View Full Version : Share Issue

Bald Student
16/03/2004, 11:55 AM
I was on the dcfc website today and it is very good. You get the impression that the club is very well run financially.

I was wondering about the 2 million euro share offer I saw on it. It said in the news release that the club has plans to build a stadium of it's own. Does anyone know if there are any definate plans, i.e. has a site for the ground been chosen, has planning permisson been applied for?

I ask this because I saw a comment on the site's guest book which read:

"Dont be shy buying the shares this project is a real chance to put the Vikings on the map for ever.If fully subsciped Europe might only be around corner."

It was by a person who calles himself "The Chairman". I don't know if he is an official of the club or just a punter on the internet site but his post put me thinking. It is very bad practice to use capital income (such as a share offer) to pay for current spending (such as buying and paying players in order to qualify for europe).

I am writing this post becaust I'd find it surprising if a club as well run as dcfc were to put short term gain such as qualifying for europe ahead of sound financial managment. I may well be reading too much into a post on the internet as I don't know the identity of the poster, so I suppose my main question is to do with the clubs long term stadium plans. What does the club plan to do with the cash raised by the share offer?

16/03/2004, 1:35 PM
Originally posted by Bald Student
I was wondering about the 2 million euro share offer I saw on it.

I heard 2m mentioned last week & sounded like was 2m for 25% of the club?

Dublin City ain't worth 2m let alone 8m!


17/03/2004, 5:58 AM
its worth what people will pay for it;)

01/04/2004, 3:25 PM
What exactly would buying shares in Dublin City entitle you to?

01/04/2004, 5:11 PM
What exactly would buying shares in Dublin City entitle you to?

take a look at the website www.dublincityfc.net

its all there

01/04/2004, 5:30 PM
The function in Home Farm's clubhouse


"We have plans to build a stadium of our own

Do ye actually have plans or are they aspirations?

p.s. i'm not gonna read all the prospectus to find out.