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11/01/2010, 10:48 PM
Off you pop son

I mean sore feet, missing his girlfriend, tired of football

Away home with ye

At 15/16!!!!! WTF is wrong with this guy?????

11/01/2010, 10:49 PM
they just dont make kids like they used too..

11/01/2010, 10:58 PM
At least he didn't say his granny died...

11/01/2010, 11:10 PM
At least he didn't say his granny died...

9 weeks left in the show, plenty of time yet.

11/01/2010, 11:15 PM
According to the Scots he is one of the better players too!

11/01/2010, 11:42 PM
Off you pop son

I mean sore feet, missing his girlfriend, tired of football

Away home with ye
I haven't been watching the show and I don't plan to, but surely the kid could be accommodated somehow? It's sad that a lot of youngsters let their dreams die so easily when an extra bit of support might have helped them on their way to realising them.

11/01/2010, 11:49 PM
none of them will make it with inter i bet you. i know irish mentality, very few irish are like my parents that can adapt in countries where english is not spoken language. you only have to look at our emmigration, there is no irish communities anywhere on mainland europe.

they will probably return home.....to england and play in the third divisions

This might be a problem with Irish footballers. Definitely not the Irish in general.

12/01/2010, 7:38 AM
I haven't been watching the show and I don't plan to, but surely the kid could be accommodated somehow? It's sad that a lot of youngsters let their dreams die so easily when an extra bit of support might have helped them on their way to realising them.

Listen the lad needed to tighten up - how many get a chance to leave the country at 15/16 never mind try out for Inter Milan, he looks to hav ability but doesn't have the determination to follow through - he was annoying me
Sky + the show and flick threough the ad's, condesnes the show into about 30mins of viewing

12/01/2010, 8:19 AM
Ability is about 20% of the equation as to why players make it imho, desire is way more important & an element of luck is always handy.
Roy Keane was far from the best player in his peer group, he made because he was driven to make it and when he got his chance he took it. Some players can be unlucky with injuries at the wrong time etc....but like the Shearer story, those with sufficient drive get there in the end.

12/01/2010, 11:58 AM
Craig looks to be a very talented lad. It is fairly evident that Redknapp thinks he's the best player or certainly best midfielder from the way he talks about him..however the Keane/Shearer comparison is a very good one. Both had the talent but more importantly the desire to achieve something in the game. I can appreciate if the lad is homesick, but if he's homesick with 2 other irish lads and other english speaking boys around him, then what hope does he have, if he wins it, when he has to learn Italian and survive at a very cut throat club.
The sad thing is I think he'd be just as homesick at an English or Scottish club. Dublin Senior League clubs are full of lads like Craig.

The lad Gavin seems to have the personality to give it a go and try and make it. From the bits I've seen, he seems to be a leader out there.
The other lad seems quiet but looks very handy.

12/01/2010, 12:34 PM
I haven't been watching the show and I don't plan to, but surely the kid could be accommodated somehow? It's sad that a lot of youngsters let their dreams die so easily when an extra bit of support might have helped them on their way to realising them.

Redknapp was trying to give him support and was telling him all that homesick would go away and that if he threw away this chance he would regret it for the rest of his life.

He seems to be jsut looking for excuses to leave now. The fear of not winning it and going back hom might be getting to him too. Probably wants to leave on his terms instead of being knocked out which is a pity cause he is a very handy player.

12/01/2010, 1:09 PM
Gavin, one of the contestants, lives down the road from me so I already know who wins ;)

cmon leixlipred let us know...on a pm even

12/01/2010, 3:37 PM
He seems to be jsut looking for excuses to leave now. The fear of not winning it and going back hom might be getting to him too. Probably wants to leave on his terms instead of being knocked out which is a pity cause he is a very handy player.

Seems like an attention seeking molly-coddled **** to me....but then I'm in a bad mood today.

If he says he wants to go home, he should be shown the door.

12/01/2010, 3:40 PM
This is what happens when young people are brought in good house holds.

In the "good" old days they could not be dragged home. Progress can have some regrettable side effects:confused:

13/01/2010, 8:10 AM
The lad from Westmeath, Smyth, signed for Watford recently.

