View Full Version : League of Ireland Fans Unite against Racism

09/04/2010, 1:45 AM
Haven't posted here in a long while but wanted to let people know about this event on Saturday.


For those who don't know, Toyosi was a Shels youth player who was murdered in a racist attack last weekend.

09/04/2010, 9:57 AM
Thank you BohsPartisan, this is a story that has shaken me to the core and has made me more determined than ever to ensure that every child in Monaghan and Cavan gets to take part in the Show Racism The Red Card Programme. My son is 15 and we lived not far from Toy and he would have been in school with him had we not moved back to Monaghan so it hits me on a personal level too. This can not happen on our watch people and as a group with a common interest we all need to be fighting against this in our own little football community.

Monaghan United Against Racism. RIP Toyois.

09/04/2010, 10:46 AM
Haven't posted here in a long while but wanted to let people know about this event on Saturday.


For those who don't know, Toyosi was a Shels youth player who was murdered in a racist attack last weekend.

Thanks BP and can only echo sentiments on this issue. Last weeks tragic events should bring home the seriousness of the issue to all of us. Important that we all show our abhorance at any form of racism and ensure this never happens again.
Toyosi R.I.P.

Battery Rover
09/04/2010, 12:48 PM
Just finished my regular weekly slot on Athlone Community Radio and have given this a good plug

Racism has no place in society

Athlone Town against racism

Toyosi R.I.P.

09/04/2010, 1:19 PM
A total loss of life . We need to act against the ignorant muppets in our society and as loi fans we have to react at games . I have constantly picked people up for stupid but racist comments at games over the years . I will continue to do so . Drogs against racism !

09/04/2010, 1:21 PM
I'm sure that, like me, many people were very moved by the heartbreaking scenes shown on the News last night of Toyosi's funeral. As a League of Ireland supporter, It was particularly poignant to see the Shelbourne flag draped on his coffin. What a terrible, terrible thing to happen. R I P.

09/04/2010, 5:51 PM
good stuff BP - i hope there is a big turn out for this from anyone who can make it. RIP Toyosi.

The Lep
09/04/2010, 7:40 PM
Haven't posted here in a long while but wanted to let people know about this event on Saturday.


For those who don't know, Toyosi was a Shels youth player who was murdered in a racist attack last weekend.

A few points and im not having a pop or belittle anything or anyone. It wasnt murder and it wasnt a racist attack and it had nothing to do with the poor chap being a shels player.

09/04/2010, 7:47 PM
A few points and im not having a pop or belittle anything or anyone. It wasnt murder and it wasnt a racist attack and it had nothing to do with the poor chap being a shels player.

Congratulations, you just did belittle it and his murder, which is generally what a stabbing is. Idiotic post. If it wasnt racially motivated then what was it? Im sorry for taking the bait here and hopefully this wont ruin the thread.

10/04/2010, 9:51 AM
On todays protest march - from yesterday's Irish Times

Mourners warned against protest as Toyosi is laid to rest

“NO AMOUNT of protest, no demonstration will bring back this boy’s soul. Your good mind is what he needs – not fighting, not crying,” Imam Shehu Adeniji told mourners at the funeral of Toyosi ****-bey, the 15-year-old Nigerian-born student killed last Friday in Tyrrelstown, west Dublin.

Referring afterwards to the march planned for Dublin city tomorrow, he said: “Demonstration is uncalled for. We do not approve of it. It is creating social unrest . . .”

Their concern was about the “intention of those who want to protest”, added the assistant imam at the mosque in Dublin’s Sheriff Street, Alhaj Saliu Adewunmi Adeniran. “It can instigate problems with teenagers and we are worried about where it might lead.”

10/04/2010, 10:37 AM
fcuk me lep,your the dpp now,
add me personnaly in the sentiments

racist scum will have no act or part in a decent,modern ireland

10/04/2010, 11:28 AM
was not going to contribute but lep what are you like, silly comment

10/04/2010, 1:41 PM
even if thats your take on it lep your best to keep an opinion like that to yourself really wasn't needed here..

10/04/2010, 1:45 PM
A few points and im not having a pop or belittle anything or anyone. It wasnt murder and it wasnt a racist attack and it had nothing to do with the poor chap being a shels player.

I thought the same thing listening to the Gardai being interviewed on the radio. That they didnt think it was racially motivated. I stand open to correction though. Not that its any comfort either way.

The Lep
10/04/2010, 2:16 PM
was not going to contribute but lep what are you like, silly comment

How is it silly compared to the exagerrated comment in the opening post ? The opening post commented on what he thought it was and ive commented on what ive heard . Its a bit exteme to suggest it was a racist murder when we dont know for sure that was the case and it sure wasnt anything to do with him being a shels player.

