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20/03/2010, 6:03 PM
Dear To whom it may concern,

It has come to my attention, yet again, that there is no report on the blow link for the biggest game in the Airtricity First Division, Waterford United Vs. Derry City, yet you still managed to cover Shelbourne 3-0 Salthill Devon, Mervue United 0-1 Wexford Youths, Monaghan United 0-1 Finn Harps. Shelbourne I can slightly understand given RTE's continuing unwavering support to all things Dublin, but I simply cannot understand why you have left out the game in the RSC. AND, I do believe there wasn't any report last week either on Cork FORAS vs. Waterford United.

What's going on, why are Waterford United persistently being ignored by RTE, not that we're used to it, but I thought you'd be taking special interest in Cork and Derry, seeing as you were only too happy to report on the problems they were having before the season started, so I have to believe the problem is not with them, but with Waterford United!!!


Yours, not expecting a reply,


20/03/2010, 6:11 PM
What about the 3 other reports, hardly top flight teams focused on there, and it wasn't that long ago you were there. Premier Division football is nothing but a Dublin borefest this year, how's Sligo's travelling expenses holding out, btw, or are they reinvesting in ground staff "organisation" you have there!?!?!?!

20/03/2010, 6:29 PM
It's up to First Division teams to send in their own match reports and updates to Áertel. If you volunteer, they'll be more than happy to accept your contribution.

20/03/2010, 6:37 PM
Really? Find it hard to believe that neither Cork or Derry didn't bother sending anything in. As I said, this league is between Us, Derry, Shels and possibly Cork, our 2 games, as well as Derry vs. Cork were the biggest, no mention!

Buile Shuibhne
20/03/2010, 9:56 PM
I rang in the scores, updates for the Shels Vs Salthill game to RTE /Aertel.

I also sent them a 90 word (circa) match report.

If you're not in - you can't win.

Unfortunately that's the system.

20/03/2010, 9:59 PM
Premier Division football is nothing but a Dublin borefest this year,

DOn't bust a gut trying to get promoted then

20/03/2010, 10:10 PM
DOn't bust a gut trying to get promoted then
Atleast now we've an excuse if we bottle it at the end of the season ha

20/03/2010, 11:09 PM
Notice the way I said "THIS YEAR"

21/03/2010, 12:11 AM
Really? Find it hard to believe that neither Cork or Derry didn't bother sending anything in. As I said, this league is between Us, Derry, Shels and possibly Cork, our 2 games, as well as Derry vs. Cork were the biggest, no mention!
Naaah,i'd say ye have it won at this stage!

De Town
21/03/2010, 12:41 AM
The phrases "wasting your time" and "****ing against the wind" spring to mind.

21/03/2010, 1:14 AM
Indeed, but baby steps and all that!


Sign up above, for all the good it'll do!

21/03/2010, 1:44 AM
Dear To whom it may concern,

It has come to my attention, yet again, that there is no report on the blow link for the biggest game in the Airtricity First Division, Waterford United Vs. Derry City, yet you still managed to cover Shelbourne 3-0 Salthill Devon, Mervue United 0-1 Wexford Youths, Monaghan United 0-1 Finn Harps. Shelbourne I can slightly understand given RTE's continuing unwavering support to all things Dublin, but I simply cannot understand why you have left out the game in the RSC. AND, I do believe there wasn't any report last week either on Cork FORAS vs. Waterford United.

What's going on, why are Waterford United persistently being ignored by RTE, not that we're used to it, but I thought you'd be taking special interest in Cork and Derry, seeing as you were only too happy to report on the problems they were having before the season started, so I have to believe the problem is not with them, but with Waterford United!!!


Yours, not expecting a reply,


Every club in the top 2 divisions, should be entitled to a game report and goals shown on the lazy farce that is MNS. RTE go out of their way to tell us the result and show the points scored in some obscure U-21 Paddy McGinty C Reserve Division Shield game between Boghockey Rangers and Lash Out Athletic in a mudpatch in Carlow Town on a wet Sunday on their amateur sport coverage, so it shouldn't be too hard to cover 11 professional games during the weekend in our sport.

21/03/2010, 9:52 AM
We, extratime.ie, always have reports on First Division games if that helps at all.

21/03/2010, 10:00 AM
Having been at the match at the RSC, I'd argue neither side should be going out of its way to publicize it. Aside from the first 15mins the quality of football was atrocious. The awful weather destroyed the pitch and killed the match as a spectacle.

