View Full Version : Children's Savings Accounts

15/04/2010, 11:51 AM
I'm setting up a little savings accounts for 7 month old little miss dodge. Thinking of going with credit union in work as salary deductions are handy but would think about the banks etc if I thought she might get more. Ideally we're looking for something that will accept both "standing" payments and occasional lump sum payments (not huge amounts but birthdays/christmas presents etc). We'd be looking for a little flexibility (ie money can be withdrawn with a reasonable notice) too.

Anyone got any expereinces or knowledge (good/bad) about the various accounts on over. Obviousy I'm going to be checking the banks websites but its always handy to check for other views

15/04/2010, 3:02 PM
Its Your Money (http://www.itsyourmoney.ie/costcomparisons.jsp) and Money Guide Ireland (http://www.moneyguideireland.com/best-savings-rates) have good comparisons.

AIB has a Parent Saver at the moment which has the highest rate (5%) on regular savings, but you can't really top it up; you can withdraw whenever you want though. EBS' Family Saver has the best dual-purpose rate (4%) - topups up to €1k - but the minimum monthly lodgement is €100 and you can only withdraw twice per year. Bear in mind that most of these accounts are fixed term, you'll have to move every 1-2 years.

I'm with EBS and find them very good, but the quality could be variable as the offices are essentially agencies. The banks are the same though, the difference in quality between branches can be hugh (avoid BOI Douglas and Patrick's Street like the plague).