10/04/2010, 2:54 PM
I thought the same thing listening to the Gardai being interviewed on the radio. That they didnt think it was racially motivated. I stand open to correction though. Not that its any comfort either way.

How is it silly compared to the exagerrated comment in the opening post ? The opening post commented on what he thought it was and ive commented on what ive heard . Its a bit exteme to suggest it was a racist murder when we dont know for sure that was the case and it sure wasnt anything to do with him being a shels player.

So this guys previous form is just coincidence then?

Paul Barry was involved in a similar attack that thankfully didn't lead to a death a few years back: http://www.independent.ie/national-news/four-charged-with-hatred-in-racist-attack-on-father-son-345834.html

10/04/2010, 3:00 PM
Lep nobody suggested that it had anything to do with him being a shels player so i don't know where your getting that from. You also suggested it was'nt a murder???? What a stupid stupid comment to make when a young boy's life was ended with a knife last friday. You should'nt have commented when you clearly knew little or nothing about the sad event. hang your head in shame.

Well done to BP for starting the thread. Racial scum have no place in irish society.

The Lep
10/04/2010, 3:19 PM
So this guys previous form is just coincidence then?

You cant judge a case on past form. It was classed as a racist murder before the chaps past form came to light and we dont know the lead up to the incident to say for sure it was a racist murder.

The Lep
10/04/2010, 3:22 PM
Lep nobody suggested that it had anything to do with him being a shels player so i don't know where your getting that from. You also suggested it was'nt a murder???? What a stupid stupid comment to make when a young boy's life was ended with a knife last friday. You should'nt have commented when you clearly knew little or nothing about the sad event. hang your head in shame.

Well done to BP for starting the thread. Racial scum have no place in irish society.

And you know for certain in was murder do you ? you was there was you ? was the accused charged with murder ? no.

A refrence to him being a shels player was made in the opening post.

10/04/2010, 3:22 PM
Of course you can judge a person on past form, another ridiculous comment. Okay, well i think, despite me trying to address your questions, that you are simply refusing to acknowledge that this was murder and was racially motivated. I think you have hijacked the thread enough now and should stop posting here.

The Lep
10/04/2010, 3:48 PM
Sku, i said you cant judge a case on past form, i didnt say the person. The accused has been charged with manslaughter not murder and the guards havent said it was racially motivated.
You cant go around saying it was racist and murder when you dont know 100% fact that it was and how the incident happened. It doesnt mean a person is guilty of a crime just because he was involved in a similer case before.
If you want to post stuff you dont know to be true sku then stick to the attendance thread.;

10/04/2010, 4:05 PM
keep living in denial. Youre not worth the energy.

10/04/2010, 4:21 PM
Ah come on Stu, for someone who professes a knowledge of the law it's ludicrous to say that there's no such thing as manslaughter, even if it doesn't make the loss of life any less tragic or pointless. As for whether or not it was a racist murder, the statement initially made by the police made it sound like it wasn't a racially motivated killing or a pre-meditated crime/gang related death. Whether that's the case or not I don't know, you don't know and will be worked out at trial.

RIP Toyosi, an awful waste of a life whatever the circumstances.

The Lep
10/04/2010, 4:24 PM
keep living in denial. Youre not worth the energy.

denial of what? the truth ?

10/04/2010, 4:52 PM
despite saying i wouldnt add to this thread anymore, i cant let the last 2 posts go unanswered. Jicked, I never said or implied that there was no such thing as manslaughter so to state that in your post is pretty disingenuous. The DPP can call it what they like but thats only because they do not have enough evidence to charge for murder. Its not what you know its what you can prove. Unfortunately that is the way of the legal system. It doesnt always achieve real justice. Ask the majority of people who have had to go through the courts about their experiences.

It is common knowledge at this stage that racist remarks were made by the accused men prior to the stabbing. And im surprised at the naivety youre showing in believing everything the Gardai said in their initial statement. As i pointed out in my link, on top of the tragedy of all this, one of the accused has previous on racist attacks. If you want to ignore all that in the interests of "justice" following the stabbing to death of a 15 year old kid, then be my guest. I thought that the stabbing of Toyosi was something that would unite all LOI fans (all Irish people actually) in dismay and disgust and not be met with denial and ignorance and that the idea of the rally would be supported by all the posters here considering that he was a Shels player and fan. Looks like i was wrong.

10/04/2010, 5:03 PM
I thought that the stabbing of Toyosi was something that would unite all LOI fans (all Irish people actually) in dismay and disgust and not be met with denial and ignorance and that the idea of the rally would be supported by all the posters here considering that he was a Shels player and fan. Looks like i was wrong.

I quite clearly made out how dismayed and disgusted I am as every person in this thread has been about this awful incident, please do not attempt to paint me as thinking anything otherwise.

