View Full Version : Mons versus Harps

14/03/2010, 6:35 PM
Oh its going to be good to sample the World famous Mon Dogs again!

Just wondering how your lads are looking? We were perhaps, a little unlucky not to get something against Longford and while struggled in the first half versus SD we came good late in the second.

No news as of yet of any injuries our end so hopefully we will be at full fitness. How about yourselves? is Karl Bermingham expected to play?

Ye def had the upper hand on us last year and it speaks volumes for the job Mick Cooke has done
that Monaghan are now seen as a quality outfit.


14/03/2010, 11:01 PM
Hi Chiefo, delighted you are looking forward to the Mondogs!

I only got to see snipets of our game Fri nite and while we definately had the upper hand in the first half, injuries seemed to slow us down big time in the 2nd half but they were all little niggles and nothing major so I reckon we will be almost at full strenght for you on Friday. We were unlucky against Shelbourne in our first game with our sending off and a goal disallowed that should have stood so I would say that we have started the season quite well all things considering.

You have brought in some great players in the past few months and will be far from the walk over you were last season so I am expecting a highly competitive game Friday night.

Mick Cooke is a miracle worker, we still have one of the smallest budgets yet he managed to lure Philly Hughes back and keep Karl Bermingham, two of the best strikers in the first division. People slag him and say that we have no ambition but it is now clear that we are following what we set out to do a few years ago, improve slowly and in a sustainable manner. That said, I reckon we have it cut out for us to improve on last season as the division is much more competitive this year, and we are less of dark horses and more like shadow ponies.

Make sure to come and introduce yourself Fri nite, as I like to meet as many foot.iers as possible!

15/03/2010, 8:44 AM
You don't want to meet Chiefo Julie, he's a nut case. Sure, he puts up this front on foot.ie, yeah he seems like a calm calculated individual on here, but there's things you don't know about him, it's so sorrid and deep that you better be sitting when I type this.
He's got an addiction, it pretty serious, he's addicted to Mon Dogs and needs help fast.

p.s. See ya there, Im the cool, calm, quiet one of the group.

15/03/2010, 10:45 AM
It must be the self destruct aspect of my personality coming through but have more interest in meeting Cheifo now than ever before!! :D

Nice one Sam, Will be good to catch up with the Fun Harps lads!

15/03/2010, 7:02 PM
Sam Heggy,

you were set a challenge to be Cheifos PRO . You were asked to perform the simple task of lying regularly- something that comes naturally to you. But you have not increased by approval ratings and are constantly dragging up my colourful past (get that? "colourful" not "sordid") . You have left me no choice....(points finger) Sam "YOUR'RE FIRED"

:skeleton: Magicme help me put this back in my Wardrobe would you.

PS "Cool..... Calm quiet one of the group" Magicme just mention Liverpool Legends and Rain to Sam and see what happens...

15/03/2010, 7:31 PM
Sam Heggy,

you were set a challenge to be Cheifos PRO . You were asked to perform the simple task of lying regularly- something that comes naturally to you. But you have not increased by approval ratings and are constantly dragging up my colourful past (get that? "colourful" not "sordid") . You have left me no choice....(points finger) Sam "YOUR'RE FIRED"

:skeleton: Magicme help me put this back in my Wardrobe would you.

PS "Cool..... Calm quiet one of the group" Magicme just mention Liverpool Legends and Rain to Sam and see what happens...

Liverpool Legends and Rain go together like the Raddison and Brandy, perfect match :brolly:

18/03/2010, 10:43 PM
Mondogs here we come.:worship:

18/03/2010, 10:56 PM
One more sleep!

19/03/2010, 9:04 AM
See you all there :)

19/03/2010, 1:04 PM
Cant wait!

20/03/2010, 12:41 AM
I know you won't be happy with the result Magicme but you have a Team of wily Pros who will pick up a lot of points this year.

TBH the less said about the ref the better. Not sure he did either side any favours.

As usual there was a warm welcome from all the Matchday Staff at your Club and it was great to meet you.

The whole set up you have is excellant and its a real pity the Monaghan Public don't give ye the support you deserve....and I had two Mondogs.:bigsmile::bigsmile:

20/03/2010, 3:11 PM
Thanks Chiefo, it was an absolute pleasure to look after such good fans and meeting you and Sam was the highlight of my really bad night. Everything that could go wrong did, I was made wear the first aider jacket and almost needed first aid when I swallowed a polo mint and started choking, I got ladders in my tights, sore feet, and my fella didnt show up again which means he is now being kicked into ex-ville, we were a disaster, had no sub goalkeeper, half our squad were in the stand injured and McMahon got sent off, he is one of the most mild mannered footballers on the planet and I am still scratching my head to figure out what happened for him to be sent off!

So all in all, it was a disaster and your kind words will give me the spirit to keep plugging away and trying to get those lazy gits of Monaghan people out to games.

Now, am away to do my best to prettify myself for dinner with Trappatoni!

Royal rover
22/03/2010, 11:54 AM
Is niall flynn getting any first team action these days

22/03/2010, 2:38 PM
He was on the bench the last 3 games but just not called into action yet.