21/03/2010, 3:20 PM
That's your point of view mate, anyway, here's the reply.


all of the first division games you listed were covered because we received reports from the respective clubs' press officers or freelance reporters. Limited resources mean that we have to rely on whatver copy we receive from the games. As such, when we do not receive copy from the match in question, we cannot publish a match report. As it happens, we did receive a report on the Waterford United match late last night which we will now publish. Hopefully this source can provide timely match reports for Waterford United home games in future.

Notice the absence of regards, sincerely, etc, how rude!

21/03/2010, 5:24 PM
Notice the absence of regards, sincerely, etc, how rude!
Equally polite as yours then.

21/03/2010, 6:20 PM
all of the first division games you listed were covered because we received reports from the respective clubs' press officers or freelance reporters. Limited resources mean that we have to rely on whatver copy we receive from the games.

So they're "relying" on bias, or amateurs/fans for their LOI reports.

RTE are apparantly the national broadcaster, not the local rag.

BBC by contrast, show every goal from every game of the top 4 divisions in England on Saturday nights. They're the national broadcaster, with limited resources, and not exactly flush with cash as well.

But THAT'S professional coverage of a professional league.

21/03/2010, 6:33 PM
Notice the absence of regards, sincerely, etc, how rude!
I also note the lack of gratitude on your behalf for a reply you didn't think you'd get

BBC by contrast, show every goal from every game of the top 4 divisions in England on Saturday nights. They're the national broadcaster, with limited resources, and not exactly flush with cash as well..

Are you for real? BBC's TV sport budget is bout 10 times the budget for the entire RTE. Ridiculous comparing the two

I'll ay it for the umpteenth time. RTE were corced to show the league, they have limited resources, and its far better to have every premier game covered than anything else. They've shown in the past that they're willing to cover nig news in the first, but its not a priotity, because, frankly, its the second tier of LOI football.

Charlie Darwin
21/03/2010, 7:37 PM
So they're "relying" on bias, or amateurs/fans for their LOI reports.

RTE are apparantly the national broadcaster, not the local rag.

BBC by contrast, show every goal from every game of the top 4 divisions in England on Saturday nights. They're the national broadcaster, with limited resources, and not exactly flush with cash as well.

But THAT'S professional coverage of a professional league.
League 2 attendances are higher than in the LOI, so the games are of more interest, and are usually filmed by local news/television. The BBC doesn't actually send people around to every game of its own volition, but I'm sure if local stations in Cork and Waterford could provide good footage MNS would broadcast it.

21/03/2010, 10:09 PM
In my opinion, we are on the right track, but we are not there yet.

As alot of people on here know, I am a Waterford United fan. I think M,N,S, is a great programme that
promotes the Airtricity Premier Division, but the Airtricity League does not end at the Premier Division. I have no idea of budgets, but I do know that when Eircom League Weekly was aired on T.V.3. a few years ago, they would often show a First Division game. Also, Ireland's 5 major cities are represented in the First Division this year. That's alot of people who may not watch M.N.S. because their team is not featured. I can only speculate about this. In my opinion, if M.N.S. were to show at leat one First Division game a week, their viewing figures may slightly increse.

It's just my opinion.

21/03/2010, 10:23 PM
Are you for real? BBC's TV sport budget is bout 10 times the budget for the entire RTE. Ridiculous comparing the two

I'll ay it for the umpteenth time. RTE were corced to show the league, they have limited resources, and its far better to have every premier game covered than anything else. They've shown in the past that they're willing to cover nig news in the first, but its not a priotity, because, frankly, its the second tier of LOI football.

The BBC's budget is greater than RTE's but then again, more sports have to get their slice of the pie. BBC have recently announced the closing down of stations, and cutting of website costs, and have announced job losses in the recent past. They have budget restrictions, and have no UK advertising revenue to call on. We have 11 top 2 division games. RTE have the exclusive LOI highlights package, and have studios all over the country, so there's no valid reason why only 5 games can be featured every week. It's not the commercial interest that is the issue, it's the principle. If you're in the league, you earn the right to have your game shown.

League 2 attendances are higher than in the LOI, so the games are of more interest, and are usually filmed by local news/television. The BBC doesn't actually send people around to every game of its own volition, but I'm sure if local stations in Cork and Waterford could provide good footage MNS would broadcast it.

I accept that, but at least they show 40 games on a Saturday night, not merely 5, 3 days after they're played.