I haven't the faintest clue if there was malice aforethought involved and to be perfectly honest nor do you, so to say that it was 100% murder and not manslaughter is sensationalism. It'll be for a court to work out these things, not for you to say categorically it goes one way and then try to paint anyone who points out otherwise as being as not caring about a boy getting killed. It's a terrible, disgusting act, and doesn't need your ridiculous hyperbole to add further weight to these tragic circumstances. It's the sort of situation that requires cool heads, the Imam Shehu Adeniji should be particularly commended for his wise words, and not tabloid sensationalism from you about the state of our justice system and uniting the nation.

10/04/2010, 5:30 PM
If lep the lad was killed by a drunk driver i would content that it was manslaughter as he was killed by a knife welding thug i beleive its murder regardless how the law defines it.
and i think it is fair to assume it was recially motivated.
terrible that this thread was dragged of line

10/04/2010, 5:51 PM
RIP Toyosi.

But why is it when racism happens in the league no real action is taken eg Jason McGuiness, shamrock monkey chants think Sligo even got fined for a anti racist banner
Yup we got fined for a banner attacking Jason Mc Guineass after his disgusting comments to Rommy Boco.
Show racism the red card my ****ing arse, the FAI showed their true colours there.
Give the man a few match day suspensions and sweep it all under the carpet, but sure what do you expect from a pig but a grunt.

10/04/2010, 5:53 PM
I quite clearly made out how dismayed and disgusted I am as every person in this thread has been about this awful incident, please do not attempt to paint me as thinking anything otherwise.

I haven't the faintest clue if there was malice aforethought involved and to be perfectly honest nor do you, so to say that it was 100% murder and not manslaughter is sensationalism. It'll be for a court to work out these things, not for you to say categorically it goes one way and then try to paint anyone who points out otherwise as being as not caring about a boy getting killed. It's a terrible, disgusting act, and doesn't need your ridiculous hyperbole to add further weight to these tragic circumstances. It's the sort of situation that requires cool heads, the Imam Shehu Adeniji should be particularly commended for his wise words, and not tabloid sensationalism from you about the state of our justice system and uniting the nation.

just give it a rest will you - theres no hyperbole involved, simply addressing the idiotic posts that The Lep has made. Then you stuck your oar in for some reason trying to make out that i said something i didnt. Why bother? Why bother trying to drag an argumentative idiot like me into this thread again when the thread should have been left as is? If you want to call it manslaughter, then fine, knock yourself out. If you want to accuse me of sensationalism, fine. I dont think anything i said was inaccurate or invalid otherwise i wouldnt have said it.

10/04/2010, 6:41 PM
Somebody delete this thread.....it's ruined.

The Lep
10/04/2010, 8:54 PM
If lep the lad was killed by a drunk driver i would content that it was manslaughter as he was killed by a knife welding thug i beleive its murder regardless how the law defines it.
and i think it is fair to assume it was recially motivated.
terrible that this thread was dragged of line

Assumption doesnt prove anything, you cant jail someone on the basis that he has done it before so he must be guilty this time.. My point is that we dont know the events leading up to the tragic death of the young lad. There isnt an official report of what happened and there is talk that it was one of the friends of young fella that pulled the knife on the 2 accused. There is also talk that an argument took place and the 2 lads ran into a house and came back tooled up. To say it was a racist murder makes out that the 2 accused went out to Blanch with intent to kill a black person, they could have done that anywhere. Rumour also has it although just rumours that it was the young lads friends that started the argument but until we know the full details of what happened that day its unwise to say it was a racist murder until the powers that be prove it was so. In truth its a sad waste of a young life and who could have been a future League of Ireland legend.

10/04/2010, 9:49 PM
Shels fans banner in Athlone Town Stadium this evening

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4062/4509101340_a61a6486e1_m.jpg (http://www.ashleycahill.com)

total hoofball
10/04/2010, 10:18 PM
From what I've heard this was NOT a racially motivated death. The full facts will eventually come out. The media have yet again been a sham in their reporting of the incident.

10/04/2010, 11:11 PM
From what I've heard this was NOT a racially motivated death. The full facts will eventually come out. The media have yet again been a sham in their reporting of the incident.

A knife wielding scumbag with a history of racially motivated attacks killed a 15 year old kid. What part of that reporting is shambolic?

The Lep
11/04/2010, 12:32 AM
A knife wielding scumbag with a history of racially motivated attacks killed a 15 year old kid. What part of that reporting is shambolic?

Because its not that accurate .

Pauro 76
11/04/2010, 7:40 AM
Back on topic lads, way off the topic here.

11/04/2010, 8:54 AM
Back on topic lads, way off the topic here.

Is it so far off-topic though? With the OP hoping that league fans will unite in protest at this racist attack, it's pretty relevant for posters to ask and debate if the attack really was racially motivated, isn't it?

