View Full Version : Ireland's top 50 players poll

22/02/2010, 6:46 PM
Not sure if this has been covered elsewhere, but has anyone noticed that Soccer Republic site are doing a poll to decide the 50 greatest players of all time... which, judging from their posters, would probably see Robbie Keane finish ahead of Jackie Carey. You have to pick five yourself.

Here's the link:


For the record, I've gone for:
1) Roy Keane
2) Paul McGrath
3) John Giles
4) Liam Brady
5) Jackie Carey

Suppose the issue is we have four "immortals" and AN Other. I'd put Keane top for USA 94 and those performances against Holland Portugal. Thoughts anyone? We surely have to rescue such a poll from the plebs there though.

Razors left peg
22/02/2010, 7:55 PM
I realise that Giles and Brady will be on most peoples lists but Ive decided that I can only put in players that I have seen play regularly. Brady was just a little before my time. I went for players that have been the most effective for us in terms of producing consistant performances and qualifying for some tournaments.
1. Roy Keane
2.Paul McGrath
3.Robbie Keane
4.Damien Duff
5.Shay Given(probably should be higher but hes a keeper so not a proper footballer :) )

22/02/2010, 8:15 PM
From my time, it's easy. I'm going for: Roy Keane, Paul McGrath, Shay Given, Robbie Keane and Damien Duff.

22/02/2010, 9:07 PM
From my time, it's easy. I'm going for: Roy Keane, Paul McGrath, Shay Given, Robbie Keane and Damien Duff.

And that is why top 50, top 10, top 5, best ever polls, lose most credibility.

22/02/2010, 10:26 PM
And that is why top 50, top 10, top 5, best ever polls, lose most credibility.

People can only vote on what they've seen to be fair

22/02/2010, 10:41 PM
Without meaning to sound snobbish or anything, it does come back to that phrase "you aren't entitled to your opinion, you're entitled to your informed opinion"...

and a question: should people vote on something like that without even doing a little reading on at least the likes of Hurley, Carey, Englinton and Billy Whelan?

I agree with the above poster on the "credibility" of such things... I remember when Channel 4 did their music of the millennium poll in 1999, Bob Geldof was on the panel going mental about Robbie Williams being so high.

Razors left peg
22/02/2010, 10:47 PM
Well when I voted for Robbie Keane it was because he is our all time record scorer so that for me automatically gets him in ahead of someone from way back who was incredible for a couple of seasons. Duffer the same. I realise that Liam Brady and John Giles were better players than Duffer but were they as consistantly good for Ireland over as many years as Duff has. And for me Shay Given is a no brainer that he is our best ever keeper. So while I made my choices simpy on players that Ive have seen regularly I do fully believe that any of them can hold their own against anyone that has played for Ireland over the years

23/02/2010, 1:01 AM
[...] which, judging from their posters, would probably see Robbie Keane finish ahead of Jackie Carey.

Is that so unreasonable? Robbie Keane is almost certainly the best striker we've ever produced, and Jackie Carey made his Ireland debut in 1937. It's not like there's a wealth of YouTube clips we can watch considering most of us are under the age of 80 which is about the age we'd need to be to have seen him play.

23/02/2010, 8:50 PM
Paul McGrath
Liam Brady
Roy Keane
Shay Given
Johnny Carey

23/02/2010, 8:52 PM
Paul McGrath
Liam Brady
Roy Keane
Shay Given
Johnny Carey

I meant Johnny Giles instead of Carey

23/02/2010, 8:53 PM
Robbie Keane and Duff have a ways to go

24/02/2010, 9:18 AM
Robbie Keane and Duff have a ways to go

Yea only when he has scored 100 goals for us can he be considered one of our top strikers of all time just like that guy... I forget his name now but he was good

24/02/2010, 10:56 AM
Is that so unreasonable? Robbie Keane is almost certainly the best striker we've ever produced, and Jackie Carey made his Ireland debut in 1937. It's not like there's a wealth of YouTube clips we can watch considering most of us are under the age of 80 which is about the age we'd need to be to have seen him play.

Not sure if this was meant to be funny but it made me laugh. You are spot on Serb!!!

24/02/2010, 1:20 PM
If I did vote, it would be:

1) Robbie Keane - all time goal scorer by some distance
2) Ray Houghton - most effective and under rated player of the Charlton era
3) John Giles - best passer of a ball I have ever seen
4) Paul McGrath - strength, determination and ability to read a game
5) Roy Keane - midfield destructor and creator

24/02/2010, 1:53 PM
from what ive seen, in order...

Paul McGrath
Robbie Keane
Roy Keane
Liam Brady
Niall Quinn

24/02/2010, 8:55 PM
I can hardly name 50 Irish footballers so all of them would make this list, congratulations to Gary Doherty and David Connolly!

Razors left peg
24/02/2010, 9:03 PM
I can hardly name 50 Irish footballers so all of them would make this list, congratulations to Gary Doherty and David Connolly!
haha very good :D

24/02/2010, 9:30 PM
1. Roy Keane
2. Paul McGrath
3. Liam Brady
4. Mark Lawrenson
5. Robbie Keane
6. Johnny Giles
7. Ronnie Whelan (Liverpool)
8. Shay Given
9. Steve Heighway
10. Damien Duff

24/02/2010, 10:07 PM
Yea only when he has scored 100 goals for us can he be considered one of our top strikers of all time just like that guy... I forget his name now but he was good

200 goals and he might be considered for the top 10....

25/02/2010, 12:35 PM
Terry Phelan
Eddie McGoldrick
Kevin Kilbane
"Fintan" Morrisson
Mick McCarthy

20/10/2014, 8:12 AM
I was in the National Football Museum in Manchester over the weekend and the sole piece of FAI memorabilia I came across was this lovely cap of Johnny Carey's:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10728677_10203855345838675_1674903317_n.jpg?oh=ff4 b3091470c9c8a69cbef48f696a1cd&oe=54474A80&__gda__=1413961745_85083865d41060c899d92c9ccfaf222 4

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10743479_10203855344358638_509526980_n.jpg?oh=b01a cfda2e78a4e5e47fd7be7a63945b&oe=54466D8E&__gda__=1413953658_beadb5c4e27ed16b62c83ad6a411012 8

The cabinet hadn't great lighting, but, unfortuantely, as it was behind glass, I couldn't use flash due to reflection.