21/03/2010, 10:29 PM
The BBC's budget is greater than RTE's but then again, more sports have to get their slice of the pie. BBC have recently announced the closing down of stations, and cutting of website costs, and have announced job losses in the recent past. They have budget restrictions, and have no UK advertising revenue to call on. We have 11 top 2 division games. RTE have the exclusive LOI highlights package, and have studios all over the country, so there's no valid reason why only 5 games can be featured every week. It's not the commercial interest that is the issue, it's the principle. If you're in the league, you earn the right to have your game shown.
Again, are you for real? Its like you don't even read what others post

The BBC is the largest broadcasting corporation in the world. STOP comparing it to RTE.

YOu believe that clubs have earned the right to be shown on TV? Sheesh....

Charlie Darwin
21/03/2010, 11:42 PM
The BBC's budget is greater than RTE's but then again, more sports have to get their slice of the pie. BBC have recently announced the closing down of stations, and cutting of website costs, and have announced job losses in the recent past. They have budget restrictions, and have no UK advertising revenue to call on. We have 11 top 2 division games. RTE have the exclusive LOI highlights package, and have studios all over the country, so there's no valid reason why only 5 games can be featured every week. It's not the commercial interest that is the issue, it's the principle. If you're in the league, you earn the right to have your game shown.
There are economies of scale to consider - the BBC can compile dozens of highlights packages and co-ordinate all of this coverage, primarily because they have people and equipment in place that are doing it anyway. RTE could probably do the same for the Irish leagues, but it would be a greater strain on resources.

You also have to consider that a great many of English lower league games are filmed for local news and even local TV because there is a market to see them, and that the club itself often films the games in a reasonably professional manner. The BBC can just buy the raw tape and condense it into a highlights package. Unless Derry games are being shown on Derry TV, Cork games are being shown on Cork local TV and so on, RTE will have a difficult time sourcing footage of lower league games. I mean Mervue United get, what, 300 at an average game - unless one of those people owns a TV studio, it's just not happening.

I accept that, but at least they show 40 games on a Saturday night, not merely 5, 3 days after they're played.
Well that's a scheduling issue. The Football League is comfortable with the graveyard shift after Match of the Day - the LOI could probably negotiate a slot after Premier Soccer Saturday, but my guess is that they rather like having their own hour-long show on Monday evening. And it's a very good show considering the difficulties they often face getting proper tape of Premier Division games.

22/03/2010, 12:36 AM
Have to say MNS isn't bad. My main beef with RTE would be the champions league coverage of LoI teams.

22/03/2010, 12:55 AM
I don't have to show gratitude towards RTE, I never will. Their arrogence is astounding, I have a ligitimate complaint and although my letter was a bit snotty it did contain facts, ie, biased towards Dublin, only too happy to cover Cork/Derry's woes etc. My licence fee is more than gratitude enough, if they don't have the humility to show a bit of politness, it only backs up my opinion of them. I'm only one voice who sent in a letter, fair enough, I wasn't expecting an answer and I'm still not satisfied with the reply. It's nonsence that they have to rely on biased opinions of what are essentially fans, and it's downright lazy, considering noone gets paid to send them in.

22/03/2010, 12:58 AM
Slightly off topic but...

I think that main problem is the sponsers themselves rather than RTE, but I still think RTE could do much better in regard to promoting the league, like doing 10-15 second promos of what game they are showing on the Friday, is virtually all they do, I do not often see the ads on at the prime TV times about 7-10, it always seems to be 11 onwards from I when see them.

I can see many avenues that sponsors can take to promote the league but if sponsors like Newstalk are about, you will achieve nothing. You ask any general fan, do you know that Newstalk sponsers the league of ireland, most likely people will say no, why sponsor a league, when you get nothing out of for yourself ?, the point of sponsoring is to promote both parties, when you think of Newstalk, you think of the LOI etc. Again with Newstalk, whenever their TV ads are on, there is no mention of their relationship with the LOI, a simple sentence like, ''Newstalk are proud sponsors of the LOI, come out, support your local team''. Other sponsors like Ford, Eircom and The Star even, never seem to do this. EA Sports have done something even if it is minor in regard to adding LOI teams into the game, but I feel the sponsors have to be in partnership with the league, they have to promote each other, before any potential new fan takes notice.

