View Full Version : Cork City 3-1 Dublin City

19/03/2004, 9:23 PM
JOF, Fenn and Georgie the scorers. I didn't notice The Dublin City goal. The X was packed and more importantley WE ARE TOP OF THE LEAGUE :D

19/03/2004, 9:49 PM
I forgot about the streaker:D

19/03/2004, 10:07 PM
were no great shakes though. the match was delayed by about 15mins because of crowd congestion. must have been over 8000 there.

I didnt think we played that well although JOF looked really sharp and back to his best. the man should be in the full irish squad - what a talent! George was a bit subdued. Nice goal though.
Fenn looks good.
I though our new left back Murphy was brilliant - a real addition.

Not the greatest of matchs but it does suggest we're going to have a good season. Imagine what with the crowds will be like for rovers, shels or bohs.

19/03/2004, 10:14 PM
With all the trouble he has been in I expected Murphy to b a really blocky hardman but he must be only be about 5 foot. :confused:

19/03/2004, 10:16 PM
What trouble has he been in?

19/03/2004, 10:24 PM
All the yellow cards and red cards in 29 games!

19/03/2004, 10:28 PM
Wouldn't be carried away with tonight. I reckon 4,500 max and it wasn't a great game (long boring patches). My brother went as a casual and I don't think he was impressed or is likely to come back.

Looked like an absolute howler by Devine for their goal. If he'd done it against one of the big clubs he'd get abused.

Defence looked solid throughout as did midfield. I think George was subdued alright but I think he'll have to be. With Doyler, Fenn, Flynn and Kearney in the team, we can't afford another going forward.

Fenn was brilliant after a slow start. His finish for his goal was outstandidng, as was the run that set up georges.

All in all a very professional display. I think by september we will see that most teams will be beating Dublin City 3-0. I can't see them getting too many points this season.

Streaker was funny

19/03/2004, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by shedite
I reckon 4,500 max
What game were you at?

19/03/2004, 10:53 PM
Just on the Dubland ****ty goal... free kick on the right wing just inside the city half for an obstruction that never was... ball was flighted in, the wind must definitely have caught it, coz Devine got caught under it, and did pretty well to claw it out from under the crossbar, but it was clawed straight onto yer mans head, and he scored... small bit ****ed off with Devine, but still a freakish goal so dont' be too worried :-)

Counting Crow
20/03/2004, 12:48 AM
Shedite, are you the Financial Controller for City or what ( avoiding tax returns etc ).

The ground was packed -
- Shed - full
- D Forde Stand - Full
- Derrynane Stand - Full
- St Annes end - 3/4's full

8,000 in my opinion.

20/03/2004, 9:05 AM
I'd reckon 6,000, and because we will have such a long break to the next Friday night game, and because last night was fairly dire for long periods, I think we will get quite a drop off.
Our fixture list is a f*cking joke.
Eoin, I thought Murphy was terrible!
How many times did he hoof the ball straight to the Home Farm back line (all 10 of them)?
Dan had to come across and cover for him so many times I lost count. Early days, I know, but I can't see why he was in ahead of Billy.

We will need to see a lot of improvement on last night. Played some lovely football at times, Fenn really has great control, (unbelievable how he managed to get and cross the ball for Georgie's goal!), and some of the passing was excellent, but still a big step up needed for next week.

20/03/2004, 9:14 AM
This certainly looks good !

Top of The League (http://www.fai.ie/Domestic/tables.htm)

20/03/2004, 9:51 AM
Originally posted by Counting Crow
Shedite, are you the Financial Controller for City or what ( avoiding tax returns etc ).

The ground was packed -
- Shed - full
- D Forde Stand - Full
- Derrynane Stand - Full
- St Annes end - 3/4's full

8,000 in my opinion.

the corner-full;)

Counting Crow
20/03/2004, 9:57 AM
I think we could be in for some really good football as the season goes on.

There were quite a few glimpses of it last night and as the season evolve we should see more.

We have some really good ball players in the squad now to match up with Georgie.....such as:

- Fenn ( first touch is brilliant - even in the rain and what a cheeky goal )
- Kearney got a lot of confidence from playing with Ireland and it showed last night
- Nwankwo showed last season what skill he has and will figure as the season progresses

.......and what about Flynny. His pace is frightening - has he got even quicker since October?

20/03/2004, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by Counting Crow
what about Flynny. His pace is frightening - has he got even quicker since October?

There was amazing moments in the game last night...

- Flynny taking off like a train after 3/4 minutes and doing a 1-2 with Fenn. His pace was unbelievable

- Fenn's trickery on the endline before crossing for Georgies goal. How the **** did he do that!

I thought Murphy was good. I think it's better for your left back to be left footed.

We're still short in midfield. We did well last night, but Home Farm were ****e. What when we play Kevin hunt and Bohs?

All in all a good night.

20/03/2004, 11:02 AM
Shedite...who cares about your brother..that is an extremely sad attitude :confused:

On the match last night i thought City played very well..not everything works out on the 1st game of the season..I am sure as the season moves on and City get more games under there belt we will get better..on what i saw last night we will definetly be challenging come end of season...

Fantastic crowd..definetly 6,000 plus....

New signings Fenn and Murphy were superb on there home eircom league debuts..i knew how good Fenn was but was surprised to see how good Murphy was..if he continues like this extend that one year deal...

Pitch looked absolutely superb...

Dublin City were short a few but will probably struggle still this season..Gary O'Neill looked handy up front for them..i can see why Waterford missed him last season..

Pat Dolan has said he is building his own team and now we can at last see this..his interview on last nights Echo(Friday night edition)was brilliant..his passion and determination for our club is a joy to see..that guy is doing a fantastic job with Cork City FC...

