View Full Version : Thank you France!

24/02/2010, 8:51 PM
I accidently stumbled on a preposterous thread on Politics.ie


Politics.ie Member Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 5,698

Thank you France


Can I personally thank the French football team for finally showing the awful Rep.of Ireland for what it is, second rate team with no strategy or imagination. It also saves us the distraction of being in the World Cup finals when we need to focus on our dire and equally strategyless attempts not to go bankrupt. __________________

Quite attrocious and, he is Irish (or so he thinks!) I'd assume there is nobody in here sharing this view? :eek:

24/02/2010, 8:55 PM
jebus did, i think... ;)

24/02/2010, 9:03 PM
To clarify my position:

I wouldn't thank France for us not being in the World Cup, I'd have loved nothing more for us to get there

That being said I was part of the crowd that didn't at all blame Henry for the handball as I felt and feel that certain Irish players like Damien Duff would have done likewise. Also I am supporting France in the coming World Cup as I always support France in tournaments we're not involved in having lived there at one stage and loving the country and the players they produce (namely Zidane and Henry, who are two of my favourites of all time)

Also I think the recession is over-hyped :)

back of the net
24/02/2010, 9:32 PM
I accidently stumbled on a preposterous thread on Politics.ie


Politics.ie Member Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 5,698

Thank you France


Can I personally thank the French football team for finally showing the awful Rep.of Ireland for what it is, second rate team with no strategy or imagination. It also saves us the distraction of being in the World Cup finals when we need to focus on our dire and equally strategyless attempts not to go bankrupt. __________________

Quite attrocious and, he is Irish (or so he thinks!) I'd assume there is nobody in here sharing this view? :eek:

That was posted the night of the croke park leg - wonder was he calling ROI awful and second rate after their performance 4 days later.

Either way the guy is a tosser

25/02/2010, 5:42 PM
obviously one of them boring feckers who says "econony" and "recession" every other sentence. ****s.

25/02/2010, 9:44 PM
Check his post history. He is a unionist troll

26/02/2010, 7:40 PM
Check his post history. He is a unionist troll

Yeah, I just had a look through :eek: Some very racist anti-Arab posts on there too, he's almost calling for genocide in Gaza, amazed that any website can allow this.

ps...Check his signaure! Looks like Keith Mills is a Eurovisionphile who sadly runs a Eurovision website www.allkindsofeverything.ie :o how comical, makes it clear that his post is totally disingenuous and he's got alterior motives:

"It also saves us the distraction of being in the World Cup finals when we need to focus on our dire and equally strategyless attempts not to go bankrupt."

Sure, better to spend your days focused on an amateur song contest/freak show with Israeli transsexuals and Finnish satanic head bangers...not to mention the Turkey!

Personally, I think if France do miraculously win the World Cup, they will never be allowed to enjoy it, but people like this guy need to be called out to account for their cowardly statements in public.

26/02/2010, 8:17 PM
Check his post history. He is a unionist troll

He's been trolling on Slugger O'Toole for years

28/02/2010, 1:49 PM
He's been trolling on Slugger O'Toole for years

Looks like he is Keith Mills, if you check out his sad Eurovision site. I wonder would he stand by his bigoted racist views in Public?

Scooby Doo
01/03/2010, 11:14 PM

Tame enough interview but alot of the old resentment began to bubble again reading this. As an Ireland supporter, I'll never get over what happened to us in Paris. :mad:

02/03/2010, 10:27 AM

Tame enough interview but alot of the old resentment began to bubble again reading this. As an Ireland supporter, I'll never get over what happened to us in Paris. :mad:

Finally, did you get the chance to speak to your Manchester United team-mate and Republic of Ireland international John O’Shea after the second leg of your European Zone play-off?
Of course. We took the same flight back to Manchester, with six of the Irish guys. They were happy for me and told me that despite everything that had happened, they hoped we’d go on and have a great tournament. I don’t want to go back over that episode [the Thierry Henry handball], but in my view it’s just part of the game, just like the fact that we had a shout for a penalty in the first leg. I repeat, it was part of the game like anything else. What matters now is that France are going to the World Cup

Like fcuk they did......

02/03/2010, 11:05 AM
O'Shea wouldn't say boo to a goose Junior!!!

03/03/2010, 12:30 AM
O'Shea wouldn't say boo to a goose Junior!!!

O'Shea is a soft lightweight and it shows in his game..

03/03/2010, 12:48 AM
okay, we get it. You dont rate O'Shea. No need to remind us every second day.

03/03/2010, 11:50 PM
okay, we get it. You dont rate O'Shea. No need to remind us every second day.

sadly I don't think you do....

Closed Account
10/03/2010, 10:21 PM
You'd think this was some sort of wind up