Also, sponsors of clubs could do likewise, like Shelbourne and Cabs2000, I seen an ad about a month ago for Cabs2000 and they mention their sponsership with Shelbourne, which is great to see, I hope that others will follow. For example, Hunky Dorys could create claret and blue crisp packet with Drogs logo on it, etc.

Its not really that hard, I just feel the sponsors are the key to getting the publics interest.

22/03/2010, 1:09 AM
mns had a window to show highlights of 1st division games last monday(only 3 top leauge games on),instead they "filled" with pointless interviews.i wonder that if even if the 1div coverage was sent to them on high spec if they would show it??
we(dundalk) suffered that for a long time when we were in that graveyard.
and apart from the local rags you wont get any reports from the national newspapers either.
it is a fact of life in the bottem tier unfournatley

22/03/2010, 10:07 AM
.....For example, Hunky Dorys could create claret and blue crisp packet with Drogs logo on it, etc.....

Never eating Hunky Dorys again ;)

It is a good idea, I know that 3 are doing a kind of branding thing locally with us. I think it is a runner to a certain extent as a number of the league's club sponsors are locally based - I don't know though what level of support the local fans give the local sponsors above and beyond the usual. Has any research could be done on the matter? I know some sponsors do a whole deal thing based on mentioning the club or presenting a match ticket or golden goal ticket.

More importantly though, what flavour would it the Drogs Crisps be? Given the colours, beetroot flavour?

22/03/2010, 10:34 AM
Claret and Cashel Blue flavour surely?
Cheese and wine flavoured crisps, how sophisticated... up yours ambassador!!

22/03/2010, 10:43 AM
I don't have to show gratitude towards RTE, I never will. , [/quote]
You asked a question, they answered it. That you didn't like the answer shouldn't mean that you shouldn't be thanking them for a reply.

Their arrogence is astounding
THEIR arrogance? You're the one claiming Waterford deserve to be on TV….

I have a ligitimate complaint and although my letter was a bit snotty it did contain facts, ie, biased towards Dublin,
That’s not a fact

My licence fee is more than gratitude enough, if they don't have the humility to show a bit of politness
I thought the letter was polite.

The rest of your rant is ridiculous. You had a complaint, it was answered.

22/03/2010, 10:53 AM
I would have no problem with 1st div highlights being shown,but i do think its laughable for the clubs down there to demand it.The standard is sh*te(as a Dundalk fan i should know).And its funny how i dont recall Cork/Waterford fans calling for it when they were in the premier.

We should be happy that RTE are giving us any coverage at all considering the love they have for the EPL.The facebook petitions are laughable IMO.The bottom line is that outside of the 1st division itself,there is very little interest in it.

Mr A
22/03/2010, 10:55 AM
The vast majority of what you say is equally applicable to the premier division.

22/03/2010, 11:00 AM
The vast majority of what you say is equally applicable to the premier division.
Not equally, slightly less so.

Premier maintains slightly more general appeal (probably about 3% compared to 1% for the first), and is slightly less ****e standard wise

BTW I've no problem with the first being featured/shown but I think its ridiculous to demand the same level of attention as the premier. Doesn't happen in any league in the world

22/03/2010, 11:06 AM
Not really.
First Division = Sh!te
Premier Division = A little better than Sh1te.

22/03/2010, 11:06 AM
I would have no problem with 1st div highlights being shown,but i do think its laughable for the clubs down there to demand it.The standard is sh*te(as a Dundalk fan i should know).And its funny how i dont recall Cork/Waterford fans calling for it when they were in the premier.

We should be happy that RTE are giving us any coverage at all considering the love they have for the EPL.The facebook petitions are laughable IMO.The bottom line is that outside of the 1st division itself,there is very little interest in it.

I can't speak for Cork, but in Waterford's case MNS didn't exist last time we were in the Premier, so that's probably one reason why you'll not recall having heard it from us.
However, and I have to say personally I don't agree with a lot of the sentiment of his letter, nor, especially, the tone of it, in fairness to madblaa (the OP) his complaint was never about MNS or lack of highlights, it was about a perceived lack of match reporting on Aertel and RTE.ie.

22/03/2010, 12:17 PM
Really? Find it hard to believe that neither Cork or Derry didn't bother sending anything in. As I said, this league is between Us, Derry, Shels and possibly Cork, our 2 games, as well as Derry vs. Cork were the biggest, no mention!

Really? Cork and Derry are that good? Cant see beyond Waterford for top spot but the rest is wide open and we'll have a say in it for sure.

