View Full Version : New debut in the Brandywell

23/04/2010, 9:53 AM
Derry will be debuting their new scoreboard in the Brandywell tonight.

16.4 feet wide by 12 feet high.

For anyone that have seen the screens in Wembley, same as there. Plan is to show replays and ads on it(Boylesports have put up a fair bit of cash towards it).

Is this the first video scoreboard in the League?


23/04/2010, 9:56 AM
You can be certain that it will be a nil all now.

23/04/2010, 9:59 AM
Already is hoops1 :)

23/04/2010, 10:00 AM
Wembley's are a good bit bigger than 16x12 Kev.

Nice development though. Hope it works out for all. Without doubt its the first video board

23/04/2010, 10:02 AM
Derry will be debuting their new scoreboard in the Brandywell tonight.

16.4 feet wide by 12 feet high.

For anyone that have seen the screens in Wembley, same as there. Plan is to show replays and ads on it(Boylesports have put up a fair bit of cash towards it).

Is this the first video scoreboard in the League?


We had a temporary video scoreboard (from newstalk I think) for the first game at home against Sligo last year. They're a nice addition and I think more LoI grounds should have them if they could get sponsorship.

23/04/2010, 10:02 AM

Poorly explained by me Dodge. Same manufacturer.

It is removable so it is brought in and out and can be rented out for other events(video walls at concerts etc)

pineapple stu
23/04/2010, 10:02 AM
Looks cool alright. First Division really is the place to be this year!

Do you mind me asking how much they cost?

23/04/2010, 10:06 AM

Our new chairman works in that line of business so we got a "deal" on it AFAIK.

I think you are talking €45k+

pineapple stu
23/04/2010, 10:25 AM
Jaysus. So that's why there's none in the league!

23/04/2010, 10:36 AM
Where abouts in the ground will it be?
Could one hopelessly off target strike make bits of it?

Mr A
23/04/2010, 11:25 AM
Where abouts in the ground will it be?
Could one hopelessly off target strike make bits of it?

Indeed. David McDaid is being transfer listed as we speak.

23/04/2010, 12:20 PM
Would be better to spend money on actually improving the ground and facilities imo Kev.
The Brandywell is a bit of a kip. It's a bit like putting chadeliers in a caravan.

23/04/2010, 12:40 PM
If it helps get sponsors and is being rented out then it might pay for itself (will take a while at that price but still...) then whats the harm. derry are clearly hampered by the Council as to what they can do to ground, and the debts things is in the last. Time to move on lads

23/04/2010, 3:59 PM

(Boylesports have put up a fair bit of cash towards it)

Is that as a gesture toward the huge volumes of business being done with them from within the club?

24/04/2010, 9:20 AM
Scoreboard looked well and thankfully had a goal to celebrate.

24/04/2010, 11:12 AM
Does the scoreboard do anything else?? Replays, highlights? Seems like a long time ago when I was sitting in The Showgrounds in the early 80's, asking people to remind me what the score was :disappointed:

24/04/2010, 11:20 AM

Shows replays and the like(we were able to watch all the chances and see the goal again)


There is a clip of it before the game.

24/04/2010, 11:28 AM
Does it have a dual contract too?

24/04/2010, 11:40 AM
Naw, we're paying it cash in hand to avoid any tax.

24/04/2010, 11:48 AM
Naw, we're paying it cash in hand to avoid any tax.

Haha, nice one, I hear that's the way to do it.

24/04/2010, 12:21 PM
That looks top class Kev. Shame it on the back of a lorry as that takes a small bit away from the overall look

24/04/2010, 12:50 PM
Shame it on the back of a lorry as that takes a small bit away from the overall look

Somewhat does, aye. But we don't have planning permission for it yet, so the lorry is a way round it.

24/04/2010, 12:58 PM
I presume thats the plan then, to have it standing on its own?

24/04/2010, 1:20 PM
I presume thats the plan then, to have it standing on its own?Not sure.

Having it mobile allows for renting for sports events, festivals, concerts etc.

24/04/2010, 9:00 PM
Mr P,

This is a thread about the scoreboard. If you want to start a new one on the whole Celtic one, fire away.

24/04/2010, 10:45 PM
scoreboard is deadly lads well done,

i reckon the lecky bills will be high enough now....

dodge any idea why our scoreboard was removed?

25/04/2010, 1:20 AM
Because it was crap Dan

25/04/2010, 10:21 AM
Apparently there has already been interest from the Gaaliban about renting it for Ulster Championship games.

25/04/2010, 1:36 PM
To be able to watch replays of the chances and the goal with-in a minute or two on Friday night was strange but great.

The atmosphere was already good but when the goal was shown on the video screen it of course produced another roar from the crowd.The quailty of the replays was as good as I've seen as because we are more or less at the same level it unlike most giant video screens which are away up high at the top of stands.

One more point was that they didn't show any controversial decisions as I'm sure that is against FIFA rules.

pineapple stu
25/04/2010, 5:34 PM
Stuff about Derry's past moved here (http://foot.ie/threads/134488-Another-quot-Derry-got-away-with-it-quot-thread). As already requested, can we keep this one on topic?

25/04/2010, 8:45 PM
Stuff about Derry's past moved here (http://foot.ie/threads/134488-Another-quot-Derry-got-away-with-it-quot-thread). As already requested, can we keep this one on topic?

i think the topic and the past intertwine... and it helps when you take history and learn from it.

26/04/2010, 8:11 AM
i think the topic and the past intertwine... and it helps when you take history and learn from it.Indeed.

Our old scoreboard was an awful looking yoke that worked periodically.

The new scoreboard is a huge improvement and its clear we've learnt from the history of our old scoreboard.

26/04/2010, 9:09 AM

Our old scoreboard was an awful looking yoke that worked periodically.

The new scoreboard is a huge improvement and its clear we've learnt from the history of our old scoreboard.

Your old scoreboard or Wellvans. :D

26/04/2010, 9:24 AM
Your old scoreboard or Wellvans. :DNeither.

Derry City Council's, the owner of the ground.