11/04/2010, 11:56 AM
You cant judge a case on past form. It was classed as a racist murder before the chaps past form came to light and we dont know the lead up to the incident to say for sure it was a racist murder.
Some of us dont need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.....Paul Barry is a Racist and A talanted young black player is dead because he stuck a knife in him...If people want to argue the symantics of weather the law and only the law equals truth and justice ,well thats a matter for their individual concience.

11/04/2010, 1:08 PM
well said rovershead ,I am sure lep you are not trying to deminish the terrible act that was perpentrated but in reducing this to finite points of law does exactly that. to be blunt sticking a knife in someone who then dies to me is murder regarless of aforethought.

11/04/2010, 1:16 PM
And you know for certain in was murder do you ? you was there was you ? was the accused charged with murder ? no.

A refrence to him being a shels player was made in the opening post.

I know a boys life was ended becasue of a knife. He was stabbed and died as a result so yes it was murder. What was he doing carrying a knife in the 1st place? Just for show was it???? Well he put it to use and a lad is dead because of it. Are you missing that point Lep? A mothers son is now in a coffin becasue of that scumbag.

A reference was made to him being a shels player because he was playing for our under 15s. It was never implied he was mudered because of the club he plays for. Read the post properly.

total hoofball
11/04/2010, 1:57 PM
A knife wielding scumbag with a history of racially motivated attacks killed a 15 year old kid. What part of that reporting is shambolic?

My line of thought was the exact same as yours based on what the media reported until a few days ago when I was told about matching circumstances of the incident from different sources, circumstances that completely tie in with why its a manslaughter charge for Barry.

The media have irresponsibily whipped up hysteria and tensions through '2 + 2 = 5' reporting, through misinformation and a failure to report on a wide range of critical circumstances that led to and resulted in the stabbing. The result of the media's reporting upon the wider public is seen in this thread - that's not a dig at anyone posting here because until a few days ago I myself was deeply upset and angry at what I believed was a vile racial murder of an innocent kid.

The manslaughter charge is the best indication of what I'm talking about without leaving this site open to legal difficulties.

11/04/2010, 4:10 PM
The full facts have not been in the media I suppose so they won't prejudice the case however I know some of Toyosi's friends who do know all the facts and this was a racially motivated attack.

Just to report on the march itself, around two thousand turned out. Our LOI contingent had about fifteen to twenty mainly Bohs and Pats fans but I also saw a Galway jersey in the SWP contingent, there was an Athlone fan and I saw a couple of Shels fans but they weren't with our group. We had a banner with Love football hate racism and also the NBB banner as two of Toyosi's friends are in the NBB.

pineapple stu
12/04/2010, 12:07 PM
I've no problems with this thread remaining open, but on both sides, please stick to facts, and not hearsay. I think osarusan's post -

Is it so far off-topic though? With the OP hoping that league fans will unite in protest at this racist attack, it's pretty relevant for posters to ask and debate if the attack really was racially motivated, isn't it?
- is valid, and I think some of the queries some posters have raised are justified. However, "I heard" is not a valid evidence of an opinion. Also, if you want to argue against a point, attack the post, not the poster.

12/04/2010, 12:08 PM
I closed the thread while I was tidying it up. I'm reopening it now but the idle speculation has to stop. Either post verified, reported facts with attribution, or keep your gob shut.

The Lep
12/04/2010, 7:35 PM
I've no problems with this thread remaining open, but on both sides, please stick to facts, and not hearsay. I think osarusan's post -

- is valid, and I think some of the queries some posters have raised are justified. However, "I heard" is not a valid evidence of an opinion. Also, if you want to argue against a point, attack the post, not the poster.

I agree and its why i had an issue with the opening post saying it was a racist murder when it hasnt been proved in court yet.

jamie m
13/04/2010, 10:51 AM

There is a very worthwhile initiative been run by Show Racism the Red Card, an intercultural summer camp for kids in July for 11-16 year olds. The site is a work in progress but you get a good idea of what its about.
Think its really important to support groups like SRTRC and specifically imo their work with younger people in addressing racsim in Irish society. I was up in UCD for the SRTRC Art competition prizegiving a few weeks ago and it was really heartening to see so many young people from Youth Groups and Schools all over the country promoting the anti-racist message through their art, song, essays and music.
We can argue about what did and didnt happen in this horrific murder but think its important that people challenge racism (like the demo on saturday) and support groups like SRTRC etc in their activities. You only have to read Eamon Zayeds article to see that there are still idiots out there to feel this is acceptable behaviour.

13/04/2010, 7:00 PM
I've deleted the last post in this thread, and the user responsible can consider themselves lucky they weren't infracted for thread spoiling.

It's absolutely ridiculous that I have to point this out, time and again: we have a post reporting facility. On every single post. If you have a problem with a post, use it. Don't post in the damned thread and spoil it for everyone else.

One more off-topic post and I'm chucking this.