Walsh plays for Cherry Orchard and was over at Sunderland recently. He reached the last 3 of the show.

13/01/2010, 8:46 AM
The lad from Westmeath, Smyth, signed for Watford recently.

Walsh plays for Cherry Orchard and was over at Sunderland recently. He reached the last 3 of the show.

Jesus, I wont ever go to the cinema with you! :D

13/01/2010, 9:20 AM
Jesus, I wont ever go to the cinema with you! :D

:) Didn't think anybody would be that bothered. Anyway, I didn't tell you who won it but its pretty obvious if you seen the first 2 programmes.

13/01/2010, 9:34 AM
:) Didn't think anybody would be that bothered. Anyway, I didn't tell you who won it but its pretty obvious if you seen the first 2 programmes.

No probs only pulling yer leg.

Ive only caught bits of the first two but Id say the goal scorer with the glasses or the left winger (Ben I think?) seem to be standout along with Walsh (whining about blisters apart). But I havent really watched it properly.

dan o d
13/01/2010, 10:48 AM
im fairly sure the players in this are more in the 17-18 age group and will have a lot of catching up to do with lads who have been at club academies since their early teens.
yer man anthony gardners cousin looks decent aswell as the winger ben and the irish lad craig.

13/01/2010, 12:21 PM
You can go down and watch pretty much any academy side in the country and find lads who are as good, most better than the lads shown on that programme. It's just good TV, one or two of them may well make it as professionals, but I doubt very much it will be down to that show.

29/01/2010, 1:56 PM
Ireland U-17 international Craig Walsh has just signed for Shamrock Rovers from Cherry Orchard. Good prospect for the future hopefully.


14/02/2010, 11:12 PM
Ben Greenhalgh won it!

I thought Craig might have won it but knew it was going to be Ben as Connor didn't quite make the impact but he kept a low profile and kept himself there so well done to him. I can see where the Milan coaches were coming from though, Craig might have tried to break his contract to go home and he knew that himself I would say.

I thought Gavin was great, pity he hurt his arm although he was very determined to keep going and still put in some fine tackles while having it strapped up.

Hicham annoyed me a bit, used the word "positive" and "negative" too much!

It annoyed me how long they kept Anthony and Nathan there and Reece got booted out.

Anyway, well done to Ben. He has great feet. Apparently he has already done an advert as Ronaldo's body double!

14/02/2010, 11:18 PM
Conor Smith has signed with Watford and also played for Ireland U17 during the week. Craig Walsh looks like a very handy player and should do well with Rovers, especially with there A or U19 team as i'm sure thats where he'll be starting out.

Ben looks like a quality player whether he makes it at Inter or not. He has great pace running with the ball and his control while doing it is fantastic, one of the hardest skills to have in my opinion.

16/02/2010, 1:59 PM
Which fella was the 1 that looks the head off robbie keane? What happened the fella that won the chelsea one two years ago craig or somehting

16/02/2010, 8:37 PM
Conor Smith has signed with Watford and also played for Ireland U17 during the week. Craig Walsh looks like a very handy player and should do well with Rovers, especially with there A or U19 team as i'm sure thats where he'll be starting out.

Ben looks like a quality player whether he makes it at Inter or not. He has great pace running with the ball and his control while doing it is fantastic, one of the hardest skills to have in my opinion.

Disgusted that none of the Irish lads won this, but then again it would be very difficult to remain at that age in Italy and the lads did do well.

What happened the Gavin kid?

16/02/2010, 10:36 PM
Disgusted that none of the Irish lads won this, but then again it would be very difficult to remain at that age in Italy and the lads did do well.

What happened the Gavin kid?

I'd say he went back playing for Cherry Orchard . Was'nt a bad player at all.

17/02/2010, 7:56 PM
the guy who won the chelsea contract,sam hurrell was released...he ended up playing non league in the end with st albans and welling utd

Razors left peg
17/02/2010, 7:58 PM
the guy that won it the 2nd year is still at Chelsea though and has played under21 for northern Ireland