View Full Version : One last point

27/03/2004, 5:15 PM

i'd imagine this is kinda the stuff adam was refering to

Ok mabye the title wasn't appopriate but I need to explain this thread-I couldn't correct it because it got binned before I had a chance.
I meant to ask why the Rangers supporter was supporting PALESTINE (as traditionally they seem to support Israel).
I alos asked why they were against the Daily Record because as a general rule Celtics fans are anti-Dail Record so I just presumed that most Rangers fans would be pro.

I put it in OFF TOPIC as I noticed it wasn't 100% to do with football (although to be fair it did involve clubs and the general attitudes of their fans so might be elegible for 'General Football').

Apart from the thread title (which I admit was a mistake and hearby apoligise for) I made no derogatry of secaterian remarks. I didn't say "why are the scum boycotting that proddy piece of trash" or anything along those lines so I really don't see this thread as "mindless secateriansim" compared to some of the things posted around the web regarding this kind of situation.

If we had a Celtic baord it could PREVENT these arguments as the pro-Celtic people could post on that thread and anti-Celtic people would have no reason to go on it except for a bit of baiting (which could be monitered by the mods).

Well that's my case and none of it changes the fact that it was a turelly awful decision to put the thread about the Celtic tribute to the victims of the Madrid outrage in the rubbish bin.

There was nothing wrong with that thread at all

27/03/2004, 5:20 PM
A wee note so no one get annoyed with me-I posted that before the last message on the "Celtic threads" discussion came up.

27/03/2004, 5:25 PM
The internet domain (ie) of this board is not relevant for a new Celtic only section. Celtic are a British club playing in Britain. If their is a need for a new board it should be 'foreign football'

the scout
28/03/2004, 1:58 PM
A wee note so no one get annoyed with me-I posted that before the last message on the "Celtic threads" discussion came up.

anyone ever see a movie called "groundhog day" :rolleyes:

28/03/2004, 6:12 PM
Funny how people like Dublin Bhoy never seem to get that I'd prefer to ban people that smartmouth me, because it's one less tosser using my bandwidth. Like, duh.


Aberdonian Stu
29/03/2004, 12:09 AM
Purely out of interest, and to keep it off the board and to keep everything in order I'll ask them to PM me, could someone let me know what the Celtic fans tribute to the Madrid thing was?

Celt 2 The Core
29/03/2004, 6:56 AM
Purely out of interest, and to keep it off the board and to keep everything in order I'll ask them to PM me, could someone let me know what the Celtic fans tribute to the Madrid thing was?

Go to the 'You'll never Walk Alone' thread that somehow got into rubbish

Paddy Ramone
29/03/2004, 9:11 AM
Ok mabye the title wasn't appopriate but I need to explain this thread-I couldn't correct it because it got binned before I had a chance.
I meant to ask why the Rangers supporter was supporting PALESTINE (as traditionally they seem to support Israel).

The UDA and the BNP have links to some extreme right wing anti-semitic organizations in the US such as survivalists, neo-nazis and the Ku Klux Klan who believe in a "Jewish conspiracy" called ZOG which stands for Zionist Occupied Government. The Rangers supporter was probably supporting Palestine because of this.

The anti-black and anti-Jewish Ku Klux Klan was formed by American Protestants of Scottish descent in Tennessee after the American Civil War. Klan coming from the Gaelic word for family and Ku Klux being the Greek word for a circle.

29/03/2004, 10:28 AM
Thanks Paddy :)
Adam surely Dublin Bhoy should have got three strikes?
Or doesn't this apply when people insult you (or the mhods) directly?
I'm not having a go because I know it's your site, your decisions, I was just wondering if he did anything before and will he be let back in?

29/03/2004, 11:24 AM
Adam surely Dublin Bhoy should have got three strikes?
Three strikes is a waste of time with people like Dublin Bhoy, they're just here to stir up sh*t and have nothing of value to contribute.


29/03/2004, 11:36 AM
Three strikes is a waste of time with people like Dublin Bhoy, they're just here to stir up sh*t and have nothing of value to contribute.

Ah, he ain't that bad. God, we all go into Silvio Dante mode every now and then. :o

Paddy Ramone
29/03/2004, 11:55 AM
Thanks Paddy :)
Adam surely Dublin Bhoy should have got three strikes?

Just another point about Rangers fans who might be anti-Jewish. The song The Billy Boys is about extreme right wing fans of Rangers derived their name from Billy Fullerton. They were formed after Fullerton was attacked by Celtic fans after he had scored a goal in a football match in the 1920's. Fullerton had formed a branch of the anti-Jewish, anti-Catholic and anti-black Ku Klux Klan in Glasgow.

29/03/2004, 5:48 PM
Fullerton had formed a branch of the anti-Jewish, anti-Catholic and anti-black Ku Klux Klan in Glasgow.
Sick eejit.
Adam I know it's not my place to say but can I ask for one last chance for Dublin bhoy.
Like I said it's your choice and your site I know but no harm in asking ;)

29/03/2004, 8:16 PM
Why are you appealing on Dublin Bhoy's behalf liam88? What do you care?


29/03/2004, 8:29 PM
Why are you appealing on Dublin Bhoy's behalf liam88? What do you care?


Fellow Celtic fan ain't he. ;)

Nah honestly, I'd just spoken to him a few times and I guess i'm just a people person and I'm sure he didn't mean anything personal, I just wanted to keep it peaceful and he obviously enjoyed your forum as he came on here a fair bit.

But at the end of the day he insulted you and it's your website, your judgement, your call.


Paddy Ramone
30/03/2004, 9:28 AM
I alos asked why they were against the Daily Record because as a general rule Celtics fans are anti-Dail Record so I just presumed that most Rangers fans would be pro.

Donald Findlay their chairman was caught singing the "Billy Boys" which ended up on the front page of the Daily Record.

Celtic fans tend to sympathise with Palestinians not only because they are left wing but also because many Palestinian Christians are Catholics belonging to various different rites such as Latin, Maronite and Melkite. Many Christians were ethnically cleaned from Palestine by Zionists before the establishment of the Israeli state. The Vatican did not recognise Israel for number of years.

But on the other hand Zionist groups like the Stern Gang were inspired by the IRA in their fight against the British rule in Palestine. The Stern Gang like the IRA regarded any enemy of the British as an ally even Nazi Germans and Arabs.

30/03/2004, 10:49 AM
But on the other hand Zionist groups like the Stern Gang were inspired by the IRA in their fight against the British rule in Palestine. The Stern Gang like the IRA regarded any enemy of the British as an ally even Nazi Germans and Arabs.
Remember reading that Yitzhak Shamir (later PM of Zionist Occupied Palestine) was a member of this group and they were regarded as some sort of Jewish proto-fascist group, wearing green shirts as their uniform. Believe they tried to do a deal with the Nazis in which they would collaborate with the expulsion of Jews from Europe if they were moved to a Zionist state where Palestine was. I think the Germans, in particular Hitler, was scared sh*tless of a Jewish state and wanted them either dumped in Madagascar or eliminated altogether.

Paddy Ramone
02/04/2004, 9:09 AM
Ok mabye the title wasn't appopriate but I need to explain this thread-I couldn't correct it because it got binned before I had a chance.
I meant to ask why the Rangers supporter was supporting PALESTINE (as traditionally they seem to support Israel).

Another reason a Rangers supporter might be pro-Palestinian is that he might see parallels between Israel's claim on the West Bank and Irish nationalists claim on the six counties.