View Full Version : Glee

19/01/2010, 9:58 PM
I really like this. There, I've said it.

Nil thread; carry on.

20/01/2010, 10:51 AM
I've seen one episode, and while it has some positives, I'm not all that bothered. It's filling a niche there - reality TV is full of singing and dancing, so combine that with a little drama and you have a winner. Obvious in retrospect, really. One thing that really grated was the US TV trope that a mincing gay character is hi-larious*. Other than that, it's a perfectly fine chirpy US high school drama with a couple of memorable characters, competent writing and the odd musical number. YMMV.

* That's hi, as in hello, lar, rhymes with car, ious, which incidentally is the only pronunciation of a word which brings a killing rage upon me.

22/01/2010, 2:54 PM
They do tick a lot of boxes when it comes to stereotypical teen school drama characters, and a lot of the characters are exaggerated for effect, so in that context the gay character fits in. But I guess, as you said, it's not for over-analysing - it's a light teen comedy with musical numbers (on that, I'm not normally a fan of musicals, but the musical numbers work in this, with a good mix of songs, humour and choreography, so they seem to have the balance right).

22/01/2010, 6:30 PM
I genuinely think it's brilliant

22/01/2010, 7:15 PM
They do tick a lot of boxes when it comes to stereotypical teen school drama characters, and a lot of the characters are exaggerated for effect

Thats exactly it. Its a cartoon. The cheereaders wearing theor outfits everywhere is a great little touch in that regard. The charachters are fleshed out a fair bit more in later episodes too, but its still not trying to be a realistic potrayal of teenage life

Its far, far funnier than it has a right to be. Jane Lynch is perfect as the driving force behind the cheering squad.

It has flaws (I want to deck the main teacher) but I;ve watched about 11/12 episodes and everyone of them left me smiling. Realise that makes me gay, but what so what?