I look forward to our next game and hopefully another 3 points for City..it was a great night at the X last night..looking around before kick-off and seeing the ground packed..seeing some of the best players in the league wearing the City shirt and seeing Pat Dolan in OUR dugout..how times and changed..and still people moan...

Oh and lastly..John O'Flynn looked very fit last night and it was a great comeback from a serious injury..wait until he gets his full sharpness back..god help the defences of the eircom league :)

20/03/2004, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Counting Crow
I think we could be in for some really good football as the season goes on.

There were quite a few glimpses of it last night and as the season evolve we should see more.

We have some really good ball players in the squad now to match up with Georgie.....such as:

- Fenn ( first touch is brilliant - even in the rain and what a cheeky goal )
- Kearney got a lot of confidence from playing with Ireland and it showed last night
- Nwankwo showed last season what skill he has and will figure as the season progresses

.......and what about Flynny. His pace is frightening - has he got even quicker since October?

one bit of criticism regarding last nites game

while there was spats of football, the ball was also in the air a lot.
there is no point in having a player of georgies talent in the middle of the field if they arent gonna use him properly

20/03/2004, 12:38 PM
A great start to a what will hopefully be a great season.

Fenn was outstanding, he appears like he's a bit lazy with his movement at times but when it matters he does the business. His touch is top class and he has some lovely little tricks. What a brilliant a cheeky goal and what a set up for Georgie's goal. He's a great signing.
Flynny looks like he's back to his best. He's a superstar and is the best striker in the league, surely his Ireland call up can't be far away.
I thought Georgie played very well, even though his style last night was a bit different to what we're used to. You'd miss the flair but he still did well.
NOBODY had a bad game last night and I could praise every player.
I was talking to Dolan after the game last night and, without going into too much detail, lets just say he was less than complimentary about the fourth official!

Up the Rebel Army!

20/03/2004, 3:41 PM
I wasnt able to be at the game because I am in Edinburgh, but I was well pleased with a 3-1. There are a lot of new players and it will take time to gel. I wouldve taken a scratchy 1-0 before kick off, as would Pat Dolan and the lads I'd say. Biggest plus for me is having John O'Flynn back and scoring already.

One question - is super sherro still with dcfc, and if so was he playing last night?

20/03/2004, 5:15 PM
Great result,fair to middling performance with a great debut by Fenn and Flynny looking his brilliant best,Huge crowd I'd say it was close to being the same as the Celtic friendly because how often do we see the St Annes end 3/4s full.

Dolan acting the maggot it looked like again but I don't know exactly what went on to be fair to the big fella.I couldn't stop laughing when he was sent off and stood right behind the dugout and kept ranting and gesturing away like a mad thing.

Things are looking good though and I can't wait for the Scum game next friday night.

22/03/2004, 9:59 AM
Fenn and Flynny looking his brilliant best.

In one of Sundays craploids Gill was slabering on about Fenn and O'Flynn's ''physical prescence'', not something I'd associate with either of them even if they are very good players, given he signed up half of Kildare County to prepare for the coming season you wonder how much he knows about the PD.

22/03/2004, 10:18 AM
Let's not get too carried away.

The crowd was about 6000, which is great, but it won't last after what was a pretty poor spectacle.

Fenn took ages to get into his stride, he seems to lack pace, but if the partnership with Flynn works we could be onto a winner, some great moments and promising.

Our midfield was pretty poor IMO, considering who we were playing and their injury troubles, we allowed them way to much possession, and they ran long stretches of the first half.

Murphy played OK, his two footed lunge late on that Jim O'Neill missed (at least missing stuff was one thing he was consistent on) was crazy, and his distribution went from the sublime to the ridiculous and back again.

On the whole, a decent (but expected) home win in front of a very good crowd. We played some good football, but little of it was by design, we pretty much relied on the long ball and by-passed Doyle, Kearney and George in Midfield.

And wind-schmind, Devine made a balls of the goal and his distribution is still woeful.

I still came away happy though, and we are top of the league. So I guess job done.

22/03/2004, 11:10 AM
According to the Sunday Star yesterday there was only 4,420 at he X friday night!!! Don't know where they got figure from because I thought there was a lot more there than that

22/03/2004, 11:18 AM
According to the Sunday Star yesterday there was only 4,420 at he X friday night!!!

Sure the main stand holds 3.500 and that was full.

22/03/2004, 11:24 AM
one bit of criticism regarding last nites game

while there was spats of football, the ball was also in the air a lot.
there is no point in having a player of georgies talent in the middle of the field if they arent gonna use him properly
think you're spot on there. we have to learn to keep the ball on the deck. I think getting benno back in the team would really help that- he knows how to pass the ball out from the back. as for the game I thought it was a very encouraging start. the team will take time to gel and when it does I reckon we'll have a good pop at the league. crowd was about 6000 I'd say- very encouraging!

22/03/2004, 1:22 PM
Donie Forder - 1800
Derrynane - 1100
St Annes - 3000
Shed + other - 1600

Overall capacity = 7500 so base your estimates on that.

22/03/2004, 2:06 PM
Well, the www.fai.ie report puts the crowd at 6,500.

fai report (http://www.fai.ie/NR/exeres/BC55ED79-3F17-45F3-BC78-D1032F1CFAE8.htm)

22/03/2004, 2:40 PM
We did what we had to, just about.
Thought Joffy and Fenn were excellent, Kearney came more into it in the 2nd half. Danny Murphy looks like a nutter, can see why he has amassed the reds.
Reminds me of another Danny "Tiatto" from Man City the way he steamed in.

Thought we gifted the opposition too much possession.
Not convinced about our centre midfield or our defence.
We won't crucify Mick for one error, hes saved us enough times.
Dan Murray hoofed it a bit too much for my liking.
But as I say its early days and we have 3 points and top of the league.