22/03/2010, 12:47 PM
Premier Division football is nothing but a Dublin borefest this year
Its not the fault of the many clubs in Dubin that did keep their finances in order to permit them entry into the Premier Division.
Granted some do seem to have some shakey finances but sure time will tell there as it did with Cork and Derry.
As for it being a borefest? Well for travelling to away games believe me its tedious going to the pale every other week but as for quality its far superior to the First Division.

how's Sligo's travelling expenses holding out,
Not to bad, if you havent noticed we actually made a 6 figure profit last season, not too shabby.

or are they reinvesting in ground staff "organisation" you have there!?!?!?!
No I think they are reinvesting it in maintaining PREMIER DIVISION FOOTBALL here.

Buile Shuibhne
22/03/2010, 12:55 PM
It's nonsence that they have to rely on biased opinions of what are essentially fans, and it's downright lazy, considering noone gets paid to send them in.

They're not relying on 1st Div clubs to send them in reports - they don't particularly care.

The clubs care - and if they want match reports published on Aertel / rte.ie then they have the opportunity to do it themselves.

Far from ideal - but that the system - so it's up to the clubs to make the best of it.

22/03/2010, 1:20 PM
The BBC doesn't actually send people around to every game of its own volition
I'd say it does, if not centrally, through their regional services (which aren't stand alone groups a la ITV used to be)

BBC have recently announced the closing down of stations, and cutting of website costs, and have announced job losses in the recent past.
The closing of stations and cutting of the website was to do with competition issues, not cost afaik.

I don't mind the first not getting as much as the premier, but the reality is it gets nothing more than a passing mention. As has been mentioned, even when there's setanta games on, they see this as a chance to cut costs, rather than an opportunity to cover games in the first (and this year any game involving Cork or Derry will justify it on attendance/ interest).

I'm not sure why if first division fans aren't that arsed with MNS the way it is, why people think that the floating punter with no interest is going to be attracted just because of premier highlights only. Most of it is hasbeens talking crap not action of any kind anyway.

22/03/2010, 1:35 PM
As far as I can remember, nearly all Harps First Division games a few years ago featured on TV3's Eircom League weekly because Harps paid to have the game recorded and had edited highlights of the games sent by courier to TV3 on a Monday morning.

I know the same situation was mentioned (not by Harps) to RTE when MNS started, but RTE said that when they weren't recording the game themselves, they didn't feel that "amateur" recordings would be up to the high quality required to show on RTE.

I'm not one of those who is calling for RTE to show wall-to-wall coverage of the First Division, or indeed looking for goals from every First Division games every week. However, I do think there is room in their MNS programme to show the goals (would take less than 60 seconds) from the top First Division game every week. Remember, the season before last, RTE were able to fit 6 Premier Division games into their programme each week as the Premier had a 12 team league.

Aertel or the RTE website don't do previews of the First Division games at all, despite First Division clubs sending out team news / quotes from managers / etc. on a weekly basis. RTE don't even mention that First Division games are taking place on the sports news segiments on a Friday/Saturday. Last Saturday night on RTE 9.00 TV news, they gave a latest score from the Sligo/Galway game, but didn't even mention that Athlone were playing Cork. On the 8.00pm/9.00pm/10.00pm sports news on 2fm on a Friday night, they just give updates from the Premier Division - they don't even mention that there are First Division games taking place. Same happens all day on a Friday when they mention games taking place in the League - the League to them is the Premier, the First doesn't exist. Yet, results from all four Divisions of the GAA National Football and National Hurling Leagues are covered on RTE News on TV and Radio. Are you telling me that there is more people really interested that Leitrim beat London in a Division Four match in Carrick-on-Shannon than there is in how Waterford did against Derry in the Airtricity First Division?

It's not just RTE to be fair. Read some of the national newspapers at the weekend, and not only will you not get a First Division match preview / match report, you won't even get a mention that there is such a thing as the First Division. Yet, the FAI will insist that all clubs MUST submit team news to all national media the day before a game, yet very, very few of them even use it. The Irish Mirror is one exception.

Finally, as I said, I'm not looking for anything near the amount of coverage for the First Division that RTE gives to the Premier Division (which is actually decent when you look at Live TV, MNS, Website, Radio coverage). However, a little mention that there is First Division games each week would be nice from our national broadcaster.

