 3 or more disagree with my view it's probably a conspiracy against me.

01/05/2010, 3:42 PM
The tackle...while he got some of the ball is IMO the sort of challenge that can lead to serious injury and one we dont really wanna see.But it was one of those that could have went either way.The Bayly headbutt and Mannus tackle v Rovers were far more obvious red cards and the panel of MNS rightly said this also

01/05/2010, 3:55 PM
Thats just it though, the tackle didn't lead to any injury at all. The lad was up and running 1 minute after it.

It could've been a red (as in I've seen wrose decisions) but the fact he won the ball saved Mulcahey.

01/05/2010, 5:18 PM
Yeah, I think everyone who disagrees with me clearly hasn't a clue too. Particularly referees and former professionals. When 3 or more disagree with my view it's probably a conspiracy against me.

He knows too much!