View Full Version : Irish DVD rental website?

18/01/2010, 2:36 PM
Both DVD rental stores in my home town have closed recently and nearest cinema is 20 minute drive away(and I don't drive).

So I was wondering what the best Irish DVD,Game etc rental websites? Checked a few via google like: http://www.screenclick.com & onlinedvdrentals.ie (http://www.onlinedvdrentals.ie).
Are these any good or anyone know any better ones?

18/01/2010, 2:42 PM

18/01/2010, 2:44 PM
A friend in a similar situation uses www.screenclick.ie [or.com I can't remember] and he finds it OK. he doesn't really get great value out of it, but that's really his own fault as he doesn't turn the dvds around quickly enough to justify the monthly fee he pays. He hadn't had any problem with them when it came up in conversation.

18/01/2010, 2:48 PM
Cheers guys got that site though google for some reason it didn't come show anything but uk and american site when i checked this morning.

19/01/2010, 12:03 AM
I suppose it depends on the type of...ahem... 'movie' your after...