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16/03/2004, 4:57 PM
Not by the HRC, naw. Aye, there probably will be a few judicial inquiries if the Unionists get there way.
Besides, the RUC/PSNI have the power to follow up IRA activity. Nationalists have no-one to follow up what the RUC and British have done.
Police Ombudsman, HRC, ECHR, High Court Judicial Review are all options open to Nationalist. The SDULP have actually joined the policing borad in a bid to change the system for the inside.

Marxism? Ye mad?? Connelly, aye. But Collins? Collins wasn't a Marxist. Did he declare a revolution after independence of the south? Did he abolish private property? Did he take all means of production into state ownership?
The IRA support the Irish language where they can, I'm sure.
The IRA have a military strategy - of course they do. They plan what they're going to do and how to do it.
Obviously numbers are going to be smaller with a smaller population.
The reason the last IRA campaign started was because of the demands of the Nationalist community for protection from the RUC and loyalists.
The Sinn-ers regard themselves as marxist (when it suits them).
The PIRA have a different stradegy to what the IRA had.
It started out for what I would consider a perfectly good reason, protecting the people. Explain how they got from there to Warrington?

I don't agree with killing gardaí or smuggling. As for vigilantism, that's what happens when there's no police force.
So that makes it ok? What about vigo activity in the South. Do the PIRA respect the soverginty of the Republic at all?
So you're suggesting that the IRA fight the British army in an open battle? :confused:
No but that they dont fight at all. Say the war is over take their place in the assembly. Form government. Allow nature take its course and give it 40 years and there would be a United Ireland. Sunningdale never went far enough.

16/03/2004, 4:57 PM
The IRA are terrorists, as are the British security forces. The fact that the opposing side in a conflict behaves in that way does not legitimise you doing it too. easy really.

16/03/2004, 5:12 PM
Originally posted by SÓC
The SDULP have actually joined the policing borad in a bid to change the system for the inside.

They have achieved what exactly? BTW, it's SDLP.

Originally posted by SÓC
The Sinn-ers regard themselves as marxist (when it suits them).

No they don't. They regard themselves as socialists.

Originally posted by SÓC
Do the PIRA respect the soverginty of the Republic at all?

Well, the GFA muddies the water with regard to that.