View Full Version : Last Man Standing

16/12/2009, 5:05 PM
The Club has launched a new fundraising initiative for fans, Last Man Standing.

Extract from the rules:

1) Each week you must pick 1 team to win.
2) You may only pick each team once in a series (so if you pick Arsenal in week one then you cannot pick them again for the next 9 weeks)
3) If your team wins you move on to the next round. If your team loses, draws or you fail to nominate a team you are knocked out
4) There are 10 rounds in each series
5) The winner is the 'last man standing' or anyone left after series 10
6) The winner(s) receive 50% of the money raised with the other 50% going to Limerick FC.Check the website (http://www.limerickfc.ie/Home/home.html) for more info.

17/12/2009, 9:38 AM
Great idea. We run one in the pub and usually get around 50 entries at a time. They're great craic, so hopefully everybody who joins will rope someone else in.