View Full Version : FIFA 11 Suggestions

05/04/2010, 11:43 PM

Suggestions for FIFA 11...

06/04/2010, 10:28 PM
Include the LOI first division .

11/04/2010, 12:35 PM
Just posted

1. Be a Pro/Virtual Pro mode should be changed to last more then 4 seasons. And allow more transfers between the teams(like in the manager mode)

2. Manager mode should allow International managment(but only after you gain a decent Manager reputation)

3. Incorporate League of Ireland 1st Division

17/04/2010, 6:13 PM
Fix the goalkeepers, PLEASE!! No more standing in no mans land or running out to players at the wrong time. Either fix the keepers or make it a lot harder to chip them.

Also sort out the pass and move, and first time control. It's annoying how you can't just pass a ball in your stride but instead you pause for a second after passing it.

And has anyone noticed how your player does a wee "stumble" after you are tackled to prevent you from tackling back straight away? Even if the opposition gets the ball cleanly without touching you you still do a small stumble type thing.