22/03/2010, 1:55 PM
a feature each week on MNS of a 1st division team including interviews with the players/the club/the fans and showing highlights from their game that week would be very interesting for most viewers (me anyway!) and i cant imagine would break the RTE bank. Something like they did for the Week 1 Cork-Derry game on a weekly basis would give the First a shot in the arm.

22/03/2010, 2:04 PM
Tony O'Donohue was sitting in the crowd at our game on Saturday night. Didn't see if he was doing anything to camera before or after the game though.

22/03/2010, 3:25 PM
I'm not one of those who is calling for RTE to show wall-to-wall coverage of the First Division, or indeed looking for goals from every First Division games every week. However, I do think there is room in their MNS programme to show the goals (would take less than 60 seconds) from the top First Division game every week. Remember, the season before last, RTE were able to fit 6 Premier Division games into their programme each week as the Premier had a 12 team league.

Aertel or the RTE website don't do previews of the First Division games at all, despite First Division clubs sending out team news / quotes from managers / etc. on a weekly basis. RTE don't even mention that First Division games are taking place on the sports news segiments on a Friday/Saturday. Last Saturday night on RTE 9.00 TV news, they gave a latest score from the Sligo/Galway game, but didn't even mention that Athlone were playing Cork. On the 8.00pm/9.00pm/10.00pm sports news on 2fm on a Friday night, they just give updates from the Premier Division - they don't even mention that there are First Division games taking place. Same happens all day on a Friday when they mention games taking place in the League - the League to them is the Premier, the First doesn't exist. Yet, results from all four Divisions of the GAA National Football and National Hurling Leagues are covered on RTE News on TV and Radio. Are you telling me that there is more people really interested that Leitrim beat London in a Division Four match in Carrick-on-Shannon than there is in how Waterford did against Derry in the Airtricity First Division?

Specially good point on the bit in bold harps1954, but all of the above is spot on, irrefutable, and most of it utterly indefensible IMO. This bit:

It's not just RTE to be fair. Read some of the national newspapers at the weekend, and not only will you not get a First Division match preview / match report, you won't even get a mention that there is such a thing as the First Division. Yet, the FAI will insist that all clubs MUST submit team news to all national media the day before a game, yet very, very few of them even use it. The Irish Mirror is one exception.
I can also vouch directly for.
One more annoyance down here, as we're ranting, is that the local radio station's news headlines package (which seems as if put together by a national news bureau along the lines of INN), that's broadcast at 10pm on a Friday night just after our home games have finished, have, for the last two of those home games at least, carried no mention at all of that match, only premier results. That's seriously, shamefully poor.

22/03/2010, 3:35 PM
i'm sick of reading all this first division fans rubbish, if you want to be on MNS get promoted.

pineapple stu
22/03/2010, 3:39 PM
Go back and read the thread against, gj. It's not about being on MNS.

22/03/2010, 3:53 PM
i'm sick of reading all this first division fans rubbish, if you want to be on MNS get promoted.

What a stupid post. You worry about staying in the Premier. Sure, if you don't, you can always bang a DVD off to the FAI.

22/03/2010, 4:11 PM
Yes I think RTE and/or Aertel stopped paying people to send in updates and reports so especially in the First Division all you will see is what a club itself sends in if anything at all.

22/03/2010, 4:38 PM
Really? Find it hard to believe that neither Cork or Derry didn't bother sending anything in. As I said, this league is between Us, Derry, Shels and possibly Cork, our 2 games, as well as Derry vs. Cork were the biggest, no mention!

Derry was the only big game. What are you talking about? With Cork, you are playing a new team, like playing Sporting Fingal a few years back. Get real will ya!

22/03/2010, 4:58 PM
i'm sick of reading all this first division fans rubbish, if you want to be on MNS get promoted.

If you don't want to be sick.....Don't read!

Since we're going all "well it really is that simple".........

But well done. Good point, well made:rolleyes:

22/03/2010, 5:12 PM
Maybe someone else noticed this on Morning Ireland, the first sports news, just before 8am, they went through the EPL, rugby, GAA through 5-6 other stories before the very last mention was Shamrock Rovers lost 2-0 to Dundalk. Quite depressing listening as I had expected, since it was a live game on RTE, that it would be further up the pecking order. Only in Ireland is the domestic league given short shrift like this (in my experience). That the first Division is relatively ignored I'm not surprised, but something like skstu mentioned, a piece on a club of the week (for ALL LOI clubs) would be excellent for both viewers and fans.